Carte grise: what to do if you buy back the vehicle before the end of the lease?

Verified 09 July 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You can buy back the vehicle before the end of the leasing provided you have the agreement of your lender. Carte grise You can then make your request for You'll be mentioned as the incumbent, because it'sa change of ownership.

Carte grise You can request

  • either online,
  • or with a qualified professional.

To carry out the online approach, a digital copying device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is necessary.

Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.

You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :

Who shall I contact

You have 1 month to do the procedure. Otherwise, you risk a fine of up to €750 (in general, flat-rate fine of €135).


You must use the following online service:

Carte grise Request the sale of a used vehicle with French registration

You must identify yourself via France Connect.

You must have the assignment code, given by the previous owner of the vehicle.

You must also have a digital copy (photo or scan):

  • of a proof of identity by co-holder,
  • carte grise of the vehicle's method, crossed out with the words Sold on (day/month/year) or Transferred on (day/month/year), and with the signature of the lender,
  • if your vehicle is more than 4 years old, proof of a valid roadworthiness test, unless the vehicle is exempt from roadworthiness tests. The roadworthiness test shall carte grise less than 6 months old on the day of the request for If the deadline is exceeded, a new check must be carried out at your expense.

If you're doing it for someone else, you need to have a digital copy of the mandate signed and of identity document.

Carte grise In addition, you must provide information, including the identity of the holder (and possibly co-holders) of the goods: surname, given names, gender, date and place of birth, telephone number and e-mail address.

Carte grise You must certify on the honor that the applicant of the vehicle has a certificate of insurance of the vehicle and a driving license corresponding to the category of vehicle registered.

You do not have to attach a digital copy (photo or scan) of the driver's license. However, this may be requested when your file is being examined.

The Rules of Procedure of carte grise amount of must be made by credit card.

At the fine-minded from the procedure, you get the 3 items following:

  • File Number
  • Accused of registration of your request
  • Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC), which you need to print. The CPI allows you to circulate for 1 month, only in France, carte grise while waiting to receive your

Carte grise You will be given the definitive secure fold at your home.

The time limit for receipt may vary.

You can follow the progress of its manufacture on the Internet:

Carte grise Follow your request to

To a qualified professional

You must submit the following documents:

  • Carte grise vehicle, strikethrough with Sold on (day/month/year) or Transferred on (day/month/year), with the lender's signature,
  • Proof of identity (original), one per co-holder
  • Proof of domicile carte grise (original ), or in the case of joint holders, the proof of the person whose address is to be given in the
  • Carte grise Cost ofcarte grise , by check or credit card (in addition to taxes and the fees of the TSP, the professional may ask you to pay a fee to carry out the procedure for you, their amount is not capped)
  • Proof of roadworthiness, if the vehicle is more than 4 years old, and is not exempt from it. Control must have less than 6 months (2 months if a counter-visit has been prescribed) and must have been carried out in France. Carte grise It must be less than 6 months old on the day of the request for a procedure: if the deadline is exceeded, a new check must be carried out at your expense.
  • Form cerfa no. 15776 declaration of transfer of the vehicle completed and signed by the old and the new owner. If there are several co-owners, each must sign it. If you have lost the completed and signed form, you will need to contact the seller to redo the form.
Who shall I contact

Carte grise If you have lost the loan before you begin your process, you should contact the lender to notify them.

If it has been stolen, you must file a complaint for theft with the gendarmerie or police station in your home or the place of theft, which will stamp your form.

Carte grise In the 2 cases, then contact the lender to request a duplicate of the

To file a complaint, you must go to the police station or to the gendarme of your choice.

Who shall I contact

Police or gendarmerie services are obliged to register your complaint if you are a victim of infringement.

The complaint is then forwarded to the public prosecutor for him to decide on what to do next (investigation, no follow-up classification, etc.).

If you don't know the perpetrator, you can fill out a online pre-complaint before you move.

Online Pre-Complaint

Then you need to sign your complaint on-site in the police station or the gendarmerie brigade that you chose.

One Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC) will be issued immediately in case of conversion of an old registration (type 123 AB 01, END) in number SIV. It allows you to move around for 1 month (in France only) carte grise while waiting to receive your final. For other cases, a acknowledgement of change of ownership will be issued.


the conversion of an old registration (type 123 AB 01, END) in number SIV has no effect on the validity of the roadworthiness test. The report of the roadworthiness test shall be authentic.

Carte grise You will receive your definitive secure fold at your home under a period which may vary. You can monitor the progress of its implementation online.

Carte grise In addition to the cost of the service, the professional will charge you a sum corresponding to the service he performs on your behalf. This amount is freely determined by the trader.