Deletion of an application for social housing

Verified 27 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Can your application for social housing be canceled, that is to say deleted, after you have submitted it? There are several reasons for delisting your request for accommodation. In some cases, you can challenge that delisting. We'll explain.

An application for housing can be canceled, when you have made multiple applications.

Multiple social housing application registration numbers are assigned to you when you have applied for social housing multiple times in the same year.

In this case, your various applications are automatically written off to be grouped into a single application. A unique national registration number is then assigned to you.

For each canceled application, the seniority acquired is retained, so that it applies to the municipalities applied for. Several seniority are then attached to your unique national number.

Your application for housing may be canceled when it is declared inadmissible. This is the case, for example, when your income exceeds revenue cap.

After your application is declared inadmissible, you will receive a warning by registered letter with notice of receipt (or any means to attest to its delivery). Your request is canceled 1 month after this shipment.

To challenge your cancelation, you must contact the organization or the administration (city hall, office HLM...) that has canceled you. You will then be told what to do.

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Town Hall

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Office HLM

You can waive your request for accommodation in writing.

The cancelation of your application shall take place without delay.

Your application for accommodation may be canceled if you do not renew not in the month before his birthday, that is, after 11 months. Cancelation shall take place without delay.

Your request may be canceled when you do not reply to the emails that are sent to your last declared address.

You will receive a warning by registered letter with notice of receipt (or any means to attest to its delivery). Your request is canceled 1 month after this shipment.

To challenge your cancelation, you must contact the organization or the administration (city hall, office HLM...) that has canceled you. You will then be told what to do.

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Town Hall

Who shall I contact

Office HLM

As soon as you sign the lease for the social housing that is assigned to you, your application is canceled.

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