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Leave for temporary invalidity attributable to the official's service (Citis)
Verified 13 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Accident at work If you are a victim of an occupational disease, travel or illness and are unable to perform your duties, you may be placed on leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis). We will detail the rules applicable to this leave. These rules vary depending on whether you are a victim of an accident at work (or commuting) or an occupational disease.
What applies to you ?
Accident at work in transit or
In what cases is an official placed in Citis?
You are placed on leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis) if you are in any of the following:
- You're in an accident recognized as being attributable to the service, commonly referred to as industrial accident. It's an accident that happened, whatever the cause, during working time and at the workplacein the course of or in connection with the performance of your duties or in the course of or in connection with the performance of an activity which constitutes a normal extension of your duties, in the absence of personal misconduct or any other special circumstance which would not link the accident to service
- You're a victim of a commuting accident recognized as being attributable to the service on the the usual route from your residence to your workplace or restaurant, during the normal time for carrying out this journey, unless a personal fact or any other special circumstance unrelated in particular to the necessities of everyday life may detach the accident from service
How to request Citis?
Accident report
To obtain a Citis, you must address by any means to your employer administration a accident report of service or accident on the way.
The declaration shall contain the following documents:
- Accident report form specifying the circumstances of the accident at work or on the way and the injuries caused by that accident
- Medical certificate issued by a doctor indicating the nature and location of the injuries resulting from the accident and the probable duration of the resulting incapacity for work.
Time limit for transmission of the accident report
You must submit the accident report in the 15 days according to the date of the accident.
When the injuries are medically ascertained within 2 years of the accident, the medical certificate must be transmitted within 15 days of the date of this ascertainment.
Your doctor will establish a accident at work medical certificate
You must send Part 1 to your employer administration within 48 hours following the date of issue of the certificate and keep vouchers 2 and 3.
If the accident results in a work stoppage, you must also forward the 4e flap notice of work stoppage.
In the event of a renewal of your work stoppage, you must forward your extension to your administration within the same 48-hour period following the establishment of the work stoppage.
If your work stoppage is sent after 48 hours, the remuneration due to you between the date of the establishment of the work stoppage and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
In the event of non-compliance with transmission deadlines the declaration of an accident or stoppage of work, the request to take charge of the accident in the context of a Citis rejected.
Earnings elements affected by the reduction
If your work stoppage is sent after 48 hours, the remuneration due to you between the date of the establishment of the work stoppage and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
Halving your pay is about your gross index processing and your premiums and allowances.
However, the following compensation elements continue to be paid to you in full:
- Residence allowance
- Family treatment supplement
- Partial payment of the price of public transport passes used for travel between home and work
- Benefits in kind
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Premiums and allowances related to change of residence, first assignment, geographical mobility and restructuring
- Premiums and allowances linked to the organization of work
- Teaching or jury allowances and other allowances not directly related to employment
- Part or all of premiums and allowances modulated according to performance and manner of service
- Exceptional or occasional payments of premiums and allowances in respect of a single chargeable event
Examination of your application by the administration
Your employer authority decides on the accountability to the service of your accident, that is to say that it examine whether the link between the accident and the service is established.
It must make its decision in the 1-month period from the date they receive your accident report and medical certificate.
Your employer authority may subject you to a medical expertise by a licensed medical practitioner to check the link between the accident and the service.
An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.
Your administration may also conduct a administrative inquiry to verify the accuracy of the facts and circumstances leading to the accident.
The opinion of the medical advice is collected when the link between the accident and the service is not clearly established due to personal fault on your part or any other special circumstance.
Your administration informs you when an examination by a registered doctor, an administrative inquiry or the opinion of the medical council is necessary.
In this case, the period of one month to decide on the imputability to the service of your accident is extended by 3 months.
If no decision is taken by the administration at the end of the 1 or 4 month period, you are temporarily placed in Citis for the period indicated on the medical certificate.
At the end of the investigation of your application, your administration decides on the liability to the service of your accident.
If this link between the service and your accident is found, you are placed on leave for the duration of your work stoppage.
If the link between the accident and the service is not established, the administration shall withdraw its decision to place on temporary leave for temporary invalidity attributable to the service. In this case, you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Please note
To get the extension of your leave, you must send a new medical certificate to your administration within 48 hours of its establishment.
How long is the Citis?
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you retire for disability.
If the application for Citis is submitted during a sick leave, of long illness or long life, on 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
How is Citis paid?
The conditions of remuneration during the Citis vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.
What are the obligations of the official during the Citis?
During your temporary disability leave due to service, you must to undergo medical examinations requested by your administration:
- Your administration may have your examination carried out at any time by a qualified doctor
- If your Citis lasts more than 6 months, your administration must have a review at least once a year.
You and your administration may refer the matter to the medical council for advice if you dispute the findings of the medical practitioner.
If you refuse to undergo a medical examination, your salary is no longer paid until you complete the examination.
During your leave, you must cease all paid work (except medically supervised and ordered activities for job rehabilitation).
If you do not comply with this obligation, your remuneration is no longer paid and you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Your remuneration shall be restored from the day on which you cease any unauthorized paid activity.
You must also respect the subsequent obligations :
- Inform your administration of any change of residence
- Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay
Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the interruption of your remuneration.
What are the effects of Citis on the career of the permanent official?
Time spent in Citis is ineffective on your rights to advancement (step and grade) and internal promotion.
It is also no effect on your retirement.
Time spent in Citis does not reduce your entitlement to other holidays, including the following:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence motherhood oradoption
- 3-day leave for birth or adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Caregiver leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Representation leave of an association
- Citizenship Leave
If you cannot take advantage of your annual leave due to your Citis, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.
Periods during which you are on leave for temporary disability attributable to service do not give you not entitled to RTT.
During your Citis, you can ask to benefit from a training or a skills assessment or to engage in an activity that promotes your rehabilitation or retraining. Your request is subject to the favorable opinion of the medical council.
What happens after the leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service ends?
When you are cured or the damage from your accident has stabilized, you should provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you are a government official and if you have been on leave for temporary disability attributable to service for more than 12 consecutive months, your employment has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess. This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you're unfit when you return to your duties, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job that is compatible with your health.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for any employment, you may be laid off disability pension no matter your age and no matter how many quarters of pension insurance you have.
If relapse occurs
If your medical condition changes after the date of healing or consolidation of your injury and requires medical treatment, you may again be placed on temporary disability leave due to service.
You must report your relapse within one month of your medical finding to the jurisdiction in which you are assigned on the date of your return.
The report of relapse shall be made using the same form than the original accident report.
The form must be accompanied by a medical certificate indicating the nature and location of the injuries and the probable duration of the incapacity for work.
The administration will examine your request for leave under the same conditions as when you initially requested leave.
Retirement on grounds of disability
If you have been retired for disability, you can apply to the administration that issued your debarment for reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident that led to your debarment.
You can also claim reimbursement for medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident in case of relapse.
In what cases is an official placed in Citis?
You are placed on leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis) if you are in any of the following:
- You're in an accident recognized as being attributable to the service, commonly referred to as industrial accident. It's an accident that happened, whatever the cause, during working time and at the workplacein the course of or in connection with the performance of your duties or in the course of or in connection with the performance of an activity which constitutes a normal extension of your duties, in the absence of personal misconduct or any other special circumstance which would not link the accident to service
- You're a victim of a commuting accident recognized as being attributable to the service on the the usual route from your residence to your workplace or restaurant, during the normal time for carrying out this journey, unless a personal fact or any other special circumstance unrelated in particular to the necessities of everyday life may detach the accident from service
How to request Citis?
Accident report
To obtain a Citis, you must address by any means to your employer administration a accident report of service or accident on the way.
The declaration shall contain the following documents:
- Accident report form specifying the circumstances of the accident at work or on the way and the injuries caused by that accident
- Medical certificate issued by a doctor indicating the nature and location of the injuries resulting from the accident and the probable duration of the resulting incapacity for work.
Time limit for transmission of the accident report
You must submit the accident report in the 15 days according to the date of the accident.
When the injuries are medically ascertained within 2 years of the accident, the medical certificate must be transmitted within 15 days of the date of this ascertainment.
Your doctor will establish a accident at work medical certificate
You must send Part 1 to your employer administration within 48 hours following the date of issue of the certificate and keep vouchers 2 and 3.
If the accident results in a work stoppage, you must also forward the 4e flap notice of work stoppage.
In the event of a renewal of your work stoppage, you must forward your extension to your administration within the same 48-hour period following the establishment of the work stoppage.
If your work stoppage is sent after 48 hours, the remuneration due to you between the date of the establishment of the work stoppage and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
In the event of non-compliance with transmission deadlines the declaration of an accident or stoppage of work, the request to take charge of the accident in the context of a Citis rejected.
Earnings elements affected by the reduction
If your work stoppage is sent after 48 hours, the remuneration due to you between the date of the establishment of the work stoppage and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
Halving your pay is about your gross index processing and your premiums and allowances.
However, the following compensation elements continue to be paid to you in full:
- Residence allowance
- Family treatment supplement
- Partial payment of the price of public transport passes used for travel between home and work
- Benefits in kind
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Premiums and allowances related to change of residence, first assignment, geographical mobility and restructuring
- Premiums and allowances linked to the organization of work
- Teaching or jury allowances and other allowances not directly related to employment
- Part or all of premiums and allowances modulated according to performance and manner of service
- Exceptional or occasional payments of premiums and allowances in respect of a single chargeable event
Examination of your application by the administration
Your employer authority decides on the accountability to the service of your accident, that is to say that it examine whether the link between the accident and the service is established.
It must make its decision in the 1-month period from the date they receive your accident report and medical certificate.
Your employer authority may subject you to a medical expertise by a licensed medical practitioner to check the link between the accident and the service.
An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.
Your administration may also conduct a administrative inquiry to verify the accuracy of the facts and circumstances leading to the accident.
The opinion of the medical advice is collected when the link between the accident and the service is not clearly established due to personal fault on your part or any other special circumstance.
Your administration informs you when an examination by a registered doctor, an administrative inquiry or the opinion of the medical council is necessary.
In this case, the period of one month to decide on the imputability to the service of your accident is extended by 3 months.
If no decision is taken by the administration at the end of the 1 or 4 month period, you are temporarily placed in Citis for the period indicated on the medical certificate.
At the end of the investigation of your application, your administration decides on the liability to the service of your accident.
If this link between the service and your accident is found, you are placed on leave for the duration of your work stoppage.
If the link between the accident and the service is not established, the administration shall withdraw its decision to place on temporary leave for temporary invalidity attributable to the service. In this case, you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Please note
To get the extension of your leave, you must send a new medical certificate to your administration within 48 hours of its establishment.
How long is the Citis?
The duration of the Citis depends on your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you are terminated.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
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The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you are terminated.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
How is Citis paid?
The conditions of remuneration during the Citis vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.
What are the obligations of the official during the Citis?
During your temporary disability leave due to service, you must to undergo medical examinations requested by your administration:
- Your administration may have your examination carried out at any time by a qualified doctor
- If your Citis lasts more than 6 months, your administration must have a review at least once a year.
You and your administration may refer the matter to the medical council for advice if you dispute the findings of the medical practitioner.
If you refuse to undergo a medical examination, your salary is no longer paid until you complete the examination.
During your leave, you must cease all paid work (except medically supervised and ordered activities for job rehabilitation).
If you do not comply with this obligation, your remuneration is no longer paid and you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Your remuneration shall be restored from the day on which you cease any unauthorized paid activity.
You must also respect the subsequent obligations :
- Inform your administration of any change of residence
- Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay
Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the interruption of your remuneration.
What are the effects of Citis on the career of the probationary official?
Time spent on leave for temporary disability attributable to service is taken into account to determine your rights to advancement.
He's also taken into account for your retirement.
Time spent in Citis does not reduce your entitlement to other holidays, including the following:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence motherhood oradoption
- 3-day leave for birth or adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Caregiver leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Representation leave of an association
- Citizenship Leave
If you cannot take advantage of your annual leave due to your Citis, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.
Periods during which you are on leave for temporary disability attributable to service do not give you not entitled to RTT.
Your Citis, beyond a certain time, extends the duration of your internship.
What happens after the leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service ends?
Your situation at the end of the leave varies according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you have been on leave for more than 12 consecutive months, your previous job has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess.
This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade, if necessary in excess. The excess is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you have been on leave for more than 12 consecutive months, your previous job has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess.
This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the injuries resulting from your accident are stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade, if necessary in excess. The excess is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified on a job compatible with your state of health or put on a job disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
Occupational disease
In what cases are placed in Citis?
You are placed on leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis) if you take a occupational disease in the performance of your duties.
How to request Citis?
Declaration of occupational disease
To obtain a Citis, you must address by any means to your employer administration a declaration of occupational disease.
The declaration shall contain the following documents:
- Occupational disease declaration form specifying the circumstances of the disease
- Medical certificate drawn up by your doctor indicating the nature and location of the injuries resulting from the illness and the probable duration of the incapacity for work
Time limit for transmission of the declaration of occupational disease
You must submit the declaration of occupational disease in the 2 years according to the date of 1re medical assessment of your disease or the date on which you are informed by a medical certificate of the possible link between your illness and a professional activity.
When changes are made to tables of occupational diseases after you have been medically diagnosed with a disease newly listed in these tables, you must submit your declaration of occupational disease within 2 years of the effective date of these amendments.
In this case, the recognition of your occupational disease begins on the date of entry into force of the amendments to the tables of occupational diseases.
Your doctor will establish a accident at work medical certificate.
You must send Part 1 to your employer administration within 48 hours following the date of issue of the certificate and keep vouchers 2 and 3.
If the illness results in a work stoppage, you must also transmit the 4e flap notice of work stoppage.
If your work stoppage is renewed, you must send your administration your extension within the same 48-hour period after the establishment of the work stoppage.
If the 48-hour period is not observed, the remuneration due between the date of the stoppage of work and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
In the event of non-compliance with transmission deadlines declaration of an occupational disease or cessation of work, request to take charge of the accident in the context of a Citis rejected.
Remuneration elements affected by the halving
If the 48-hour period is not observed, the remuneration due between the date of the stoppage of work and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
Halving your pay is about your gross index processing and your premiums and allowances.
However, the following compensation elements continue to be paid to you in full:
- Residence allowance
- Family treatment supplement
- Partial payment of the price of public transport passes used for travel between home and work
- Benefits in kind
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Premiums and allowances related to change of residence, first assignment, geographical mobility and restructuring
- Premiums and allowances linked to the organization of work
- Teaching or jury allowances and other allowances not directly related to employment
- Part or all of premiums and allowances modulated according to performance and manner of service
- Exceptional or occasional payments of premiums and allowances in respect of a single chargeable event
Examination of your application by the administration
Your employer administration decides on accountability for your illness, that is to say, it examines whether the link between the illness and the service is established.
It must make its decision in the two-month period from the date on which they receive your complete file including your declaration of occupational disease, the medical certificate and the result of any additional medical examinations prescribed by the tables of occupational diseases.
Your employer authority may subject you to a medical expertise by a licensed medical practitioner to verify the link between the disease and the service.
An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.
Your administration may also conduct a administrative inquiry to verify the accuracy of the facts and circumstances which led to the outbreak of the disease.
The opinion of the medical advice shall be collected when the disease results from a disease not included in the lists of occupational diseases.
The occupational doctor submits a report to the medical council, unless he finds that your illness is linked to the service. In this case, it shall inform the administration.
Your administration will inform you when an examination by a registered doctor, further investigation or the opinion of the medical council is necessary.
In this case, the 2-month period to decide on the imputability to the service of your illness is extended by 3 months.
If no decision is taken by the administration at the end of the period of 2 or 5 months, you are temporarily placed in Citis for the period indicated on the medical certificate.
At the end of the investigation of your application, your administration decides on accountability for your illness.
If the link between the service and your illness is established, you are placed on leave for the duration of your work stoppage.
If the link between the disease and the service is not established, the administration shall withdraw its decision to place on temporary leave for temporary invalidity attributable to the service. In this case, you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
To obtain an extension of your leave, you must send a new medical certificate to your administration within 48 hours of its establishment.
How long is the Citis?
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you retire for disability.
If the application for Citis is submitted during a sick leave, of long illness or long life, on 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
How is Citis paid?
The conditions of remuneration during the Citis vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.
What are the obligations of the official during the Citis?
During your temporary disability leave due to service, you must to undergo medical examinations requested by your administration:
- Your administration may have your examination carried out at any time by a qualified doctor
- If your Citis lasts more than 6 months, your administration must have a review at least once a year.
You and your administration may refer the matter to the medical council for advice if you dispute the findings of the medical practitioner.
If you refuse to undergo a medical examination, your salary is no longer paid until you complete the examination.
During your leave, you must cease all paid work (except medically supervised and ordered activities for job rehabilitation).
If you do not comply with this obligation, your remuneration is no longer paid and you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Your remuneration shall be restored from the day on which you cease any unauthorized paid activity.
You must also respect the subsequent obligations :
- Inform your administration of any change of residence
- Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay
Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the interruption of your remuneration.
What are the effects of Citis on the career of the permanent official?
Time spent in Citis is ineffective on your rights to advancement (step and grade) and internal promotion.
It is also no effect on your retirement.
Time spent in Citis does not reduce your entitlement to other holidays, including the following:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence motherhood oradoption
- 3-day leave for birth or adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Caregiver leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Representation leave of an association
- Citizenship Leave
If you cannot take advantage of your annual leave due to your Citis, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.
Periods during which you are on leave for temporary disability attributable to service do not give you not entitled to RTT.
During your Citis, you can ask to benefit from a training or a skills assessment or to engage in an activity that promotes your rehabilitation or retraining. Your request is subject to the favorable opinion of the medical council.
What happens after the leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service ends?
When you are cured or the damage from your disease has stabilized, you should provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you are a government official and if you have been on leave for temporary disability attributable to service for more than 12 consecutive months, your previous job has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess. This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you're unfit when you return to your duties, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job that is compatible with your health.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for any employment, you may be laid off disability pension no matter your age and no matter how many quarters of pension insurance you have.
If relapse occurs
If your medical condition changes after the date of healing or consolidation of your injuries and requires medical treatment, you may again be placed on temporary disability leave due to service.
You must report your relapse within one month of your medical finding to the jurisdiction in which you are assigned on the date of your return.
The report of relapse shall be made using the same form the initial declaration of the occupational disease.
The form must be accompanied by a medical certificate indicating the nature and location of the injuries and the probable duration of the incapacity for work.
The administration will examine your request for leave under the same conditions as when you initially requested leave.
Retirement on grounds of disability
If you have been retired for disability, you can apply to the administration that issued your debarment for reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the illness from which your debarment occurred.
You can also claim reimbursement for medical fees and expenses directly caused by the illness in case of relapse.
In what cases are placed in Citis?
You are placed on leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service (Citis) if you take a occupational disease in the performance of your duties.
How to request Citis?
Declaration of occupational disease
To obtain a Citis, you must address by any means to your employer administration a declaration of occupational disease.
The declaration shall contain the following documents:
- Occupational disease declaration form specifying the circumstances of the disease
- Medical certificate drawn up by your doctor indicating the nature and location of the injuries resulting from the illness and the probable duration of the incapacity for work
Time limit for transmission of the declaration of occupational disease
You must submit the declaration of occupational disease in the 2 years according to the date of 1re medical assessment of your disease or the date on which you are informed by a medical certificate of the possible link between your illness and a professional activity.
When changes are made to tables of occupational diseases after you have been medically diagnosed with a disease newly listed in these tables, you must submit your declaration of occupational disease within 2 years of the effective date of these amendments.
In this case, the recognition of your occupational disease begins on the date of entry into force of the amendments to the tables of occupational diseases.
Your doctor will establish a accident at work medical certificate.
You must send Part 1 to your employer administration within 48 hours following the date of issue of the certificate and keep vouchers 2 and 3.
If the illness results in a work stoppage, you must also transmit the 4e flap notice of work stoppage.
If your work stoppage is renewed, you must send your administration your extension within the same 48-hour period after the establishment of the work stoppage.
If the 48-hour period is not observed, the remuneration due between the date of the stoppage of work and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
In the event of non-compliance with transmission deadlines declaration of an occupational disease or cessation of work, request to take charge of the accident in the context of a Citis rejected.
Remuneration elements affected by the halving
If the 48-hour period is not observed, the remuneration due between the date of the stoppage of work and the date of its transmission shall be reduced by half.
Halving your pay is about your gross index processing and your premiums and allowances.
However, the following compensation elements continue to be paid to you in full:
- Residence allowance
- Family treatment supplement
- Partial payment of the price of public transport passes used for travel between home and work
- Benefits in kind
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Premiums and allowances related to change of residence, first assignment, geographical mobility and restructuring
- Premiums and allowances linked to the organization of work
- Teaching or jury allowances and other allowances not directly related to employment
- Part or all of premiums and allowances modulated according to performance and manner of service
- Exceptional or occasional payments of premiums and allowances in respect of a single chargeable event
Examination of your application by the administration
Your employer administration decides on accountability for your illness, that is to say, it examines whether the link between the illness and the service is established.
It must make its decision in the two-month period from the date on which they receive your complete file including your declaration of occupational disease, the medical certificate and the result of any additional medical examinations prescribed by the tables of occupational diseases.
Your employer authority may subject you to a medical expertise by a licensed medical practitioner to verify the link between the disease and the service.
An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.
Your administration may also conduct a administrative inquiry to verify the accuracy of the facts and circumstances which led to the outbreak of the disease.
The opinion of the medical advice shall be collected when the disease results from a disease not included in the lists of occupational diseases.
The occupational doctor submits a report to the medical council, unless he finds that your illness is linked to the service. In this case, it shall inform the administration.
Your administration will inform you when an examination by a registered doctor, further investigation or the opinion of the medical council is necessary.
In this case, the 2-month period to decide on the imputability to the service of your illness is extended by 3 months.
If no decision is taken by the administration at the end of the period of 2 or 5 months, you are temporarily placed in Citis for the period indicated on the medical certificate.
At the end of the investigation of your application, your administration decides on accountability for your illness.
If the link between the service and your illness is established, you are placed on leave for the duration of your work stoppage.
If the link between the disease and the service is not established, the administration shall withdraw its decision to place on temporary leave for temporary invalidity attributable to the service. In this case, you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
To obtain an extension of your leave, you must send a new medical certificate to your administration within 48 hours of its establishment.
How long is the Citis?
The duration of the Citis depends on your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you are terminated.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The Citis has no maximum duration.
It is extended until you are fit to resume service or until you are terminated.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
The duration of the Citis is limited to 5 years.
If the application for Citis is made during ordinary, long-term or long-term sick leave, the 1re Citis period starting from 1er the day of the initial leave.
How is Citis paid?
The conditions of remuneration during the Citis vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
You also keep your bonuses and allowances, except for the following bonuses and allowances that cease to be paid:
- Specific allowances for subjects special, which cease to be paid if you are replaced
- Premiums and allowances in the nature of reimbursement of expenses
- Bonuses related to organization and exceeding of the work cycle
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The conditions for maintaining or suspending bonuses and allowances are determined by the decision of your employer community.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
You keep your entire index treatment.
If you perceive the residence allowance and one family treatment supplement, they also continue to be paid in full to you.
The service premium continues to be paid unless you are away for a full year.
You are also entitled to reimbursement of medical fees and expenses directly incurred as a result of the accident.
The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.
What are the obligations of the official during the Citis?
During your temporary disability leave due to service, you must to undergo medical examinations requested by your administration:
- Your administration may have your examination carried out at any time by a qualified doctor
- If your Citis lasts more than 6 months, your administration must have a review at least once a year.
You and your administration may refer the matter to the medical council for advice if you dispute the findings of the medical practitioner.
If you refuse to undergo a medical examination, your salary is no longer paid until you complete the examination.
During your leave, you must cease all paid work (except medically supervised and ordered activities for job rehabilitation).
If you do not comply with this obligation, your remuneration is no longer paid and you must reimburse the remuneration wrongly received and the medical expenses covered by your administration.
Your remuneration shall be restored from the day on which you cease any unauthorized paid activity.
You must also respect the subsequent obligations :
- Inform your administration of any change of residence
- Inform your administration of any absence from your home of more than 2 weeks (except in case of hospitalization) and indicate your dates and places of stay
Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the interruption of your remuneration.
What are the effects of Citis on the career of the probationary official?
Time spent on leave for temporary disability attributable to service is taken into account to determine your rights to advancement.
He's also taken into account for your retirement.
Time spent in Citis does not reduce your entitlement to other holidays, including the following:
- Annual leave
- Leave of absence motherhood oradoption
- 3-day leave for birth or adoption
- Paternity and childcare leave
- Vocational training leave
- Family Solidarity Leave
- Caregiver leave
- Leave for validation of experience
- Skills Check Leave
- Leave for union training
- Representation leave of an association
- Citizenship Leave
If you cannot take advantage of your annual leave due to your Citis, some of your vacation leave may be postponed.
Periods during which you are on leave for temporary disability attributable to service do not give you not entitled to RTT.
Your Citis, beyond a certain time, extends the duration of your internship.
What happens after the leave for temporary invalidity attributable to service ends?
Your situation at the end of the leave varies according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you have been on leave for more than 12 consecutive months, your previous job has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess. This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade, if necessary in excess. The excess is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
Vous avez choisi
Choisissez votre cas
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If you have been on leave for more than 12 consecutive months, your previous job has been declared vacant and you may have been replaced by another public servant.
If there is no vacancy corresponding to your grade, you are reinstated in excess. This surplus is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employment, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
When you are cured or the damage from your illness has stabilized, you must provide your administration with a final medical certificate of cure or consolidation.
If you're fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your post or reassigned to a post corresponding to your grade, if necessary in excess. The excess is eliminated at 1re vacancy in your grade.
Your workstation can be adapted to your health if necessary.
If you are found to be permanently unfit for employmentNo, you're fired.
If you were seconded for an internship and hold another grade, your secondment for an internship shall be terminated and you shall be made available to your home administration.
In your home administration, you can benefit from a period of preparation for reclassification or be directly reclassified to a job compatible with your state of health or made available for disability pension.
You are entitled to an annuity calculated and revalued in the same conditions than those applicable to employees governed by private law.
The rate of incapacity used to calculate the pension is determined by the medical council.
This pension is paid by the administration that employed you as a probationary official.
Articles L115-2, L115-3
Accidents in service and occupational diseases
Administrative situation of staff on leave for health reasons
SARS-CoV2 infection-related illness recognized as attributable to service
Ministry of Public Service