Leave for marriage or Civil partnership in the public service

Verified 11 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You may be granted leave of absence at your wedding or at your Civil partnerships: titleContent. We present you the information to know according to your public service of origin (State public service - FPE, territorial - FPT or hospital - FPH).


You may be authorized to working days on the occasion of your wedding or Civil partnerships: titleContent, if the operation of the service so permits.


Your department manager may grant you, in certain special cases, in view of the trips to be made, additional leave authorizations of up to 48 hours for the journey times.

These days of leave, including travel time, shall be remunerated.


If a deliberation so provides, you may be granted leave of absence on the occasion of your marriage or your appointment, if the operation of the service so permits.

Inquire with your human resources department.


You may be authorized to working days on the occasion of your wedding or Civil partnerships: titleContent, if the operation of the service so permits.