What is intermittent CDI (CDII or CD2I)?

Verified 29 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The intermittent employment contract (CDII or CD2I) allows the employee to alternate between periods worked and periods not worked. We're giving you the regulations to know.

Intermittent employment contracts may be concluded in sectors where significant variations in activity over the year.

The contract may be concluded for a job which meets permanent needs, but which involves alternating periods of work and periods not worked. These activities relate in particular to the entertainment and tourism sectors.

More generally, the intermittent employment contract may be concluded in sectors where the nature of the activity does not allow the precise fixing of working periods and the distribution of working hours.

The collective agreement or the company agreement or establishment or a extended branch agreement must specify precisely the permanent posts which may be filled by intermittent employment contracts in the company.


In the adapted companies, in the absence of a collective agreement or a company agreement, an intermittent employment contract may nevertheless be concluded with an employee with a disability and enjoying the obligation to employ.

The intermittent contract is obligatory an open-ended contract (DTA).

The intermittent employment contract must be written.

The details provided for in the contract vary according to the sector of activity in which the employee works:

General case

The intermittent contract shall contain all of the following:

  • Employee qualification
  • Remuneration
  • Minimum annual working time of the employee
  • Work Periods
  • Distribution of working hours within these periods
Activities related to the show

The intermittent contract shall contain all of the following:

  • Employee qualification
  • Remuneration
  • Minimum annual working time of the employee

The collective agreement or the company agreement or establishment or a extended branch agreement must specify the periods and hours of work.

The agreement or arrangement shall also specify the conditions under which the employee may refuse to accept the dates and hours of work proposed to him.

The duration annual the employment contract shall specify.

However, this period may be exceeded up to one third of this period (or more, with the employee's agreement).

The employee may also benefit from the benefits of overtime when it exceeds legal term working time for each week worked.

The amount of remuneration is calculated each month on the basis of the hours worked.

However, a smoothing monthly of remuneration may be considered if the collective agreement or the company agreement provides for it.

The employee then receives a regular monthly salary, regardless of the actual time worked in the month.

An employee on an intermittent employment contract shall benefit from same rights recognized for full-time employees (paid leave, vocational training, working conditions, etc.), except where specifically provided for in collective agreement or the company agreement.

Non-working periods are taken into account in its entirety to calculate employee seniority entitlements.

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