How do I alert the police or gendarmerie in case of an emergency?

Verified 23 December 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

In case of emergency, and only in this situation, it is possible to alert the police or gendarmerie by telephone call, or by SMS, if you are unable to speak.

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By telephone

In case of emergency, when a quick intervention is necessary, you can call the emergency police. Dial 17.

You can also contact the 112.

Who shall I contact
Who shall I contact

You can't call

114 is the emergency call relay service if you are unable to speak on the phone (deaf, hard of hearing ...) or if it could put you in danger.

Who shall I contact

If the situation is not urgent, call your local police station or gendarmerie brigade.

Who shall I contact
Who shall I contact

It is important to know that sending a false alarm to the police, by making it look like a hostage taking, for example, is a offense.

This offense may be punishable by up to 2 years in prison and €30,000 of fine.