Can a public official take his leave directly after a work stoppage?

Verified 20 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, you can take your annual leave immediately after a work stoppage by following the dates leave departure scheduled before your stop of work.

Sick leave does not delay scheduled annual leave dates.

Example :

You have planned to go on annual leave from January 23 to February 3. You are on sick leave from January 16 to 22. You can leave on January 23 as scheduled.

In case of overlap partial from your sick leave and annual leave, you can take your remaining annual leave immediately after your work stoppage. Sick leave does not offset the end date planned annual leave. Days of annual leave scheduled but not taken due to sick leave may be taken at a later date.

Example :

You're scheduled to go on leave from January 23 to February 3. You are on sick leave from January 18 to 25. You can leave from January 26 to February 3, as scheduled, after your work stoppage. You can take the 3 days of leave scheduled from January 23 to 25 later.

In case of overlap total sick leave and annual leave, your annual leave is canceled and you can take them later.

Example :

You're scheduled to go on leave from January 23 to February 3. You are on sick leave from January 18 to February 19. Your annual leave is canceled. You must reapply for vacation leave later.