What are the employer's obligations with regard to first aid at work?

Verified 18 January 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister), Ministry of Labor

The employer must ensure the safety of its employees and protect their health. He must organize the emergency care to be given to the employees. What equipment must the employer make available? Is first aid training mandatory? Does the employer have to prepare a document?

We are taking stock of the regulations.

As part of its general obligation to ensure the safety of employees and to safeguard their health, the employer must assess the occupational risks in the company.

The result of this assessment shall be recorded in the Single Occupational Risk Assessment Document (DUERP).

Depending on the risks present in the company, the employer shall define the instructions accident at work emergency response assistance. He may be advised by the occupational doctor.

These intervention instructions must be specified in a document prepared by the employer.

The workplace must be equipped with company risk adapted first-aid equipment. This material shall be easily accessible and shall be signposted.

The employer may install, for example, a first aid kit or a medicine cabinet, as well as a defibrillator.

The list of equipment is established by the employer after obtaining the opinion of the occupational physician.

Please note

where an emergency room is provided, emergency facilities and equipment may be stored in it.

Depending on the size and activity of the company, the employer must establish a nurse in the company.

Industrial establishments

From 200 to 800 employees

These companies must have 1 nurse.

More than 800 employees

These companies must have 1 additional nurse and 1 additional nurse per 600 employees.

For example, a company of 1700 employees will have to have two nurses.

Other establishments

From 500 to 100 employees

These companies must have 1 nurse.

More than 1000 employees

These companies must have 1 additional nurse and 1 additional nurse per 1000 employees.

For example, a company of 2100 employees will have to have two nurses.

Yes, 1 employee must be trained in first aid in each workshop where hazardous work is carried out.

1 employee must also be trained on each site employing 20 workers at least for more than 15 days where hazardous work is carried out.

Trained employees cannot replace nurses.


It is recommended that more personnel be trained to enable an effective response to an accident.

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