Glasses and lenses

Verified 07 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Role of opticians in the first supply of glasses or lenses

Published on 4 June 2024

Law of 19 May 2023 provides that opticians-glasses can during the 1er supply of glasses or lenses to adapt the prescription.

The terms of these adjustments will be determined by Order in Council.

In the meantime, the information presented on this page remains valid.

How much eyeglasses or contact lenses are supported varies depending on your age and degree of correction. If you break or lose your glasses or change your vision, you can renew your glasses or lenses with an optician (within the period of validity of the prescription) or, under certain conditions, with an orthoptist. Tinted lenses can be supported in some cases. We'll lay out the rules for you.

What applies to you ?

Do you wear glasses or lenses?
How old are you?

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