What is a Segpa class?

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your child has serious and long-term difficulties in school and you wonder how his schooling in college can be adapted? The class of Segpa: titleContent may be a solution. We'll tell you everything about the device.

A class Segpa: titleContent welcomes young people from 6e at 3e with significant academic difficulties. These are difficulties which cannot be resolved by school aid and support measures.

The class is integrated into a college. It brings together a small group of students (maximum 16) to individualize each student's journey.

The Segpa must allow your child to access a vocational training diploma or to continue his studies after 3e.

Orientation after CM2

At the end of CM1, if your child encounters serious academic difficulties, the teaching team can offer you to adapt his or her education for the year of CM2. This includes prevention, support and individualized support.

If the academic difficulties are not resolved during the year of CM2, the board of teachers can offer you guidance in Segpa class. In this case, the Board of Masters will receive you to present the device.

You can decide whether to accept or reject the orientation in Segpa. If you refuse the offer, your child is assigned in 6e ordinary.

Guidance during college tuition

End of year of 6eHowever, the class council may find that your child's academic difficulties are too great to be solved with a support device.

In this case, before the second quarter class council, the head teacher informs you of the possibility of a Segpa orientation and presents the device to you.

Segpa class orientation can be offered by the second quarter class council.

You can choose to accept or reject it. If you refuse the offer, your child is assigned in 5e ordinary. It will benefit from special educational support.

Exceptionally, your child may also enter Segpa in class of 4e.

Please note

your child can also be educated in Segpa if he or she has a personalized schooling project (PPS). The CDAPH: titleContent must have taken a decision to that effect.

Segpa allows your child to follow lessons adapted to his or her difficulties. It benefits from an individualized follow-up.

Students follow the same curricula as their classmates in the general section, but with adaptations and adaptations.

General education is provided by teachers from schools, colleges or high schools. Vocational high school teachers are responsible for vocational education.

While in school, your child does internships in company (in 4e and in 3e).

The training must enable him to acquire the common knowledge and skills base and to appear at the end of college at the national patent diploma (DNB).

End of year of 3e, your child passes the General Training Certificate (GTC) or the national patent diploma (DNB).

After middle school, your child must be able to access training, at least at the level of certificate of professional competence (CAP).

He can thus continue his training in vocational school or Apprenticeship Training Center (AFC).

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