Refusal of registration, delisting of the electoral list by the mayor: what to do? - You don't have a letter

Verified 21 mai 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Your situation

  • You don't have a letter

After you submit your application for registration on the voters list, the mayor must send you a letter within 7 days to inform you of his decision.

If you do not receive this mail and you are not registered on the voters list, you can appeal to the court. The court's decision cannot be appealed, but it can be appealed on a point of law.

It is possible to check your registration on the voters list using this online service:

Verify your voter registration and polling station

You can go to court:

  • Either by mail
  • Or by going there until Election Day (also until Day 2)d ballot if you were to be entered on the list of electors as of the 1ster tower).

You must provide the following:

  • Certificate issued by the City Hall mentioning the material error and the non-inclusion on the lists of the municipality. This certificate can be obtained from the office of elections of the mayor.
  • Copy of ID
  • Proof of domicile
  • Judge's referral form
  • Any document enabling the judge to assess the merits of your application
Who shall I contact

The judgment of the court shall be delivered no later than the day of the election. You are immediately informed.

The court's decision cannot be appealed, but it can be appealed on a point of law.

The appeal shall be lodged within 10 days of the date of notification of the decision of the court of first instance. The appeal is not suspensive: you remain deleted or not registered.

You must send a declaration by registered mail to the Registry of the Court of First Instance or the Registry of the Court of Cassation. The declaration shall include the following information:

  • Your name, first names
  • Your address
  • Statement of the grounds of cassation (i.e. the grounds on which you appeal)
  • Copy of court decision


you don't have to hire a lawyer.

Who shall I contact
Who shall I contact