Synthetic sheet of the condominium

Verified 11 March 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The trustee must prepare a summary record of the condominium every year, under penalty of sanctions. What should the summary sheet contain and what is its purpose? We provide you with all the information you need to know.

The summary sheet is a document that informs the co-owners about the functioning of the co-ownership and the state of the building.

This document is obligatory in all condominiums.

The summary sheet must be produced by the condominium trustee.

To generate this card, the trustee must follow several steps. The summary sheet must be dated and include the name and signature of the trustee, accompanied by his stamp.

Please note

The summary sheet can be extracted from the national register of condominiums.

The summary sheet must contain certain information.

Identification of co-ownership, trustee or interim administrator

  • User name and address of condominium pool
  • Address(es) of the building(s) (if different from that of the syndicate of co-owners)
  • Number registration of the joint ownership the national register of condominiums and the date of its last update
  • Date of establishment of the co-ownership rules and establishment identifier number (SiretSiret : System for identifying the register of establishments) of the condominium pool
  • Name, first name and address of the legal representative of the condominium (condominium trustee or ad hoc administrator) and Siret
  • Intervention framework of the legal representative (mandate of joint-ownership trustee or mission of the ad hoc administrator)

Legal organization of co-ownership

The summary sheet must indicate the nature of the trade union (principal/secondary).

In the case of a secondary trade union, the certificate must also specify the registration number in the national register of condominiums of the main trade union.

Technical characteristics of the condominium

  • Total number of condominium lots under the co-ownership rules
  • Distribution of lots according to their use (home, business, office)
  • Number of buildings
  • Construction period

Facilities of the condominium

  • Type of heating and, for non-urban collective heating (partial or total), type of energy used (gas, fuel oil, electricity etc)
  • Number of lifts

Financial characteristics of the condominium

The summary sheet shall specify financial elements which differ according to the date of the accounting year of the condominium.

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1st accounting year (accounts not yet approved at general meeting)

The summary sheet must mention the start and end dates of the accounting year.

Closed accounting period (accounts approved by the general meeting)

The summary sheet shall include the following:

  • Start and end dates of the accounting year and date of the general meeting that approved the accounts
  • Expense amount for current operations
  • Expense amount for work and exceptional operations
  • Vendor debt amount
  • Amount of outstanding payments
  • Amount of works fund.

The trustee must update the summary sheet every year.

The update has to be done within 2 months that follow the notification of the minutes of the general meeting during which the accounts for the closed accounting year were approved.

The summary sheet can be obtained free of charge by co-owner.

The request must be made to the trustee by all means.

The trustee has 1 month to make this card available to the co-owner who requests it.


If the summary sheet of the condominium is not transmitted within the period of 1 month, a penalty of €15 per day of delay is applied. This penalty is deducted from the trustee's annual lump sum.

The summary sheet is also available on the extranet of the condominium. Indeed, the trustee has the obligation to make available to the co-owners, a secure platform on the Internet that allows to consult the documents relating to the co-ownership, download and print them. The summary sheet of the condominium is one of the documents that can be consulted by all the condominiums.

Please note

During the sale of a condominium lot, a copy of the summary sheet must be annexed to the promise to sell or the bill of sale.

The trustee's job is to draw up a summary record of the condominium.

The failure to produce the summary sheet is thus a breach of its legal and contractual obligations. This fault constitutes grounds for dismissal of the liquidator.

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