How long is an identity card valid?

Verified 03 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Depending on the situation, the identity card is valid for 10 or 15 years. It all depends on your date of issue and your age at that time.

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You were of age when the card was issued

Your card was issued before 2014

If the card was still valid the 1er january 2014, the period of validity of the identity card of an adult has changed from 10 to 15 years.

If you are in that case, then add 5 years at the expiry date indicated on the card.

We present the rules according to the year of issuance of the identity card:

Tableau - Auto-extend condition

Year of issue

End date of validity entered on the card

New Effective End Date

Age-related conditions




Born in 1991 or earlier and be of legal age when issuing the card




Born in 1992 or earlier and be of legal age when issuing the card




Born in 1993 or earlier and be of legal age when issuing the card




Born in 1994 or earlier and be of legal age when issuing the card




Born in 1995 or earlier and be of legal age when issuing the card

Your card was issued in 2014 or later
This is an old card model (blue laminate)

The ID card is valid for 15 years.

This is the new template (credit card format)

The ID card is valid for 10 years.

You were a minor when the card was issued

The validity period of the identity card remains 10 years. The expiry date is the one shown on the map.


If the minor becomes an adult before the expiry date of the identity card, he or she may continue to use it. He does not need to apply for a new card until the validity date has passed.