Training leave for an employee who is a member of the EESC

Verified 31 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you are a member of the staff delegation of the Social and Economic Committee (ESC), your employer may grant you leave for your training needs. The objective is to train you in the exercise of your missions in health, safety and working conditions.

You can apply for the training leave if you are a member of the staff delegation of the Social and Economic Committee (ESC).

You have to ask your employer.

The goal of the training is to update your knowledge and improve your skills.

The training shall be renewable after four years of office, whether consecutive or not.


training is also provided in the event of re-election.

The training covers issues related to the performance of the EESC's tasks: health, safety and working conditions.

During the first term of office

The training is for a minimum of 5 days.

Upon renewal of the mandate (re-election)
  • In any company, the training shall be for a minimum of 3 days for each member of staff delegation.
  • In a company of 300 or more employees, the training shall be for a minimum of 5 days for members of the Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions (CSSCT).

Please note

in the companies ofat least 50 employees, if you are elected for the first time, you can also benefit from an economic training course of up to 5 days. Its funding is covered by the EESC.

You must send a written request for leave of absence to your employer, preferably by registered letter with notice of receipt, at least 30 days before the start of the training.

The application shall specify the following:

  • Expected absence date and duration
  • Price of the course
  • Name of the organization responsible for the internship

The employer may object to your departure if it considers that this absence could have detrimental consequences for the proper functioning of the company.

Your employer's refusal must be notified within 8 days of receipt of the request. In this case, the training leave may be postponed within the limit of 6 months.

Time spent on training is taken from working time.

It shall be considered and remunerated as actual working time.

Transport costs

The cost of travel for training is covered by the employer up to the rate of 2nde train class.

This rate shall be that applicable to the most direct journey from the establishment's seat to the place where the training is given.

Subsistence expenses

Subsistence expenses (meals and accommodation) shall be covered up to the amount of the mission allowance fixed in accordance with the rules applicable to the temporary travel of officials.

Your meal expenses are covered up to €17.50 per meal.

Your accommodation costs are covered, on presentation of proof of payment, up to the following lump sums (including breakfast):

General case
  • In a town of at least 200,000 inhabitants : €90
  • In another commune: €70

For a disabled worker in a situation of reduced mobility, the flat-rate reimbursement of accommodation costs shall be €120 per day regardless of the location of training.


For a disabled worker in a situation of reduced mobility, the flat-rate reimbursement of accommodation costs shall be €120 per day regardless of the location of training.