Can the allocation of a co-ownership lot be changed?

Verified 24 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, you can change the assignment of private parts of your co-ownership lot. For example, you can turn your apartment into a doctor's office.

To do this, this change must respect:

  • The destination of the building fixed by the co-ownership rules. For example, if the condominium by-law provides that the lot is strictly used as a garage, the lot cannot be converted into a dwelling place.
  • And the rights of the other co-owners. For example, this change should not result in noise nuisance or olfactory in respect of other joint owners.

Where the co-ownership rules prohibit, for example, the exercise of a professional activity, it is possible to request the amendment of the rules on co-ownership at the general meeting. Unanimous agreement of all co-owners is required.

A change in the use of the private parties shall entail a change in the tenths of charges.


if you live in 92, 93 or 94 or in a city of more than 200,000 inhabitants, you must also obtain prior authorization from the city council to change the allocation of accommodation. A decision by the municipal council shall lay down the conditions for the issue of such authorization. To know these conditions, you must contact the city council (or consult the municipal by-law sometimes available on its website).

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