What documents can a foreigners minor leave France with?

Verified 31 May 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are a foreigners minor and you want to travel outside of France? You must be in possession of documents. These documents differ depending on whether you are traveling alone or with one of your parents or with another person. We will provide you with the documents you need based on your situation.

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You are traveling with one of your parents

You are a European minor

You can travel abroad with one of the following documents:

To find out what documents are required by the country you are traveling to, you can consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr.

Please note

if you are traveling with only one of his parents, some countries like Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco or the Switzerland may require proof that the other parent authorizes such travel.

You're a minor from another country

You can travel abroad with your passport (possibly accompanied by a visa).

To find out what documents are required by the country you are traveling to, you can consult travel advice on diplomatie.gouv.fr.

If you are traveling with only 1 of his parents, some countries like Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco or the Switzerland may require proof that the other parent authorizes such travel.


to return to France without having to apply for a return visa, you must have a Minor foreigner Movement Document (MRD).

Traveling alone or with someone else

A child who habitually resides in France must have an identity or travel document, an authorization to leave the territory (AST) and a photocopy of the identity document of one of his parents. The rules depend on the nationality of the parent signing the AST.

The parent who signs the AST is European 

If the parent establishing the AST is European, a child who travels abroad without being accompanied by one of his or her parents must have the following documents:

  • Valid identity document of the minor + possible visa depending on the requirements of the country of destination
  • Photocopy of the valid identity document of the signatory parent (identity card, passport or residence permit)
  • Original of form cerfa n°15646 of authorization to leave the territory signed by one of the parents holding parental authority

Authorization to leave the territory (AST)

The parent who signs the AST is of another nationality

If the parent who establishes the AST is a foreigner, the child who travels without being accompanied by one of his or her parents must be provided with the following documents:

  • Valid identity document of the minor + possible visa depending on the requirements of the country of destination
  • Photocopy of the signatory parent's valid identity document (identity card, passport, valid residence permit or refugee or stateless identity and travel document)
  • Original of form cerfa n°15646 of authorization to leave the territory signed by one of the parents holding parental authority

Authorization to leave the territory (AST)


to return to France without having to apply for a return visa, the minor must be equipped with a Minor foreigner Movement Document (MRD).