Vocational leave in the hospital public service (FPH)

Verified 14 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you want to deepen your training to carry out a personal or professional project? For this, you can benefit, under certain conditions, from a vocational training leave (CFP). It involves asking his hospital for permission to be absent. In principle, the duration of this leave is a maximum of 3 years for the entire career. Time spent in the PSC is considered as duty time. We'll lay out the rules for you.

You can benefit from a professional training leave, whether you are a public servant or a contract worker, if you have completed at least 3 years or the equivalent of 3 years of actual service in the hospital civil service.

You benefit from a priority access to vocational training leave if any of the following applies to you:

  • You belong to a category C corps and you don't have the bachelor's degree
  • You have a disability and you are covered by the employment obligation
  • It is established, after consulting the occupational doctor, that you are particularly exposed, in view of your individual professional situation, to a risk of professional wear and tear


If you have taken an action organized or approved by your institution for the preparation of examinations and competitions, you may not take a vocational training leave within 12 months of the end of that action.

You must apply for at least vocational training leave 60 days (2 months) prior to the training start date.

Your application must specify the date of commencement of the training and the length of the leave requested.

Your school manager will notify you of his decision within 30 days of receiving your request.

Your request may be refused:

  • Because of service requirements
  • Or when the number of agents simultaneously absent in CFP exceeds 2% of the total number of staff in your institution as at 31 December of the previous year.


Where it is not possible to satisfy all applications, leave shall be granted in priority to staff members whose applications have previously been refused.

The duration of the vocational training leave shall be 3 years maximum for the whole career.

This maximum duration is 5 years if any of the following apply to you :

  • You belong to a body category C and you don't have the bachelor's degree
  • You have a disability and you are entitled to the obligation to employ
  • It is established, after consulting the occupational doctor, that you are particularly exposed, in view of your individual professional situation, to a risk of professional wear and tear

Leave can be used all at once or distributed throughout the career in traineeships which may be divided into:

  • Weeks
  • Days
  • Or half a day

If your institution responds favorably to your request for leave, a request for care is filled in by:

  • Yourself
  • Your establishment
  • And the training organization

You send this request to the National Association for the Training of Hospital Staff (ANFH).

This shipment is made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the territorial delegation of the ANFH.

The rules related to your remuneration during the vocational training leave vary depending on whether or not you are a priority for accessing the MFF.

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General case

You receive a lump sum monthly allowance for 12 months for your entire career or for 24 months if your training lasts at least 2 years.

The monthly allowance is equal to 85% your gross index salary and the residence allowance you receive at the time of your leave. It is paid by your institution.

This monthly allowance may not exceed €2,753.26 gross per month.

In addition to your monthly allowance, you continue to receive your full payment family treatment supplement (FTS) if you are receiving this top-up.

If you are a Category C, the lump sum monthly allowance is supplemented for a maximum of 1 year up to the total amount of your gross index salary and the residence allowance you receive when you are placed on leave.

This top-up is paid to you by your institution.

You have priority access to vocational training leave

If you have priority access to vocational training leave, you receive a lump sum monthly allowance for the first 2 years of leave.

Subsequent years of leave are unpaid.

During 1re vacation year, the monthly allowance shall be equal to the gross index salary and the residence allowance you receive when you are placed on leave.

The seconde vacation year, the monthly allowance shall be 85% your gross index salary and the residence allowance you receive at the time of your leave.

However, this monthly allowance may not exceed €2,753.26 gross per month.

In addition to your monthly allowance, you continue to receive your full payment family treatment supplement (FTS) if you are receiving this top-up.

You give your institution a attestation of attendance in formation issued by the training organization at the end of:

  • Every month
  • Your training leave


In the event of absence without good reason, the leave may be terminated and you must repay the compensation received.

The effects of Vocational Leave on your career occur during and after Vocational Leave.

During your vocational training leave

Time spent on vocational training leave shall be considered as duty time.

During your vocational training leave, you keep your annual leave entitlements : you can take them during your vocational training leave (example: during school holidays). In this case, your vocational training leave is suspended during the annual leave periods.

In case of sickness or maternity, training leave is also suspended and you are paid according to the usual rules applicable during such leave.

Time spent on vocational training leave is taken into account for retirement.

After Vocational Training Leave

At the end of your training leave, you must work in the public service for a period of time equal to 3 times the period during which you received compensation.

If you are in one of the following situations, you must work in the public service up to 36 months :

  • You belong to a body category C and you don't have the bachelor's degree
  • You have a disability and you are entitled to the obligation to employ
  • It is established, after consulting the occupational doctor, that you are particularly exposed, in view of your individual professional situation, to a risk of professional wear and tear

You may be exempted from this requirement to remain employed in the public service by your employer's administration.

If you are not exempt from this duty to serve and you leave the public service before the end of your engagement, you must reimburse the allowances received in proportion to the time not worked.

At the end of your training leave:

  • If you are a public servant, you return to your home institution to perform duties appropriate to your rank.
  • If you are a contractual employee (a non-permanent public servant), you will resume a job at a level equivalent to the one you held before your leave.

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