Roadworthiness tests for private cars and motorhomes (category M1)

Verified 07 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

When to do the technical inspection of a car (VP) or a camper of 3.5 t maximum (VASP)? Where to find a licensed center? What's the price? What are the controlled functions? In which case should we make a counter-visit? We tell you the main rules to know about the technical inspection of a vehicle of category M1.


Roadworthiness tests shall not relieve the vehicle owner of the obligation to to keep in good working order and in satisfactory condition for maintenance.

One vehicle of category M1 shall be subject to roadworthiness tests.

It can be a private car (VP) or a motorhome including the PTAC: titleContent is 3,5 tons maximum (VASP: titleContent).

The rules for roadworthiness tests are different for a vehicle with a PTAC exceeding 3,5 t.

Roadworthiness testing is mandatory regardless of the energy source used: thermal, hybrid or electric.

The 1er roadworthiness tests for cars and camper vans ( PTAC: titleContent of 3,5 t maximum) is to be made within 6 months before 4e anniversary of the 1re putting into service of the vehicle.

Control is at your initiative. You don't get a summons.

Example :

For a vehicle put into circulation on 1er october 2020, 1er roadworthiness test to take place between 1er April 2024 and September 30, 2024.

You may contact any center technical inspection approved in France.

You can use a on-line service for find the center technical inspection closest to you.

You must present the original of the registration certificate carte grise (vehicle) except in certain situations.

The price periodic technical inspection and counter-inspection services are center-specific variables.

Prices must be displayed at the main entrance of the center in a visible and legible manner.

The prices are classified by type of energy : petrol, diesel, gas, hybrid, electric.

The expense of the roadworthiness tests are at the expense of the owner of the vehicle.

You can use a online service for know the prices charged by technical control centers:

To know the prices charged by the technical inspection centers

The controller should check 133 checkpoints concerning the following functions:

  • Identification of the vehicle: vehicle documents, registration plate...
  • Equipment for braking : platelets, disks...
  • Direction : steering wheel, housing...
  • Visibility : windshield, mirrors...
  • Lights, reflective devices and electrical equipment (in particular those of an electric vehicle such as the battery, the charging cable, the tractor battery box, etc.)
  • Axles, wheels, tires, suspension
  • Chassis and chassis accessories
  • Other equipment: safety belts, horn (audible warning device)...
  • Nuisance : pollution, noise level
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Illustration X
Crédits: Direction de l’information légale et administrative

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The functions checked during the roadworthiness test of a car are as follows:

· Vehicle identification. For example, license plate.

· Braking equipment. For example, platelets, disks.

· Management. For example, steering wheel, housing.

· Visibility. For example, windshields, mirrors.

· Lights, reflectors and electrical equipment

· Axles, wheels, tires, suspension

· Chassis and chassis accessories

· Other equipment. For example, seat belts, horn.

· Nuisances: pollution, noise level

Roadworthiness tests shall entail a result :

  • Favorable (A) in the absence of a major and critical failure
  • Unfavorable (S) if there is at least major failure
  • Unfavorable (R) if there is at least one critical failure

The result favorable (no deficiencies found) of the periodic technical inspection is valid 2 years for a car (VP) or camper of 3,5 t maximum (VASP).

There is no counter-visit to make.

Carte grise A stamp on the vehicle's Certificate of Registration (C of R) indicates the expiry date of the check.

Example :

Positive result of a roadworthiness test conducted on May 14, 2024.

The check is valid for 2 years, until May 14, 2026.

The next check, called periodic inspection, to be carried out by 14 May 2026.


The amendment of the vehicle registration shall not affect the validity of the roadworthiness test. For example, following the registration of a second-hand vehicle.

Deadline for making the counter-visit

The period of validity varies if the result is unfavorable for major failure(S) or critical (R).

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Unfavorable result for major failure (S)

In case of result unfavorable for major failure(S), the validity of the control is 2 months from the date of the periodic roadworthiness test.

One counter-visit duty be realized in the time limit of 2 months after the periodic roadworthiness test.

Example :

Unfavorable result for major failure(S) a roadworthiness test conducted on 14 May 2024

One counter-visit duty be realized in the time limit of 2 monthsbefore 14 July 2024.

Unfavorable result for critical failure (R)

In case of result unfavorable for critical failure (R), the validity of the control is limited to day of inspection.

One counter-visit must be realized in the time limit of 2 months after the periodic roadworthiness test.

Example :

Unfavorable result for critical failure (R) a roadworthiness test conducted on 14 May 2024.

The validity of the check shall be limited to 14 May 2024.

One counter-visit duty be realized in the time limit of 2 monthsbefore 14 July 2024.

Documents to be submitted for counter-visit

You must present the subsequent documents :

If you are unable to submit the report, and the computer data of the unfavorable roadworthiness test cannot be consulted, your vehicle is subject to a new periodic roadworthiness test.

Where to make the counter-visit?

You can make the counter-visit in the approved centre who has carried out the periodic roadworthiness test where the deficiencies have been identified, or in another approved center.

Checked points during the counter-visit

You can download the Order of 18 June 1991 defining the points to be checked in Annex I.

The controller shall determine the points to be checked on the basis of the faults found during roadworthiness tests and check that the faults found have been repaired.

Period of validity of favorable counter-visit

In case of favorable result of the counter-visit, the validity of the counter-visit is 2 years from date of unfavorable periodic roadworthiness test at the origin of the counter-visit.

Example :

Date of unfavorable periodic inspection: 5 June 2024

Date of favorable counter visit: July 4, 2024

Period of validity of the counter-visit (date of the next periodic inspection): 5 June 2026

You are given a report after each roadworthiness test.

The minutes shall include the following points:

  • Nature of the control (periodic technical inspection, counter-inspection)
  • Date of control
  • Outcome control (favorable, unfavorable for major failure, unfavorable for critical failure)
  • Limit of validity of control
  • Nature of the next check (periodic inspection, counter-inspection)
  • Identification of the center control and controller
  • Identification of the vehicle
  • Mileage record
  • Information on unfavorable roadworthiness tests
  • Failures and Severity Levels (critical, major, minor, mileage recorded in roadworthiness)
  • Measurements taken


It shall no longer be possible to include the following in the report of the roadworthiness test non-rolling vehicle.

Technical inspection report

The report which is given to you after the check constitutes the proof that the roadworthiness test has been carried out.

In case of loss of the minutes, you can request a duplicate and a certificate from the center where the check was carried out.

Carte grise completed with stamp registration certificate

Carte grise The inspector shall place a stamp on the vehicle registration certificate (VRC), stamp registration certificate.

This stamp specifies the result technical inspection and its deadline.

The certificate of registration carte grise (person) of the vehicle constitutes a proof of roadworthiness tests if it is completed with the stamp registration certificate or with the expiry date of the check.


The controller also places on the vehicle a thumbnail which indicates the expiry date of the check carried out.

The HistoVec website allows you to view your vehicle information, including mileage history related to different technical controls:

View your vehicle information online on the “HistoVec” platform

You can also fill out an online form:

Application form for the history of the technical controls of your vehicle

An online service allows you to obtain the coordinates of the center of last passage of your vehicle.

Carte grise Prepare the Certificate of Registration (C of R) for the vehicle.

Find the contact details of the technical control center of the last passage of your vehicle

The owner of the vehicle who fails to comply with the requirements of the roadworthiness test shall be penalized by a fine up to €750.

As a general rule, it is a flat-rate fine of €135.

In the event of control by the police (police or gendarmerie), a detention order can be taken.

Carte grise In this case, the driver's registration certificate (new name of the vehicle) shall be used.

One traffic record valid 7 days it is given to him to do the roadworthiness test.

Carte grise In order to retrieve the vehicle, the driver must submit to the police or gendarmerie the report of the roadworthiness test attesting to its satisfactory result.

The vehicle impoundment it may also be decided:

  • in the absence of presentation for compulsory technical inspections,
  • or in the event that the prescribed repairs or alterations are not carried out.

In the event of a dispute as to the result of the roadworthiness test, the means of appeal are displayed in the center who issued the report.

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