French nationality of an adopted child

Verified 23 August 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You wonder if a child adopted by a French automatically acquires the French nationality ? We tell you the rules to know according to whether it is a simple adoption or a plenary adoption. With simple adoption, the adopted person retains all his ties with his family of origin. With adoption by the plenary, the adopted has a new parentage which replaces the original one.


Simple adoption does not change the nationality of the adopted person. In order to have French nationality, the adopted person must therefore make a declaration of french nationality. We'll show you the steps to follow to make the move.

Step-by-step approach

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Adoptive resident in France

  • The adopted person must be a minor (under 18 years of age) on the day of the declaration of French nationality
  • The adopted person must reside in France
  • The adopter shall be French at the date of adoption

Adoptive resident abroad

  • The adopted person must be a minor (under 18 years of age) on the day of the declaration of French nationality
  • The adopter shall be French at the date of adoption


the adopted person can become french by a majority by naturalization, subject to conditions, if he was born abroad or if he does not fulfill the conditions automatic acquisition of French nationality. He can apply for French naturalization from the age of 17.

The legal representative date and sign the declaration of french nationality if the adopted person is under 16 years of age, or if he is guardianship or if a disability prevents him from expressing his will.

The adopted person makes the declaration himself or herself if he or she is 16 years of age or older.

Documents to be provided

The documents to be provided are as follows:

  • Declaration of French nationality in 2 copies.
    The declaration shall be dated and signed by the legal representative of the adopted person if the adopted person is under 16 years of age, or guardianship or if a disability prevents him from expressing his will.
    In other cases, the declaration shall be dated and signed by the adopted person.
  • Full copy of birth certificate adopted person
  • Proof of identity of the adopted person. For example, Republican identity card, foreigner passport, school card.
  • Proof of residence of the adopted person
  • Recent photo ID of the adopted
  • Certified copy of the adoption judgment
  • Full copy of the adoption's birth certificate
  • Certificate of French nationality of the adopter
  • Proof of identity of the adopter. For example, national identity card, French passport, driving license

Depending on your situation, additional documents may be requested by the department responsible for processing your request.

Instructions on the documents to be provided


You must attach a translation of each document written in a foreign language.

You must provide the original translation.

The translation must be done by a translator on the list of experts approved by the courts of appeal.

However, translation is not required for a multilingual birth certificate extract one of whose languages is French.

In addition, to avoid having to translate some documents issued by a the European Union, one multilingual form can be attached.

See the e-justice site for more information.

Legalization or Apostille

Certain documents established abroad must be legalized or apostilles to be accepted in France.

Inquire at the embassy or consulate of the country concerned.

In France

You must go to the court or the court near your home.

You can submit your file or send it by mail.

Who shall I contact

A receipt is sent to you when the file is complete.


You must contact the Consulate General of France.

You can submit your file or send it by mail.

A receipt is sent to you when the file is complete.

If there is no response within 6 months depending on the date of the receipt, this means that the declaration of french nationality is recorded (accepted).

The declaration of French nationality shall take effect on the date on which it was made.

A copy of the declaration shall be sent to the declarant together with the mention of registration.


the adopted person may retain his or her nationality of origin if the rules of the country concerned so permit. Indeed, some countries do not recognize dual nationality. Ask the embassy of the country of origin.

The court notifies you of its decision reasoned Refusal.

You can appeal within 6 months from the date of notification;

The notification shall indicate how to appeal.

The lawyer is obligatory. He's the one who does the walk.

plenary session

A child adopted in plenary form by a Frenchman is French by parentage.

He is considered French from birth.

There is no process to be done.

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