How is chemical castration organized in case of sexual offense?

Verified 16 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Chemical castration, also called libido inhibitory therapy, is a medical treatment intended for authors of infringements sexual. It aims to reduce a person's libido without causing mutilation of the human body. It is not irreversible: its effects cease when the condemned person stops his treatment.

Castration chemical is a medical treatment that aims to reduce testosterone production by taking medicines. Treatment is aimed at reducing the individual's sexual impulses. It does not prevent sexual intercourse but makes it much less frequent.

The effects of drugs last as long as treatment is followed. When treatment is stopped, the effects also stop.

Please note

In France, there is no castration measure physics against sex offenders.

Chemical castration involves perpetrators of sexual offenses, such as rape or sexual assault.

It may be decided in the context of a social and judicial follow-up, a parole, a judicial supervision or a safety surveillance.

In order for chemical castration to be prescribed, it is necessary that the sex offender have had medical expertise and that the judges have made a decision injunction for treatment against him.

Prescribing libido inhibitor therapy

Chemical castration is not a judicial measure. This is a medical treatment.

A criminal court may order a injunction for treatment against a sex offender. In this case, its attending physician may prescribe treatment that inhibits libido (chemical castration).

This treatment can never be decided by criminal courts.

Consent of sex offender

Chemical castration requires the consent of the convicted person. However, if she refuses this treatment, she faces a sentence of:

  • 3 years in prison, in case of offense
  • 7 years in prison, in case of crime

Place where the libido inhibitor treatment is performed

The author of a infringement sexual begins treatment as soon as it is outside a penal institution.

However, treatment can begin in prison. In this case, the convict who accepts a chemical castration is incarcerated in a specialized facility which provides adequate medical and psychological follow-up.

Follow-up of libido inhibitor therapy

The author of a infringement sexual is followed by its attending physician. If he doesn't have one, he has to choose one.

The treating physician shall issue certificates of follow-up treatment at regular intervals. This allows the convict to justify the completion of the treatment inhibiting libido.

Once a year, a coordinating physician, designated by the sentencing judgemeets with the convicted person to take stock of his situation (changes in the person's condition, proposals on the continuation of care, etc.). The coordinating doctor shall forward this assessment to the judicial authorities.

End of libido inhibitor therapy

Libido-inhibiting therapy stops when the injunction of care. The duration of such a measure shall be fixed by the judge who pronounces it. It varies between 1 and 20 years.

However, the attending physician may choose todiscontinue treatment if he has a reason (for example, the offender does not tolerate the treatment). In this case, he shall inform the judge of the application of the penalties and the coordinating doctor.

Please note

If the sex offender stops his treatment against the advice of his treating doctor, he may be punished for violating the obligations of his treatment order.