Reimbursement for dental care

Verified 15 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

How much of your dental consultations and care will be reimbursed? The dentist consultation is covered by the Health Insurance up to 60%. Dental, prosthetic and orthodontic treatments are reimbursed, but are subject to special rates. We'll tell you the main amounts you need to know.

The difference between the amount paid and the amount reimbursed by the Health Insurance can be supported by your health complementary if the contract you have entered into so provides.

Find out from her.

The rules vary depending on whether or not the consultation takes place in Alsace-Moselle.

Indeed, in Alsace-Moselle, the local health insurance scheme provides complement the general scheme's payment of health costs.

General case

Visits to a dentist are covered by the Health Insurance and reimbursed to 60% on the basis of conventional tariff (sickness insurance).

The stomatologist is a physician to whom the flat-rate contribution of €2. This participation remains at your expense at each consultation or medical act.

The contracted doctor in sector 1 applies the tariff fixed by agreement with the sickness insurance, while the contracted doctor in sector 2 charges a free fee.

Tableau - Fees and Refunds for Visits to a Dental Doctor

Consulted Practitioner


Reimbursement Basis

Amount Refunded

Dental surgeon

General case




Specialized in ODF: titleContent





Sector 1




Sector 2






Visits to a dentist are covered by the Health Insurance and reimbursed to 60% on the basis of conventional tariff (sickness insurance).

The stomatologist is a physician to whom the flat-rate contribution of €2. This participation remains at your expense at each consultation or medical act.

The contracted doctor in sector 1 applies the tariff fixed by agreement with the sickness insurance, while the contracted doctor in sector 2 charges a free fee.

Tableau - Rates and reimbursements of visits to a dental doctor in Alsace-Moselle

Consulted Practitioner


Reimbursement Basis

Amount Refunded

Dental surgeon

General case




Specialized in ODF: titleContent





Sector 1




Sector 2






The local health insurance scheme in Alsace and Moselle ensures a complement the general scheme's payment of health costs.

Dental care includes

  • Preservative care (scaling, treatment of decay, devitalization...)
  • And surgical care, like extraction.

They are reimbursed to 60% on the basis of conventional tariff (sickness insurance).

These rates are different where they are carried out:

  • On adults
  • Or on the permanent teeth of children under the age of 13.

Dental care is not subject to the lump sum payment of 2. €

However, they are subject to this participation if they are performed by an stomatologist.

Dental rates are not the same for people over the age of 13.

From the age of 13

Tableau - Examples of Dental Care Fees and Reimbursements at a Dental Physician for 13 Years and Older

Dental care

Conventional rate

Reimbursement rate

Amount Refunded





Treatment of Caries on One Side




Treatment of Two-Sided Caries




Devitalization of an incisor or canine




Milk tooth extraction




Permanent tooth extraction




Under 13

Tableau - Examples of Dental Care Fees and Reimbursements for Permanent Teeth at a Dental Practitioner for Under 13 Years of Age

Dental care

Conventional rate

Reimbursement rate

Amount Refunded

Treatment of Caries on One Side




Treatment of Two-Sided Caries




Devitalization of an incisor or canine




Devitalization of premolar




Devitalization of molar




Repayment Terms

Dentures are reimbursed to 60% on the basis of so-called liability tariffs, very often lower than their actual cost (free tariffs).

The dental surgeon or oral surgeon is required to inform you in advance by means of a written estimate that you will sign, if necessary, for acceptance.

This quote must include, including:

  • Precise and detailed description of the treatment envisaged and/or the materials used
  • Fee amount for salary
  • Amount reimbursed by the Health Insurance.

Dental care performed by an stomatologist is subject to the flat-rate contribution of €2.

Rates and Refunds

Tableau - Examples of Dental Prosthesis Rates and Refunds



Refund Basis

Maximum amount over base rate

Refund Rate

Maximum amount refunded


Fees available





Dentin (1 to 3 teeth)

Fees available





Complete Dentist (14 teeth)

Fees available





Bridge of three elements (2 pillar teeth + 1 intermediate element to replace an absent tooth - the pillar teeth must be damaged)

Fees available





Supporting Conditions

Orthodontic treatments or treatments ODF: titleContent (often called rings) are covered by the Health Insurance provided that:

  • To obtain theprior agreement from your health insurance fund
  • Starting treatment before 16e birthday.

The dental surgeon or oral surgeon is required to inform you in advance by means of a written estimate that you will sign, if necessary, for acceptance.

This quote must include, including:

  • Accurate and detailed description of the proposed treatment and/or materials used
  • Fee amount for salary
  • Amount reimbursed by Health Insurance
  • Possible supplements.


Exceptionally, the child over 16 years of age may be covered by the Health Insurance for one semester of treatment, before surgery on the jaw. This semester is not renewable.

Request for prior approval

First, you and your dentist or stomatologist fill out a specific form depending on the care prescribed.

You must then send this form to the medical service of your CPAM: titleContent.

Rates and reimbursement of orthodontic treatments

Tableau - Examples of tariffs and reimbursement of orthodontic treatments



Reimbursement Basis

Maximum amount over base rate

Reimbursement rate

Maximum amount refunded

Treatment per semester (maximum 6)








Supervisory session (maximum 2 per semester)







Contention 1st year







Contention 2nd year








The orthodontic treatment is subject to the flat-rate contribution of €2 it is performed by an stomatologist.

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