Can the amount of the personalized autonomy allowance (AAL) be reviewed?

Verified 10 May 2024 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA)

You can request a reassessment of your needs (revision of your assistance plan and accordingly of the amount of your Apa), in case of modification:

  • Either your personal or financial situation
  • The personal situation of your caregiver.

This request may be made:

  • Either by yourself
  • Either by your legal representative
  • Either by a caregiver

After receiving your complete application file, your application can be considered, either urgently or within 2 months, depending on the circumstances.

To find out how to apply, please contact:

General case
Who shall I contact

If the review leads to a reduction in the amount of the Apa, you can challenge this decision :

You have to go to a friendly remedy first and then you can go to a litigation remedy.

Compulsory prior administrative appeal (Rapo)

If you challenge a decision on the Apa, you can make a compulsory prior administrative appeal by contacting the department by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

You must make this appeal within 2 months of notification of the decision you are challenging.

Who shall I contact

You can appeal the decision made under the compulsory prior administrative appeal.

To do this, you must file a contentious appeal before the administrative court.

Who shall I contact

You must make this appeal within 2 months of the notification of the decision you are challenging.

If you wish, you can challenge the decision of the administrative tribunal by a appeal to the Council of State.

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