Temporary Disability Allowance (TIA) in the Public Service

Verified 01 January 2024 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

An official who is temporarily physically unable to resume his duties may, subject to conditions, apply for the temporary invalidity allowance (TIA). We present you with the information you need to know.

Attention: the temporary invalidity allowance (TIA) is to be distinguished from Temporary Invalidity Allowance (TIA).

The Temporary Disability Allowance (TIA) is a benefit paid to you instead of your treatment in case of temporary invalidity.

You are concerned if you are a public servant.


if you are a contract worker, you can request a social security invalidity pension.

As a public servant, you have to fill out all the following conditions:

  • You are physically unable to resume your duties
  • You are no longer entitled to sick leave or daily sickness benefits (coordination allowance)
  • You can't be retired for disability
  • You have a disability that reduces your ability to work by at least 2/3.


if the disability is due to an accident or illness attributable to the service, you are entitled to a leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis).

You must apply for recognition of the temporary disability status in the CPAM: titleContent of your workplace.


your credit union differs depending on the region in which you live.

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You live in Ile-de-France (except in Seine-et-Marne)

You live elsewhere or in Seine-et-Marne

Who shall I contact

Your request must be made:

  • Either on the date of expiry of your entitlement to paid sick leave (or to daily sickness benefits)
  • Either on the date of consolidation your injury or stabilization of your health

CPAM will forward your request, with its opinion, to your employer.

It shall give its opinion on the following points:

  • Recognition and determination of the rate of temporary disability
  • Awarding of the TIA from the date of expiry of the entitlement to paid sick leave or daily sickness benefits
  • Award of benefits in kind (reimbursement of treatment) from the date of consolidation of the injury or the date of stabilization of the official's state of health or the date of award of the invalidity allowance

CPAM places you in one of the following 3 groups:

  • 1er group: disabled person able to engage in gainful activity
  • 2e group: disabled absolutely incapable of exercising any profession
  • 3e group: totally incapable of exercising a profession and obliged to resort to the assistance of a third person to perform the ordinary acts of life

In the light of the opinions of the CPAM, the administration takes a decision recognizing the status of temporary invalidity. The latter clarifies the following points:

  • Degree of disability of the official
  • The starting point and duration of the disability
  • Benefits granted
  • TPIA rate

This decision shall be taken for a period of Maximum 6 months renewable under the same procedure.

The decision is notified at CPAM.

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Invalid from 1st group

TPIA is the sum of:

  • 30% last index salary and allowances (except those connected with the performance of duties or consisting of reimbursement of expenses)
  • 30% of the residence allowance
  • Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

The sum of these elements may not exceed €1,159.20 per month.

Invalid from 2nd group

The allocation shall be equal to the sum of the following:

  • 50% last index salary and allowances (except those connected with the performance of duties or consisting of reimbursement of expenses)
  • 50% of the residence allowance
  • Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

The sum of these elements may not exceed €1,932.00 per month.

3rd Group Invalid

The allowance shall be equal to the sum of the following, plus 40% :

  • 50% last index salary and allowances (except those connected with the performance of duties or reimbursement of expenses)
  • 50% of the residence allowance
  • Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

The sum of these elements may not exceed €1,932.00 per month.


in the event of hospitalization, the increase in 40% is not applied.

TPIA is paid by your employer.

The payment ceases if you are:

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General case

You receive a category 1 disability pension

The pension may be combined in full with Return-to-Work Allowance (RWA).

You receive a 2nd or 3rd category disability pension

The pension may be combined in full with Return-to-Work Allowance (RWA) if you were already collecting it at the same time as the wages that were eligible for the WAGE.

If not, the amount of your WFA paid by Pôle emploi is reduced by the amount of your disability pension.

Staff member on compulsory medical leave

You receive a category 1 disability pension

The pension may be combined in full with Return-to-Work Allowance (RWA).

You receive a 2nd or 3rd category disability pension

The pension cannot be combined with Return-to-Work Allowance (RWA).

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