Leave of the employee for the marriage of his child

Verified 26 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Is the employee entitled to leave on the occasion of his child's marriage? Who can benefit from this leave? We present the regulations in force.

All employees may be granted leave on the occasion of the marriage of his child. There's no no seniority requirement.

The duration of the leave shall be 1 working day. But of treaty provisions may provide for a longer duration.

The duration of such leave may not be deducted from the number of days of paid leave employee's annual.


If the employee is already on leave at the time of his child's marriage, he cannot take the leave.

Employees may take their day off on the day of their child's marriage, but not necessarily.

The day off must be taken in the period in which the event occurs.

Example :

If the employee's child is married on a Saturday, the employee may take the leave on the following Monday.

Please note

On his return to the company, the employee must give his employer a copy of your child's marriage certificate.

Yes, the day off is normally paid, as if it had been worked.

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