Stateless: residence permit, travel document
Verified 31 juillet 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your situation
- You have been granted asylum and are applying for a residence permit
- You are of another nationality
- You've just been granted stateless status
Statelessness only applies to the person to whom no country grants nationality.
Statelessness can be the result of any of the following:
- Contradictions between several nationality laws
- Absence or failure of civil registration in some countries
- Transfers of sovereignty
- Revocation of nationality
- Strict application of blood and soil law in some countries.
Filing of the application
You must submit your written request in French to theOfpra: titleContent.
This request shall include the following information:
- Name(s)
- First name(s)
- Address of applicant
- Text that explains the reasons for your request.
Ofpra registers it and sends you a form and a registration certificate.
You must return this completed and signed form to Ofpra by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and attach:
- 2 recent ID photos
- Your travel document, documents concerning your civil status, a copy of your valid residence document (if you have these documents).
Who shall I contact
French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra)
On the spot
French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra)
201 Carnot Street
94136 Fontenay sous Bois Cedex
Reception of the public by summons
By telephone
01 58 68 10 10
On the Internet
Examination of the application
You can be called for an interview atOfpra: titleContent.
You are then heard in the language of your choice.
Ofpra may allow you to appear accompanied by either a lawyer or a representative of an association.
Ofpra may also collect information from the consular representations of the various countries of which you may be a national.
Recognition as stateless
If you are recognized as stateless, you are placed under the administrative and legal protection of theOfpra: titleContent.
Ofpra will issue you civil status documents (birth, marriage, etc.) if it cannot obtain them from the country where the events of its life occurred.
Ofpra's silence on an application for statelessness status does not constitute a decision on the application.
If your application for statelessness status is refused by Ofpra, you can challenge the decision before the administrative court of your place of residence. The National Court of Asylum does not have jurisdiction over applications for statelessness.
This appeal must be lodged within 2 months of notification of the refusal.
Who shall I contact
Litigation is not suspensive, that is, you can be subject to a obligation to leave France (OQTF) and be removed before the judge has made a decision.
You must submit your card application to the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home (inquire on the prefecture website).
It is not possible to carry out the procedures in some sub-prefectures. Find out more on your prefecture's website.
The multi-annual residence card beneficiary of stateless status allows you to stay in France.
Members of your family can benefit from the same card:
- Your spouse, common-law partner or civil union partner
- Your children within one year of age 18 or aged 16 to 18 who say they want to work.
Please note
The card issued to members of your family bears the mention family member of a beneficiary of stateless status.
Documents to be provided
Depending on your situation, the documents to be provided may vary:
- Ofpra decision granting you stateless status
- Civil status certificate (sent by Ofpra to the prefecture)
- 3 photos.
If the request is made on the internet: enter the code of the e-photo (provided by the photographer or the approved cabin on the photo board).
If you don't have an e-photo yet, you can locate a digital photo and signature service.
- Proof of domicile less than 6 months old (or declaration of domicile)
- Signed copy of a commitment to respect the principles of the Republic
- Declaration on the honor of no polygamy in France if you are married and are a national of a country that allows it
If your file is complete, you will receive a receipt awaiting the response of the prefecture.
Family of stateless persons
- Full copy of the birth certificate with the most recent entries, accompanied if necessary by the court decision ordering its transcription
- Passport (pages concerning civil status, validity dates, entry stamps and visas)
or consular attestation with photo
or photo ID
or consular card with photo
or certificate of nationality under 6 months with photo
- Ofpra decision granting stateless status
- Signed copy of a commitment to respect the principles of the Republic
- 3 photos.
If the request is made on the internet: enter the code of the e-photo (provided by the photographer or the approved cabin on the photo board).
If you don't have an e-photo yet, you can locate a digital photo and signature service.
- Proof of domicile less than 6 months old (or declaration of domicile)
- Declaration on the honor of no polygamy in France if you are married and are a national of a country that allows it
- Proof of family relationship with the stateless person: proof of marriage (full copy of the marriage certificate or family record) or proof of parentage for children (full copy of the birth certificate or family record for legitimate children, declaration made by the stateless person to the registrar recognizing his or her natural paternity or maternity for natural children, adoption decision for adopted children)
- If you arrived in France for family reunification: medical certificate issued by theOfii: titleContent (at the latest at the time of delivery of the security)
If your file is complete, you will receive a receipt awaiting the response of the prefecture.
You need to pay €25 (stamp duty) by tax stamps.
Proof of payment of stamp duty is requested when the card is handed over.
Card Delivery
The card is given to you by the prefecture (or sub-prefecture) of your home.
Period of validity
The residence card is valid Maximum 4 years.
After 4 years of stay in France with the map beneficiary of stateless status, you can request a resident card, within 2 months before the date of expiry of your residence card.
Temporary or multiannual residence card beneficiary of stateless status or family member of a beneficiary of stateless status and the resident card entitles you to work in France.
You can practice the profession of your choice (as an employed or self-employed person).
So you don't need an express work authorization. The employment situation is not against you.
If you wish to travel abroad, you can apply for a biometric travel document for stateless persons.
Filing of the application
The request can be made on the following website:
Documents to be provided
The documents to be provided are different if the travel document concerns an adult or a minor:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
The travel document is for a major
In particular, the following documents shall be submitted:
- Valid residence card, original and photocopy
- Proof of residence of less than 3 months to your name or proof of accommodation and copy of the host's identity document
- Proof that you are stateless (e.g.Ofpra: titleContent granting stateless status)
- In the case of an application for renewal, old travel document (original and photocopy)
- e-photo : enter the code of the e-photo (provided by the photographer or the approved cabin on the photo board). If you don't have an e-photo yet, you can locate a digital photo and signature service.
The travel document concerns a minor
In particular, the following documents shall be submitted:
- e-photo : enter the code of the e-photo (provided by the photographer or the approved cabin on the photo board). If you don't have an e-photo yet, you can locate a digital photo and signature service.
- Full copy of the birth certificate with filiation or family record drawn up by theOfpra: titleContent
- Proof of parental authority:
- Marriage certificate extract
- Divorce judgment
- Court ruling on parental authority
- Separation Order
- Copy of the court decision delegating parental authority.
- Proof of residence of less than 6 months in the name of the minor if the address is different from that of the applicant
Duration and cost
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You have a multi-year residence card
The biometric travel document is valid 4 years.
It costs €40.
You have a resident card
The biometric travel document is valid 5 years .
It costs €45.
Statelessness ceases if you acquire a nationality or reintegrate your nationality of origin.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra)
On the spot
French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra)
201 Carnot Street
94136 Fontenay sous Bois Cedex
Reception of the public by summons
By telephone
01 58 68 10 10
On the Internet
Residence card for stateless persons
Contract of commitment to respect the principles of the Republic
Taxes and stamp duty payable
Travel document: Article L582-7
Renewal of residence permit
Steps to obtain statelessness status
Application for a residence permit by means of an online service
French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra)