Are we allowed to feed cats on the street?

Verified 02 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

It is forbidden to attract or feed routinely or routinely animals, in particular cats, when this practice is a cause of unsanitary conditions.

However, cats identified on behalf of a municipality or association can be fed.

Indeed, mayors may, on their initiative or at the request of an animal protection association, have unidentified cats, without owner or keeper, living in groups in public places in their municipality, captured in order to have them sterilized and identified. These cats are subsequently released to the place where they were caught.

The feeding of these cats is permitted at the place of capture.

These cats are identified in the national file of domestic carnivores (Icad), in the name of the municipality or association, under the status of free cat.

Cats identified as free cats are protected in the same way as cats identified on behalf of private individuals, in particular in the case of mistreatment.