Employer attestation for France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)

Verified 02 June 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

When the employee's employment contract ends, the employer must provide him with termination documents. In particular, the employer shall give the employee a employer certificate, said attestation France Travail. This document allows him to to assert his rights to unemployment benefits. In which cases should the France Travail certificate be issued? When and how can it be transmitted to France Travail and the employee? Is the employer penalized if he does not pass it on? We are taking stock of the regulations.

It is a document completed by the employer. It is transmitted to France Travail and handed over to the employee.

The France Travail certificate enables the employee to assert his rights to unemployment benefit, subject to conditions.

The employer issues a France Travail certificate at the end of the employment contract.

This document shall be submitted in particular in the following cases:

  • Dismissal
  • Resignation
  • Conventional breakage
  • Retirement or retirement
  • Acknowledgement of termination of contract
  • Break of the trial period
  • Early termination or termination of the apprenticeship or professionalization contract
  • End or early break of the CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract
  • Termination of the contract of employment of the childminder (removal of child)
  • Termination of employment contract following death of the individual employer

Yes. The employer shall provide a printed copy of the France Travail certificate to the employee.

He didn't not the obligation to pass it on to the employee by mail.

The document is querable, i.e. it is made available to the employee in the company's premises.

Please note

The France Travail certificate shall be given to the employee, at his request and if the contract of employment mentions the right to obtain it at the end of the contract, in the following cases:

The employer delivers the France Travail certificate to the employee at the the end date of the employment contract.

Please note

in the case of waiver of notice, the attestation France Travail can be remitted to the following deadlines:

  • Effective company departure date, if last pay is established
  • Last day of notice not fulfilled

If the France Travail certificate contains false information or incomplete information, the employee may ask the employer to correct the certificate.

For example, it may be an incorrect ground for termination of the contract of employment.

If the employer does not rectify the France Travail certificate or sends a new erroneous certificate, the employee may enter the Labor Council (CPH).

It's the employer which establishes the France Travail certificate.

The method of transmission to France Travail depends on the number of employees in the company:

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Up to 10 employees

The employer can send the France Travail attestation by dematerialized means via the France Travail website:

France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi): online services for employers (employer attestations, etc.)

The employer may be sent a valid version of the attestation France Travail by calling France Travail at 3995.

At least 11 employees

The employer shall transmit obligatory attestation to France Travail by dematerialized means :

France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi): online services for employers (employer attestations, etc.)

Failure to deliver or late delivery of the France Travail certificate may cause a delay in the payment of unemployment benefit (UA).

If this is the case, the employee may enter the labor council (CPH). Of damages may then be paid if the damage is recognized.

Yeah. Yeah. An employer who fails to submit the France Travail certificate may be fined up to €1,500 if it's a natural person.

This amount may be increased to €3,000  in case of recurrence where the Regulation so provides.

If the employer is a legal person, the fine may be up to €7,500.

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