Supplementary health and welfare in the territorial civil service

Verified 26 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

If you work in the territorial public service, there are incremental measures that are being put in place to improve payment of medical expenses, when you are sick, injured or on maternity leave (health insurance), and your pay conditions when you are unable to work (welfare). We present you the regulations on supplementary health and welfare.

One health complementary, commonly referred to as mutual, is intended to to supplement the social security cover for medical expenses in the event of sickness, accident or maternity.

From 1er january 2026, your employer community will refund part of your contributions to your health supplement (mutual).

The participation of your community shall cover at least the following guarantees:

  • Entire user fee on consultations, documents and benefits reimbursable by the Health Insurance. However, there may be exceptions.
  • Entire daily hospital fee in case of hospitalization
  • Dental expenses (prostheses and orthodontics) up to 125% of the conventional tariff
  • Optics costs on a flat-rate basis per 2-year period (annually for children or in the event of changes in vision) with a minimum of care fixed at €100 for a simple correction, €150 (or €200) for a complex correction.

You can benefit from the participation in the financing of your mutual that you are official or contract.

Your community's participation can consist of a partial assumption of your contributions to a mutual insurance company to which you have individually subscribed.

It may also consist of a collective contract proposed by your community and to which you must subscribe.

The amount of the participation shall be at least €15 per month.

Your community can provide a higher level of participation.


If a collective agreement is offered to you, it can be a mutual agreement chosen by your community or a mutual agreement chosen by the management center and to which your community has signed up. If your employing community decides to join a collective agreement signed by the management center, it can join for one or more of the risks covered by the collective agreement.

One supplementary provident is intended to to supplement the remuneration paid, by the administration, during sick leave or in case of disability. It may also provide for supplementary benefits, to those provided for by law or decree, in the event of the death of a public official for the benefit of his rights holders.

From 1er january 2025, local and regional authorities will propose a collective contract and will participate in the financing of contributions.

Membership to this collective agreement is obligatory.

This collective agreement will include a minimum set of guarantees.

Minimum Warranties

Any territorial agent, official or contractorin the event of sick leave on half-salary, irrespective of age, shall receive additional remuneration enabling him to benefit in total at least 90 % of his net income.

The income taken into account includes index salary, the new index enhancement and the premiums and allowances.

The official under the CNRACL: titleContent retired for disability will receive a invalidity pension allowing it to benefit from a total of at least 90%of his net income.

You report to the NACL if you are a full-time or non-full-time public servant working at least 28 hours a week (at least 12 hours if you are part of the arts teachers' job cadre and at least 15 hours if you are part of the arts assistants' job cadre).

If you're not in one of those situations, you're under the general regime and the Ircantec.

A staff member covered by the general social security and employment schemeIrcantec: titleContent will receive an invalidity pension enabling him to benefit from at least 90%its net income if it:

  • Demonstrate an invalidity rate of at least 2/3 with a classification in 2e or 3e category
  • Or have a disability rate at least equal to 66% accident at work in the case of an occupational disease or

Minimum employer participation

The amount of the participation of your employer collective is at least equal to 35. €