Can you make a new asylum claim after a refusal?

Verified 21 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If your asylum application has been rejected, you can, under certain conditions, request a re-examination of your case at theOfpra: titleContent. You must first file your new application in the prefecture. Ofpra may accept your new application or refuse it. In case of refusal, you can enter the NDA: titleContent to challenge that decision. We explain how to submit your new application.

Step-by-step approach

In order for your application for a refugee claim reconsideration to be accepted, you must new elements of a nature to justify your fears if you return to your country.

These facts must be after the rejection decision of your 1re application for asylum.

To request a review of your asylum claim by theOfpra: titleContent, you must first a new application for registration at the prefecture of your department.

This request shall be treated as a 1st application. Registration must be made within 3 days.

You should contact the prefecture where your department of residence depends.

Tableau - Prefects competent to register asylum applications (in mainland France):



Competent prefecture


Allier (03), Cantal (15), Haute-Loire (43), Puy-de-Dôme (63)

Prefecture of Clermont-Ferrand (63)

Ain (01), Ardèche (07), Loire (42), Rhône (69)

Prefecture of Lyon (69)

Drôme (26), Isère (38), Haute-Savoie (74), Savoie (73)

Grenoble Prefecture (38)


Côte-d'Or (21), Nièvre (58), Yonne (89)

Prefecture of Dijon (21)

Doubs (25), Jura (39), Haute-Saône (70), Belfort Territory (90)

Prefecture of Besançon (25)

Saône-et-Loire (71)

Prefecture of Mâcon (71)


Ille-et-Vilaine (35), Côtes-d'Armor (22), Finistère (29), Morbihan (56)

Prefecture of Rennes (35)

Center-Val de Loire

Cher (18), Eure-et-Loir (28), Indre (36), Indre-et-Loire (37), Loir-et-Cher (41), Loiret (45)

Prefecture of Orléans (45)


Upper Corsica (2B), South Corsica (2A)

Prefecture of Marseille (13)

Grand Est

Ardennes (08), Aube (10), Marne (51) Haute-Marne (52)

Prefecture of Châlons-en-Champagne (51)

Meurthe-et-Moselle (54), Meuse (55), Moselle (57), Vosges (88)

Prefecture of Metz (57)

Lower Rhine (67)

Prefecture of Strasbourg (67)

Haut Rhin (68)

Colmar Prefecture (68)


North (59), Pas-de-Calais (62)

Prefecture of Lille (59)

Aisne (02), Oise (60), Somme (80)

Prefecture of Beauvais (60)


Paris (75)

Paris Police Department

Seine-et-Marne (77)

Melun Prefecture (77)

Yvelines (78)

Prefecture of Versailles (78)

Essonne (91)

Prefecture of Evry (91)

Hauts-de-Seine (92)

Prefecture of Nanterre (92)

Seine-Saint-Denis (93)

Bobigny Prefecture (93)

Val-de-Marne (94)

Prefecture of Créteil (94)

Val-d'Oise (95)

Prefecture of Cergy-Pontoise (95)


Calvados (14), Handle (50), Orne (61)

Prefecture of Caen (50)

Seine-Maritime (76), Eure (27)

Prefecture of Rouen (76)

Nouvelle Aquitaine

Vienna (86), Charente (16), Charente-Maritime (17), Deux-Sèvres (79)

Prefecture of Poitiers (86)

Dordogne (24), Gironde (33), Landes (40), Lot-et-Garonne (47), Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64)

Prefecture of Bordeaux (33)

Corrèze (19), Creuse (23), Haute-Vienne (87)

Prefecture of Limoges (87)


Haute-Garonne (31), Ariège (09), Aveyron (12), Gers (32), Hautes-Pyrénées (65), Lot (46), Tarn (81), Tarn-et-Garonne (82)

Toulouse Prefecture (31)

Aude (11), Gard (30), Hérault (34), Lozère (48), Pyrénées-Orientales (66)

Prefecture of Montpellier (34)

Pays de la Loire

Loire-Atlantique (44), Mayenne (53), Vendée (85)

Prefecture of Nantes (44)

Maine and Loire (49), Sarthe (72)

Prefecture of Angers (49)

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Paca)

Alpes-Maritimes (06), Var (83)

Prefecture of Nice (06)

Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04), Bouches-du-Rhône (13), Hautes-Alpes (05), Vaucluse (84)

Prefecture of Marseille (13)


search for the appropriate prefecture, which may not be the one in your department.

Your request for reconsideration is processed on the basis of a accelerated procedure.

You have 8 days, from the time of registration of your new application, to send your complete application for review to Ofpra.

You can send it by post (preferably registered with acknowledgement of receipt) or deposit it directly at the Ofpra reception (if you live in Paris or in the Paris region).

Who shall I contact

Ofpra has a deadline of 7 days to decide on the admissibility of your request.

If he decides to continue examining your request, he informs the prefect.

You will then receive a certificate of application for asylum, which is equivalent to a provisional residence permit (APS).

This document is valid for1 month. It may be renewed for 6 months.

If Ofpra accepts the request for reconsideration, you are placed under its protection.

You are summoned to the prefecture to receive one of the following cards :

Ofpra may reject your request for reconsideration in the absence of new or unconvincing evidence.

You are informed by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The reason for the decision is communicated to you in a language you are supposed to understand.

You can challenge this decision by contacting the National Court of Asylum (CNDA). You have 1 month after notification the decision of Ofpra to do so.