Can you get training when you're unemployed?
Verified 25 July 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
As a jobseeker, you can benefit from training that allows you to acquire additional skills or learn a new trade.
If you are following a training validated by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), you may be eligible for financial assistance under certain conditions, depending on your situation.
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You're touching the RCA
You can continue to be compensated for the duration of your training if it is validated by France Working as part of your personalized project for access to employment (PPAE).
Once in training, you perceive training return to work assistance (Aref).
The Aref then replaces Return to Employment Assistance (RWA) during the course of your training.
The Aref is paid within the limits of your rights remaining before your entry into training.
If the duration of your training is lower at the end of your entitlement, you will be entitled to the ARE again at the end of your training.
If the duration of your training is superior after the duration of your remaining rights, you can benefit from the end-of-training fee (RFF).
You don't touch the RCA or no longer
If you do not collect or more Return to Employment Assistance (RWA) on the day of registration in training, you can benefit from the France Travail (RFPE) training remuneration.
You may receive the CSR during all or part of your training, depending on your situation.
Your training must be approved by France Travail.
Please note
if you want to use the earned hours credit when you were an employee, you can take advantage of the personal training account (PTA).
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