Reimbursement of commuting costs (public service) - Bicycle or carpool

Verified 01 janvier 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your situation

  • You make your trips by bike or carpooling
  • You report to the territorial public service

The conditions for covering your transport costs vary according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH):


What means of transport are supported?

If a deliberation so provides, you can benefit from a flat-rate refund of your transportation costs between your home and your place of work if you make these journeys using the following vehicles:

  • Cycling (electric or not)
  • Moped or motorcycle
  • Motor-driven personal transport equipment (scooter, monorow, gyropod, hoverboard, etc.)
  • Carpooling (as driver or passenger)
  • Shared mobility service: service for hire or self-service provision on the public road of 2 or 3 wheels, bicycles or personal transport equipment (electric or not)
  • Shared Mobility Service: A service that pools a vehicle or fleet of plug-in hybrid or low-emission electric vehicles for the benefit of subscriber users.

This lump sum refund is called long-term mobility package.

Who can benefit from the sustainable mobility package?

You can benefit from the sustainable mobility package that you are official or contractor.

You are not entitled to the sustainable mobility package if you are in one of the following situations:

  • You have an official accommodation in your workplace
  • You benefit from an official vehicle
  • You are transported free of charge by your employer administration.
What are the conditions to be met to benefit from the Sustainable Mobility Package?

You must use one of the means of transport eligible for the long-term mobility package during at least 30 days a year.

This minimum number of days is reduced in proportion to your working time if you work part-time or non-full-time.

How to apply for a sustainable mobility package?

You must provide your employer's administration with a declaration of honor no later than 31 December of the year for which you claim the lump sum payment sustainable mobility.

In this declaration, you certify that you are using one of the means of transport eligible for the sustainable mobility package.

You must also specify in this declaration the number of days of travel using one of these means of transport during the year for which you claim the payment of the long-term mobility package.

The use of carpooling or a shared mobility service is controlled by your employer administration which asks you for any useful proof.

The use of a bicycle (electric or not) or a personal travel device (motorized or not) can also be controlled by your employer administration.

If you have more than one employer jurisdiction, you must file a return with each jurisdiction.

What is the amount of the sustainable mobility package?

The amount of the long-term mobility package depends on the number of days of use of one of the means of transport eligible for it:

  • €100 30-59 days of use
  • €200 60-99 days of use
  • €300 for a use of at least 100 days.
How is the Sustainable Mobility Package paid?

The fixed-term mobility package shall be paid in the year following that in which the declaration of use of one of the means of transport giving entitlement thereto is lodged.

If you have multiple employer jurisdictions, each jurisdiction pays you a share of the long-term mobility package based on the number of hours worked with each jurisdiction.

The Sustainable Mobility Package is cumulable with a partial refund of your public transport ticket or your subscription to a public bicycle rental service.

The Sustainable Mobility Package is exempt from income tax.

It is therefore not included in the amount of net taxable income shown on your pay slips and pre-filled income tax return.