Can you hang objects freely on the windows, railing, balconies?

Verified 27 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, you can hang anything you want to your windows or balcony provided that the co-ownership rules or a municipal by-law does not oppose it.

However, you are responsible for the damage caused by your property if it is not properly secured.

In general, condominium regulations prohibit bins (planters) outside railings.

If an object falls and injures someone or causes material damage (windshield of a damaged car, for example), your liability may be impugned by that person.

You must therefore ensure that the objects you hang from your windows or balconies are properly secured and not simply laid down and are not too heavy to impact the structure or solidity of the building.

Moreover, they must not create a situation of unsanitary conditions, cause discomfort to passers-by and occupants of buildings along the shore (for example, linen fixed or laid on the railing...).

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