Do you need a city planning permit to settle a greenhouse?

Verified 21 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you settle a greenhouse, a city planning permit application may be required depending on its area, height and location. We're presenting the regulations.

You must check with the city hall if you are in a protected area.

Who shall I contact

The sectors protected are:

  • Remarkable heritage sites
  • Historical monuments approaches
  • Site that is ranked or pending ranking
  • Natural reserves
  • Areas to be classified in the heart of a future national park
  • Heart of the national parks.

General case

The approach is different depending on the type of greenhouse:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Greenhouse with a height above the ground of 1,80 m or less

You have no city planning authorization to ask the city hall.

Greenhouse with a height above the ground of between 1,80 and 4 m and up to 2 000 m²

You must file a Advance Work Statement (AD).

You can complete the RFP on the Internet or by using a form.

The DP file must be filed in the City Hall:

  • By dematerialized according to the arrangements made by your municipality (inquire on the site of the town hall or on the spot)
  • By letter RAR: titleContent
  • In your own hand.
Who shall I contact
On the Internet

The RFP application file can be completed on the Internet:

You should ask the city council or its website if it has an online service to complete the file.

Who shall I contact

If not, you can use the following online service:

Support for your city planning authorization request

Greenhouse with a height above the ground of more than 4 m or with an area of more than 2 000 m²

You must request a building permit.

You must use an architect to build a greenhouse if its dimensions exceed one of the following limits:

  • 4 m height of right foot (right vertical upright)
  • 2,000 m² of floor area
  • 2,000 m² ofground right-of-way.

You can complete your permit on the internet or by using a form.

The building permit application must be submitted to the City Hall:

  • By dematerialized according to the arrangements made by your municipality (inquire on the site of the town hall or on the spot)
  • By letter RAR: titleContent
  • In your own hand.
Who shall I contact
On the Internet

The application for a building permit can be completed on the Internet:

You should ask the city council or its website if it has an online service to complete the file.

Who shall I contact

If not, you can use the following online service:

Support for your city planning authorization request

In protected area

The approach is different depending on the type of greenhouse:

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Greenhouse with a height above the ground of less than 4 m and up to 2 000 m² of surface area

You must file a Advance Work Statement (AD).

You can complete the RFP on the Internet or by using a form.

The DP file must be filed in the City Hall:

  • By dematerialized according to the arrangements made by your municipality (inquire on the site of the town hall or on the spot)
  • By letter RAR: titleContent
  • In your own hand.
Who shall I contact
On the Internet

The RFP application file can be completed on the Internet:

You should ask the city council or its website if it has an online service to complete the file.

Who shall I contact

If not, you can use the following online service:

Support for your city planning authorization request

Greenhouse with a height above the ground of 4 m and more or an area of more than 2 000 m²

You must request a building permit.

You must use an architect to build a greenhouse if its dimensions exceed one of the following limits:

  • 4 m height of right foot (right vertical upright)
  • 2,000 m² of floor area
  • 2,000 m² ofground right-of-way.

You can complete your permit on the internet or by using a form.

The permit file must be filed in the city hall:

  • By dematerialized according to the arrangements made by your municipality (inquire on the site of the town hall or on the spot)
  • By letter RAR: titleContent
  • In your own hand.
Who shall I contact
On the Internet

The application for a building permit can be completed on the Internet:

You should ask the city council or its website if it has an online service to complete the file.

Who shall I contact

If not, you can use the following online service:

Support for your city planning authorization request

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