Remuneration at the end of training (RFF or R2F) for a jobseeker

Verified 08 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Can you receive paid training as a job seeker? You can receive, subject to conditions, the final remuneration (RFF or R2F) awarded by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi). We present you with the information you need to know.

The final remuneration (RFF) is granted to jobseekers registered with France Travail who follow a training action validated and financed by France Travail.

RFF takes over from Return to Employment Assistance (RWA) or the professional security allowance (ASP) where the duration of the training exceeds the duration of the ARE or ASP entitlements.

The RFF allows for the continued receipt of remuneration after the end of duties to Return to Employment Assistance (RWA) or the professional security allowance (ASP).

You can receive RFF if you meet the 2 conditions following:


You must take your training on an ongoing basis to receive the RFF.

The training concerned shall be that leading to a qualification corresponding to one of the following conditions :

  • The training shall be recognized by a diploma or diploma for professional purposes registered in National Occupational Certification Register (NPCR)
  • Training is recognized in the classifications of a collective agreement branch national
  • Training is included in a list drawn up by the National Joint Employment Commission of a professional branch.

The occupations concerned by these training courses are the so-called occupations under tension, i.e. those for which recruitment difficulties are identified.

The national list of eligible jobs and occupations shall be adopted by decision of the Director-General of France Travail.

Please note

The following arrangements shall not give rise to the payment of remuneration:

The process differs depending on whether you are a former private sector employee or a job seeker who was paid by your former public employer.

Former private sector employee

If your rights to the ARE or the ASP are insufficient to cover the entire duration of your training, you can ask France Travail to benefit from the RFF.

Your France Travail advisor will provide you with an application form.

If your application is accepted, France Travail will pay you the RFF when your rights to the ARE or the ASP expire.

The RFF is paid for the remainder of the training period.

France Travail will respond to you within 21 days from the date of your request.

If the answer is negative, France Travail will inform you by letter, giving you the reason for the refusal.

You can then:

  • Or refrain from taking the training
  • Please confirm your intention to complete the proposed training without the benefit of the RFF
  • Choose a new course that is compatible with the duration of your claims.
Jobseeker compensated by a public employer

If your rights to the ARE or the ASP are insufficient to cover the entire duration of your training, you can ask France Travail to benefit from the RFF.

Your France Travail advisor will provide you with an application form.

France Travail sends your former public employer (who pays you unemployment benefits) the certificate of your registration for the training and the RFF application form.

Your former public employer sends France Travail the request for payment of the RFF 2 months before the end date of the payment of the AER.

France Travail will respond to you within 21 days from the date of your request.

If the answer is negative, France Travail will inform you by letter, giving you the reason for the refusal.

You can then 

  • Or refrain from taking the training
  • Please confirm your intention to complete the proposed training without the benefit of the RFF
  • Choose a new course that is compatible with the duration of your claims.

The daily amount RFF is equal to the last daily amount of the AER or PSO you received at the end of your entitlement to this allowance.

The monthly amount is equal to the daily amount multiplied by the number of days in the month, up to €723.36 per month.


the RFF is taxable.

The RFF is paid to you by month: for example, early November for the October allowance.

The RFF is paid until the end of the training.

However, the maximum cumulative duration for the payment of the AER or PSO and RFF shall be 3 years for the same training.

You must renew every month your registration to France Travail to continue collecting the RFF.

In case of interruption of training for more than 15 years calendar days, the payment of the RFF is suspended.

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