How are hearing aids reimbursed?

Verified 14 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The hearing care professional is required to provide you with a quotation drawn up on the basis of a model made available by the Health Insurance, called standard quotation.

The quote must show:

  • Price of the proposed hearing corrector electronic device
  • And the price of adaptation services.

Other key information about the quote is:

  • Make
  • Template
  • Commercial reference and class of the proposed device
  • Warranty Period
  • Price including all accessories essential or optional to its operation
  • Total price payable
  • Arrangements for payment by the Health Insurance
  • Nature of the adaptation services which are inseparable from the proposed apparatus.

The hearing care professional sends the estimate to your CPAM.

Hearing aids are covered by the Health Insurance:

The support depends on the class of the appliance: class 1 or class 2.

You can freely choose the equipment of your choice:

  • Class 1 hearing aids : these hearing solutions meet the essential needs of hearing, with a guarantee of quality. They enter the basket 100% health and allow you to benefit from an offer without any cost.
  • Class 2 hearing aids —Higher-end custom solutions. They meet all specific needs with more advanced technologies, to treat complex hearing loss. It's possible that you have a dependant. However your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance may cover all or part of the costs which are not reimbursed by the Health Insurance. You can check with her.


The hearing care professional must offer you at least one offer 100% health for each ear to be fitted.

Different criteria make it possible to know the repayment terms.

They are related to your age and whether or not you have a visual disability or complementary health.

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20 years and older

Class 1 hearing aids

Their price is capped at €950 by ear.

You're fully refunded.

The reimbursement rate for Health Insurance is 60% based on €400 by ear.

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance must take in charge of the rest.

Class 2 hearing aids

The refund rate is 60% on the basis of a tariff fixed at €400 (per ear).

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance can take in charge of the rest.

You must check with your mutual to know the rest of the charge.

Under 20

Class 1 hearing aids

Their price is capped at €1,400 by ear.

You're fully refunded.

The reimbursement rate for Health Insurance is 60%.

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance must take in charge of user fees.

Class 2 hearing aids

The refund rate is 60% on the basis of a tariff fixed at €1,400 (per ear).

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance can take in charge of the rest.

You must check with your mutual to know the rest of the charge.

Visual impairment (regardless of age)

Class 1 hearing aids

Their price is capped at €1,400 by ear.

You're fully refunded.

The reimbursement rate for Health Insurance is 60%.

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance must take in charge of user fees.

Class 2 hearing aids

The refund rate is 60% on the basis of a tariff fixed at €1,400 (per ear).

Your mutual health insurance or your supplementary health insurance can take in charge of the rest.

You must check with your mutual to know the rest of the charge.

Beneficiary of the solidarity health supplement

20 years and older

Audio prosthetists must offer you a device at a maximum price of €800 by ear.

If you choose a help that is more expensive than €800 per ear, you can receive support up to €800.

You pay the difference between the price charged and support for €800.

Under 20

If you are under 20 years old, hearing care professionals must offer you a device at a maximum price of €1,400by ear.

The reimbursement rate for Health Insurance is 60%.

Deaf and blind

If you are both deaf and blind, hearing care professionals should offer you a device at a maximum price of €1,400by ear.

The reimbursement rate for Health Insurance is 60%.

Please note

The accessories (batteries, headphones, case...) are also reimbursed to 60% provided that they are entered on the refundable list of products and services (LPP) by Health Insurance. This list establishes the rates on which reimbursement is based.

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