Change of sex in civil status records

Verified 02 March 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you want to change the gender marker on your civil status documents? It is not necessary to have undergone medical treatment or surgery. You must demonstrate that the sex on your marital status does not match that of your social life (gender identity). The application is made to the court.

You must be major or emancipated minor.

You must demonstrate that the mention of your sex in the civil status documents does not match the one you are running under and are known as.

For example, you can show the following:

  • You're publicly presenting yourself as that sex
  • You are known by your relatives and colleagues as this sex
  • You changed your first name to match that gender

You can prove by any means necessary : testimonies of relatives, photographs, documents, medical certificates...

One fact alone is not enough. You must provide several facts to prove that your social sex does not match your legal sex.


if you experience any variation in genital development, you may request that the indication of sex and given names be corrected on your civil status documents. A doctor should have determined that your gender does not match the one on your birth certificate.

You were born in France

The request is made by request to court of your place of residence or birth.

Your query must specify whether you want to change one or more of your first names.

You must to attach evidence.

You can deliver the query on-site or send it by mail.

Who shall I contact

A lawyer is not required for this procedure.

You are French born abroad

The request is made by request to court in the Nantes court.

Your query must specify whether you want to change one or more of your first names.

You must to attach evidence.

You can deliver the query on-site or send it by post.

A lawyer is not required for this procedure.

You are a refugee (Ofpra), stateless or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection

If you are a refugee (Ofpra: titleContent), stateless person or beneficiary of subsidiary protection, the request shall be made by request to Paris court.

Your query must specify whether you want to change one or more of your first names.

You must to attach evidence.

You can deliver the query on-site or send it by post.

Who shall I contact

A lawyer is not required for this procedure.

The procedure is free of charge.

The judge can make the decision in view of your file.

It can also to organize a hearing in council chamber to hear you and any person concerned.

You will then receive a summons.

If the application is accepted

First name change

The decision to change sex and name is recorded in the margin of your birth certificate at the request of the Public Prosecutor.

The amendment shall be made within 15 days according to the date on which the decision has become final.

If you are married, the updating of your spouse's marriage certificate and birth certificate with your new first name requires his/her agreement.

If you have been, your partner's agreement is not required. His birth certificate is updated with your new first name, in the mention of the Civil partnership affixed in the margin.

If you have children, updating their birth certificates with your new first name requires the child's consent if he or she is of age (or the consent of his or her 2 parents if he or she is a minor).

Spouses or one of the parents may request a new family record.

Once your birth certificate has been updated, it is possible to change your credentials (identity card, passport).

You can also inform your various interlocutors : employer, health insurance, mutual insurance...

Keeping the first name

The decision ordering the change of sex is recorded in the margin of your birth certificate at the request of the Public Prosecutor.

The amendment shall be made within 15 days according to the date on which the decision has become final.

Once the birth certificate has been updated, it is possible to change your credentials (identity card, passport).

You can also inform your various interlocutors : employer, health insurance, mutual insurance...

If the application is refused

You can challenge the decision by appealing.

The call's on by declaration or registered letter to graft of the the court that made the decision.

The assistance of a lawyer is obligatory.

The appeal period is 15 days from the decision.