Does a student who moves have to change college or high school?

Verified 02 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you move and your child is enrolled in a college or high school, they can change schools or complete their education in the one they attend.

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Change of establishment

Depending on where your new home is located, you depend on a secondary school or a secondary school in the sector. The steps differ depending on whether you want to enroll your child in the establishment of your sector or not.

Establishment of your sector
1- Obtain the certificate of cancelation

You must first get a certificate of cancelation (called Exeat). This certificate is issued by your child's former school.

2- Make the registration process with the school

You must then register your child directly with the college or the sector high school.

This registration depends on the accommodation capacityl. It must be accepted by the head of the establishment.

If the establishment of the sector no longer has space available, you will need to contact the Departmental Directorate of National Education of your place of residence. This directorate will take care of the assignment of your child.

Who shall I contact

To enroll your child in his or her new school, you will need to provide subsequent documents :

The hotel may ask you for additional documents.

Please note

if you want your child to move to a private facility, the division does not apply. So you can enroll it in the college or high school of your choice.

Establishment outside your area

You must first obtain the agreement of the Dasen: titleContent. You must then apply to the school.

1- Get agreement from the Dasen

You must first get a derogation of the Dasen: titleContent so that your child can move from high school to middle school.

You must apply using a form.

You can pick up the document from the Departmental Services Directorate of National Education of your place of residence.

The application must be submitted to your child's school or to the National Education Department of your place of residence, as appropriate.

In some departments, the request is made online on the website of the Directorate of Departmental Services of National Education.

Who shall I contact
2- Make the registration process with the school

You must then complete the registration process directly with the college or high school.

In particular, you will need to provide the subsequent documents at the new school:

  • Certificate of Cancelation (Exeat) issued by your child's former school
  • Guidance Decision
  • Quarterly bulletins for the past year
  • Mandatory vaccination certificates
  • Fact Sheet (Parents)
  • Proof of domicile.

The hotel may ask you for additional documents.

Please note

if you want your child to move to a private facility, the division does not apply. So you can enroll it in the college or high school of your choice.

Keeping the child in the institution

If you move, your child can finish school at the school he or she attends.

For example, if your child is in the second grade and as you move, he can stay in the same facility until the end of his senior year.

You have this option even if your sector establishment It's not the same.

However, you must report your new address to the school's secretariat.

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