Collecting weapons: what are the rules?

Verified 26 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Weapons holders: access to the weapons information system (AIS)

Published on 27 February 2024

The Weapons Information System (AIS) shall be made available to owners of major private weapons following:

  • Person with a hunting permit, who possesses a weapon, or who wishes to acquire and possess a weapon
  • Person with a French Shooting Federation license for shooting, who possesses a weapon, or who wishes to acquire and possess a weapon
  • Wishing Person keep a legacy or found weapon who does not have a sports license for ball-trap or biathlon, nor a valid collector's card
  • Person holding or wishing to acquire certain category C weapons and who has no sports license for ball-trap or biathlon, nor a valid collector's card.
    These are weapons of category C3 (a firearm manufactured to fire a bullet or several non-metallic projectiles) and category C9 (a deactivated firearm of category A, B or C, i.e. rendered unfit to fire).

The AIS allows you to do your homework and access your digital rack.

This page will be updated as the AIS is opened to other specific weapons owners.

Wondering what weapons can be collected? We present you the rules to know according to the type of weapons.

What applies to you ?

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