French Naturalization: what justifications if you live as a couple?

Verified 17 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The supporting documents must be attached to your French application for naturalization if you live as a couple :

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  • Marriage certificate
  • Copy double-sided your spouse's residence permit or national identity card
  • If you are separated from your spouse or in the process of divorce, a copy of the legal separation decision or the non-conciliation order

Civil partnerships

  • Receipt of registration of the Civil partnerships: titleContent issued by the court
  • Copy double-sided the residence permit or national identity card of your Civil partnership partner

Cohabitation (Union libre)

You must provide a copy double-sided the residence permit or national identity card of the person with whom you live as a couple.


Depending on your situation, other documents may be requested.


To make your French application for naturalization, one simulator allows you to have the custom list of documents to be provided :

Application for naturalization: what documents to provide?

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