Register to vote: with what proof of identity?

Verified 24 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

To register on a list of electors, you must provide proof of identity. The proof to be provided depends in particular on the list of electors on which you want to register: list of electors of a municipality or consular list of electors.

List of electors of a municipality

Depending on who you are French or that you have the nationality of another country member of the European Union, you do not need to provide the same type of proof.

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You have an identity card or passport

You must provide one of the following:

  • French identity card, valid or expired less than 5 years on the day of filing your application
  • Single-use credential valid. This proof shall be obtained after created your digital identity France Identity, using a bank card-sized identity card, an account France Connect and the France Identity app (download to your phone)
  • French passport, valid or expired for less than 5 years on the day of filing your application

You can register online or with a form.

You don't have an identity card or a passport

You must provide proof of your French nationality and proof of your identity:

1er proof of your nationality

You must provide a birth certificate of less than 3 months (full copy or extract with filiation).

If you don't have one, you can provide:

  • Either a declaration of acquisition of French nationality in your name registered by the administration, or, if you do not have one, a certificate of this declaration issued by the Minister of the Interior at your request, at the request of your legal representative or at the request of a French public administration
  • Let's say one magnification the decree on naturalization or reintegration into French nationality or, if you do not have one, a certificate stating that the decree exists
  • Either a certificate of nationality issued by the court registry or a copy of the naturalization decree (which takes effect on the date of its notification)
2d proof of identity

You must provide one of the following:

  • Member's identity card (valid) with photo, issued by the president of a parliamentary assembly
  • Local elected official identity card (valid) with photo, issued by the State representative
  • Vital card with photo
  • Combatant's card (valid) with photo, issued by the National Office of Veterans and War Victims
  • Disability card (valid) with photo or mobility card inclusion (valid) with photo
  • State official identity card (valid) with photo
  • Identity card (valid) with photo or circulation card (valid) with photo, issued by the military authorities
  • Driving license
  • Hunting permit (valid) with photo, issued by theUNCFS: titleContent
  • Receipt proving identity (valid), issued in exchange for identity documents in case of judicial control


If you are a national of another Member State of the European Union, you must provide proof of your identity and a written attestation.

1er credential: proof of identity

  • Either a national identity card (valid)
  • Either a passport (valid)
  • Either a residence permit (valid)

2d supporting document: written attestation

You can write this attestation using this document template:

Declaration on honor for a European voter

Consular List of Electors

If you are a French citizen living abroad, you can register on a consular voters list. To do this, you must provide a document proving your identity.

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You have an identity card or passport

You must provide one of the following:

  • French identity card valid or expired less than one year ago, on the day of filing your registration request
  • Valid or expired French passport for less than one year, on the day of filing your application

You don't have an identity card or a passport

You must present a document proving your French nationality and a document proving your identity:

1er document: proof of your nationality

You must provide 1 of the following:

  • Either a certificate of French nationality
  • Either a naturalization decree
2d document: proof of your identity

You must provide 1 of the following:

  • Either an official (valid) document issued by a French public administration.
    It must include your name, first name, date and place of birth, your photo.
    It must indicate the administrative authority that issued it to you, the date and the place where it was issued to you.
  • Or a card (valid) issued when you register with the foreigner and a consular registration card (valid)
  • Either a document (valid) issued by a country of the European Union or the European Economic Area.
    It must include your name, first name, date and place of birth, your photo (in portrait format).
    It must indicate the administrative authority that issued it to you, the date and the place where it was issued to you.

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