Collecting weapons: what are the rules? - Category C weapon

Verified 26 février 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Weapons holders: access to the weapons information system (AIS)

Published on 27 February 2024

The Weapons Information System (AIS) shall be made available to owners of major private weapons following:

  • Person with a hunting permit, who possesses a weapon, or who wishes to acquire and possess a weapon
  • Person with a French Shooting Federation license for shooting, who possesses a weapon, or who wishes to acquire and possess a weapon
  • Wishing Person keep a legacy or found weapon who does not have a sports license for ball-trap or biathlon, nor a valid collector's card
  • Person holding or wishing to acquire certain category C weapons and who has no sports license for ball-trap or biathlon, nor a valid collector's card.
    These are weapons of category C3 (a firearm manufactured to fire a bullet or several non-metallic projectiles) and category C9 (a deactivated firearm of category A, B or C, i.e. rendered unfit to fire).

The AIS allows you to do your homework and access your digital rack.

This page will be updated as the AIS is opened to other specific weapons owners.

Your situation

  • It's a class C weapon

You must have a title of detention to purchase and possess a category C weapon: valid hunting license or valid license from the Fédération française de tir.

If you don't have a detention certificate, you need to get a collector's card.

Step-by-step approach

To apply for the collector's card, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Being of age
  • Have a certificate issued by an authorized association certifying that you are a weapons collector and that you have been made aware of the rules of safety in the field of weapons.
  • Not be enrolled in FINIADA: titleContent
  • Do not have on your criminal record bulletin no. 2 convictions for certain offenses (murder, murder, willful violence, rape, sexual assault, drug trafficking...).
    It is the prefecture that makes the request for a ballot.

The card may be refused in one of the following cases:

  • You have behavior that gives rise to a fear of using the weapon that is dangerous to yourself or to others
  • You have been or are admitted to psychiatric care without consent
  • You are in a physical or mental state that is manifestly incompatible with the possession of weapons

The file must contain the following documents:

  • Weapon Collector Card Application Form
  • A copy of a valid identity document (national identity card, passport or residence permit)
  • Copy of proof of residence of less than 3 months
  • Medical certificate of less than one month attesting that your physical and mental health condition is compatible with the possession of weapons and ammunition
  • If you follow or have followed psychiatric care in a health facility, a medical certificate of less than 1 month issued by one of the following health professionals: psychiatrist practitioner, hospital teacher, doctor of the psychiatric infirmary of the police prefecture for Paris, expert approved by the courts, specialized doctor
  • Certificate issued by an authorized association certifying that you are a weapons collector and that you have been made aware of the rules of safety in the field of weapons.
    You can view or download the decision of 22 february 2024 listing the associations entitled.

Send your request to the prefecture of your home.

Who shall I contact

The silent silence by the prefecture during 4 months means that your application is refused.

If your request is accepted, you will receive the collector's card.


The collector's card allows you to buy category C weapons.

To purchase a Class C weapon, you must to make a declaration from a licensed dealer or dealer.


the collector's card does not allow active ammunition to be purchased or held.


The collector's card is a valid ticket for the legitimate carriage of category C weapons for activities related to the exhibition in a museum open to the public, to the conservation, knowledge or study of weapons.


Rules vary depending on the size of your collection.

General case
  • Either in a safe or a vault adapted to the type of material held
  • Or by dismantling a weapon element which immediately renders it unusable, which is kept separate
You have 50 or more weapons
  • Either in a safe or a strong cabinet adapted to the type of material held
  • Either by combining the dismantling of a weapon element making it immediately unusable, and any other device preventing the removal of the weapon

The collector's card is valid for 15 years.

You must submit the renewal request not later than one month before the expiry date from the map.

It is delivered or sent one receipt.

The receipt is provisional map collector from the end of the validity of the card until the renewal decision.

The silent silence by the prefecture during 4 months means that your renewal application is rejected.