School trip or trip to middle school and high school

Verified 05 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child's college or high school organizes school outings and trips for a specific educational purpose. Unlike trips, there are no overnight stays. Under what conditions can your child participate? Coaching, documents to be provided, financial participation, insurance: here are the rules to be respected.

School leaving

Exits may be optional or mandatory. They don't have overnight stays.

The exit plan must be authorized by the board of directors and the head of the establishment.

It must comply with the establishment project.

Its pedagogical and educational objectives must be precise.

The output project shall include the following information:

  • General characteristics of the trip (place, duration, composition of the group...)
  • Hardware organization (mode of travel, itinerary, accommodation...)
  • Funding methods
  • Risk avoidance measures (insurance, medical assistance, instructions in the event of a serious event, contact details).

Please note

you must be informed of the material and financial organizational requirements for your child's school leaving.

Composition of the group of pupils

The exit is normally for an entire class, accompanied by one or more teachers.

Students who do not attend must follow the courses set out in their schedule.

Accompanying persons

Attendants must supervise school trips. However, their presence is not compulsory for the optional school trips.

The head teacher determines the number of accompanying persons required for the school leaving.

Such escorts may be school staff or volunteers, including parents of pupils. Their expenses related to leaving school are covered by the school.

The trip, optional or mandatory, does not include an overnight stay. It is therefore organized over a day.

Depending on the route, transport can be by bus, public transport or on foot.

Bus transportation is provided by a professional driver.

The administrative documents to be provided depend on where the school trip takes place.

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Exit in France

You must allow your minor child to participate in the school trip by completing the following form:

Application for authorization for a minor pupil to take part in a school trip or field trip of an optional nature

The agreement of a single parent or person responsible for parental authority is sufficient. However, if the school is informed of a disagreement between the parents, the authorization of the two parents is necessary.

Going abroad

Each student must have a identity document (passport or national identity card).

You must allow your minor child to participate in the school trip by completing the following form:

Application for authorization for a minor pupil to take part in a school trip or field trip of an optional nature

You must also complete the part allowing you to leave the territory. It is also advisable that your child has a european health insurance card.

The agreement of a single parent or person responsible for parental authority is sufficient. However, if the school is informed of a disagreement between the parents and the child is subject to an exit ban, the agreement of the two parents is necessary.


the minor student, whether he is French or foreigner, must have the original of authorization to leave the territory. They must also have a photocopy of the identity document of the parent who signed the exit authorization.

An optional school leaving can be financed by various means (State or local authority aid, school capital, etc.).

If exit is mandatory, it is free. If it is optional, it can be paid for. The amount must be reasonable. The institution's board of directors shall determine the amount of the holding.

In a local public educational institution (EPLE), you can use holiday vouchers to pay for optional outings.


if you have difficulty paying for the school trip, you can apply for financial assistance from the secretariat of the school you are attending.

Who shall I contact

The rules are different depending on whether output is mandatory or optional.

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Compulsory school leaving

Insurance is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to protect your child from harm let him talk to himself and it causes to others (civil liability).

Optional school leaving

Your child must be insured. The insurance must protect him from damage let him talk to himself and it causes to others (civil liability).

Please note

the head teacher may take out a collective contract for civil liability insurance for pupils taking part in the school outing.

School Trip

Travel is optional and is not included in the class schedule.

The travel plan must be authorized by the board of directors and the head of the establishment.

It must comply with the establishment project.

Its pedagogical and educational objectives must be precise.

The travel plan must include the following information:

  • General characteristics of the trip (place, duration, composition of the group...)
  • Hardware organization (mode of travel, itinerary, accommodation...)
  • Funding methods.

Please note

you must be informed of the material and financial conditions of your child's journey.

Composition of the group of pupils

In principle, the trip concerns an entire class, accompanied by one or more teachers.

Students who do not attend must follow the courses set out in their schedule.

Accompanying persons

Accompanying persons must supervise school trips.

The head teacher determines the number of accompanying persons required for the school leaving.

Such escorts may be school staff or volunteers, including parents of pupils. Their expenses related to leaving school are covered by the school.

In principle, the length of a school trip does not exceed 5 days.

It shall include at least an overnight stay.

Depending on the route, transport can be by bus, public transport or on foot.

Bus transportation is provided by a professional driver.

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Travel to France

You must allow your minor child to participate in the school trip by completing the following form:

Application for authorization for a minor pupil to take part in a school trip or field trip of an optional nature

The agreement of one parent is sufficient. However, if the school is informed of a disagreement between the parents, the authorization of the two parents is necessary.

Travel abroad

The documents to be provided are different depending on whether your child is a minor or an adult.

Minor child

Documents vary depending on whether the minor child is a French or a foreign national.


Each student must have a identity document (passport or national identity card).

You must allow your minor child to participate in the school trip by completing the following form:

Application for authorization for a minor pupil to take part in a school trip or field trip of an optional nature

You must also complete the part allowing you to leave the territory. It is also advisable that your child has a european health insurance card.

The agreement of a single parent or person responsible for parental authority is sufficient. However, if the school is informed of a disagreement between the parents and the child is subject to an exit ban, the agreement of the two parents is necessary.


your minor child must have the original of authorization to leave the territory. They must also have a photocopy of the identity document of the parent who signed the exit authorization.

Depending on the country of destination, you may be asked for other documents. Inquire at the country's embassy or consulate in France.


Each student must have a identity document (passport or national identity card).

You must allow your minor child to participate in the school trip by completing the following form:

Application for authorization for a minor pupil to take part in a school trip or field trip of an optional nature

You must also complete the part allowing you to leave the territory. It is also advisable that your child has a european health insurance card.

The agreement of a single parent or person responsible for parental authority is sufficient. However, if the school is informed of a disagreement between the parents and the child is subject to an exit ban, the agreement of the two parents is necessary.


your minor child, must have the original of authorization to leave the territory. They must also have a photocopy of the identity document of the parent who signed the exit authorization. Your child should also have a Minor foreigner Movement Document (MRD).

Depending on the country of destination, you may be asked for other documents. Inquire at the country's embassy or consulate in France.

Adult child

Each student must have a identity document (passport or national identity card).

Depending on the country of destination, you may be asked for other documents. Inquire at the country's embassy or consulate in France.

A school trip can be financed by various means (State or local authority aid, school capital, etc.).

The trip can be paying. The amount must be reasonable. The institution's board of directors shall determine the amount of the holding.

In a local public educational institution (EPLE), you can use holiday vouchers to pay for optional outings.


if you have difficulty paying for the school trip, you can apply for financial assistance from the secretariat of the school you are attending.

Who shall I contact

If the head of the establishment cancels the trip, you can claim the expenses incurred.

Your child must be insured. The insurance must protect him from damage let him talk to himself and it causes to others (civil liability).

Please note

the head teacher may take out a collective contract for civil liability insurance for the pupils taking part in the journey.

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