Identity documents required to travel by air - In France

Verified 01 avril 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your situation

  • You are traveling in France
  • You're French

Your situation depends on your nationality:


The airline verifies the identity of each traveler, adult as minor.

You must therefore submit one of the following documents:

  • French national identity card
  • Passport

You can also use your driver's license, if you are recognizable in the photo.


The family booklet or proof of application for an identity card or passport do not include a photo. They will therefore be refused.

To travel in overseas, you must have an identity document valid. An identity card is enough.

However, if you are transiting through a foreigner country, you must have a valid passport. So if you go to Saint-Martin, you have to have a passport.


in case of a check in the country where you are going to travel (police check for example), you have to prove your identity. You will need a national identity card or a passport valid.

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