Non-interest bearing advance transfer loan

Verified 13 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want to do energy retrofits in your principal residence, built since more than 2 years ? You can get a advance loan zero rate transfer for 10 years under certain conditions. This loan is based on the guarantee of a mortgage realized on the value of your home to renovate. His refund is due at the time of the sale of the property or the settlement of your estate. We tell you the conditions and the procedure to follow to benefit from it.

The non-interest bearing advance loan is a mortgage loan granted by a credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business that has signed an agreement with the government.

This loan is secured through a mortgage the housing subject to the energy retrofit project. You must be proprietor and to occupy it as principal residence.

The granting of the loan is subject to compliance with a ceiling on resources. Households that can benefit are those whose resources correspond to the categories very modest and modest of theAnah: titleContent.

During First 10 years of the loan, the State takes over all interests. At the end of this period, interest at the rate freely set by the lending institution at the time of signing the loan contract will be applied.

The loan cannot be repaid before the sale of the property or the settlement of your estate.

It exists 3 main categories of works covered by the loan:

  • Renovation work punctual enabling your home to improve its energy performance (e.g. roof insulation, window and/or heating changes)
  • Renovation work global allowing your home to reach a minimum energy performance
  • Rehabilitation work on your facility non-collective sanitation by a device which does not consume energy.

One-off renovation

Step-by-step approach

To qualify for the loan, your work must be related to at least one of the following categories of work :

  • Thermal insulation of roofs
  • Thermal insulation of the exterior facing walls
  • Thermal insulation of glass walls and doors facing the exterior
  • Insulation of low floors
  • Installation, regulation or replacement of heating systems, possibly combined with economical and efficient ventilation systems, or efficient domestic hot water production systems
  • Installation of heating equipment using a renewable energy source
  • Installation of domestic hot water production equipment using a renewable energy source.

The loan may be used to finance energy renovation works on private parts of condominiums. However, it does not finance energy renovation work carried out on common areas.

For more information, the Ministry of Ecology provides a presentation of the technical characteristics of the work.


It's usually more efficient to start by insulating and ventilating your home before changing your heating and hot water production systems.

To define the most useful and cost-effective work, it is recommended hire a habitat renovation consultant to:

Who shall I contact

This service is free.

You must comply with conditions relating to your housing and income.

Housing-related conditions

To qualify for the loan, you must be owner-occupier of a built dwelling more than 2 years ago on the date of commencement of the work on which the loan is to be made.


The accommodation cannot be in the process of acquisition at the time of application for the loan.

The work must be carried out in a dwelling in use of principal residence located in metropolitan France. If the dwelling is not yet in such use, you must commit to actually using the dwelling as your principal residence within 6 months of receipt of the invoices to the institution or business financing your loan.


Subsequent checks shall be carried out to verify that the condition of occupancy of the dwelling as the principal residence is complied with within the required period.

Income-related conditions

The loan is granted means-tested.

Your income and that of all the people who occupy the dwelling are taken into account.

The revenues retained are reference tax revenue (RFR) the year N-1 (2023 for applications made in 2024) preceding the date of issuance of the loan offer. This income is based on the Income Tax Notice or Income Tax Status Notice if you are tax-free.

If these documents are not available at the time of the loan application, the year N-2 (2022 for applications made in 2024) is selected.

To find out the scales for the resources very modest and modest, the following information should be consulted depending on whether the property is located outside Île-de-France or in Île-de-France.

Very modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded in order to benefit from the transfer advance loan not bearing interest for households with very modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €6,970

+ €5,045

Modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded to benefit from the loan advance transfer not bearing interest for households with modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €8,486


The funding ceiling depends on the number of work items to be financed:

  • €7,000 maximum for 1 working action on the glass walls
  • €15,000 maximum for 1 work of a different nature (excluding glass walls)
  • €25,000 maximum for a bouquet of 2 work stations
  • €30,000 maximum for a bouquet of 3 workstations or more.

Some work-related expenditure may be included in the amount lent , within the limit of the financing ceiling. These expenses are as follows:

  • Cost of supply and installation of equipment, products and works necessary for carrying out energy-saving work
  • Cost of disposal and landfill of existing works, products and equipment
  • Cost of the necessary works, inextricably linked to the proper execution or completion of the works to improve the energy performance of the dwelling or to achieve an overall energy performance
  • Implementation costs or other technical studies necessary for carrying out the work
  • Any insurance costs of the contracting authority you have incurred
  • Notarial Fees
  • Registration Fees for the mortgage.

The amount of the loan requested must be filled in on the form Borrower when you apply.

The work must be carried out by a company Recognized Guarantor of the Environment (RGE) and holder of the certifications corresponding to the work undertaken.

These companies are listed in a directory:

Search for a company with the quality "Recognized Guarantor of the Environment"

The loan is offered by credit institutions, financing businesses and third-party financing businesses that have signed an agreement with the government.

The list of establishments and businesses is available currently affected by the scheme.

Once the jobs are defined and the EGR company is found, you must file your loan application with a credit institution, a financing business or a third-party financing business.

This file consists of the following documents:

  • 2 forms to fill in (forms Borrower and Company completed)
  • Description of the work to be carried out, showing in particular the estimated amount of eligible work and any associated expenditure
  • Detailed specifications of the work to be carried out
  • Proof of occupancy of the dwelling as a principal residence if available (it must be submitted no later than 6 months after the submission of invoices to the establishment or business financing the loan)
  • Last available tax notice with reference to the tax household reference income or income tax status report (if you are not taxable)
  • Document certifying the amount of the fees related to the registration of the mortgage and notarized fees.

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Borrower form

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Company form (all works except works improving the overall energy performance of the dwelling)

Your file will then be reviewed by the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business that funds the loan.

The institution or business will decide, as with any loan request, to lend you the amount requested based on your prior indebtedness and the value of the housing on which the mortgage is to be taken.

It is the institution or business that estimates the value of your home.

Please note

Only one loan may be granted per dwelling.

It is possible accumulate the loan with the zero-interest eco-loan (eco-PTZ) provided that they finance different work stations.

Please note

In the case of a joint application for a non-interest bearing advance loan and an eco-PTZ, it is recommended to provide the supporting documents separately to facilitate the preparation of the file.

It is also possible to benefit from MaPrimeRénov' for accompanying route aids. L'Anah: titleContent may decide to grant you an advance payment corresponding to 70% help if your income matches the resource categories very modest or modest.

For the first 10 years, the loan is transferred without interest, and the State pays the interest during that period.

Thus, in the case of change (sale or succession) of the dwelling during these 10 years, no interest is to be repaid.

Until the loan bears interest, your home cannot be converted into commercial or professional premises, put into leasing or used as secondary residence.

Failure to comply with those obligations shall result in the reimbursement to the State of the interest which it has assumed. Therefore, if any of these situations occur, you must report, without delay, the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business financing the loan.


In case of destruction of the dwelling before the end of the period for carrying out the work, the maintenance of the loan is conditional on its reconstruction within 4 years from the date of the disaster.

The change of the nature of work, of their upright or thecompany mandated, requires you to provide new forms Borrower and Company corresponding to the changes.

The work must be carried out in its entirety in a three-year period from the date of issue of the loan offer.

However, a request for an extension of this period may be made. This request must be made not later than 3 months before the expiry of the three-year period in any of the following cases:

  • Force majeure
  • Illness or accident resulting in temporary incapacity for work of at least 3 months
  • Contentious procedure related to the implementation of the operation
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster.


To facilitate the project, work can begin not more than 3 months before the date of issue of the loan offer.

You must provide the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business with all the evidence that the work has been carried out in the three years from the date of issue of the loan offer.

This period does not have to be respected in any of the following cases:

  • Death of the borrower
  • Health accident involving temporary interruption of work of at least 3 months
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster
  • Force majeure
  • Contentious challenge to the operation.

The lending institution may decide to disburse the loan in one or several times on the basis of the detailed description and specifications of the work to be carried out.

It may also decide to pay the loan on the basis of the completed works invoices (i.e. at the end of the works) which you have sent at any time before the loan closing date.

If the institution withholds payment of the loan after completion of the works, you will have to move forwardthe costs to make them happen.

Payment on invoices may lead the establishment to grant you an amount greater than the amount initially provided for in the description and the specifications, within the limits of the authorized ceilings.

Repayment of the non-interest-bearing transfer advance loan shall be due at the time of sale of your dwelling on loan or at the time of payment of your succession.


You must repay the loan in full :

  • if you have not had the reconstruction of your housing benefiting from the loan carried out within 4 years of the disaster
  • whether, during the term of the loan, you have converted your accommodation into a commercial or business premises, or have rented it out on a seasonal basis or are using it as a secondary residence.

Comprehensive renovation

Step-by-step approach

To qualify for the loan, the work done in your home must improve its overall energy performance.

You must first have an energy audit carried out by a recognized environmental professional (RGE).

Please note

The chosen professional may not subcontract the performance of the energy audit.

The work undertaken as a result of this energy audit must enable your home to achieve the following objectives:

  • A conventional annual consumption of less than 331 kWh/m² of primary energy after work on heating, cooling and hot water production uses
  • An energy gain of at least 35% compared with the annual conventional consumption of primary energy before works for heating, cooling and hot water.

To define the most useful and cost-effective work, it is recommended hire a habitat renovation consultant to:

Who shall I contact

This service is free.

You must comply with conditions relating to your housing and income.

Housing-related conditions

To qualify for the loan, you must be owner-occupier of a built dwelling more than 2 years ago on the date of commencement of the work on which the loan is to be made.


The accommodation cannot be in the process of acquisition at the time of application for the loan.

The work must be carried out in a dwelling in use of principal residence located in metropolitan France. If the dwelling is not yet in such use, you must commit to actually using the dwelling as your principal residence within 6 months of receipt of the invoices to the institution or business financing your loan.


Subsequent checks shall be carried out to verify that the condition of occupancy of the dwelling as the principal residence is complied with within the required period.

Income-related conditions

The loan is granted means-tested.

Your income and that of all the people who occupy the dwelling are taken into account.

The revenues retained are reference tax revenue (RFR) the year N-1 (2023 for applications made in 2024) preceding the date of issuance of the loan offer. This income is based on the Income Tax Notice or Income Tax Status Notice if you are tax-free.

If these documents are not available at the time of the loan application, the year N-2 (2022 for applications made in 2024) is selected.

To find out the scales for the resources very modest and modest, the following information should be consulted depending on whether the property is located outside Île-de-France or in Île-de-France.

Very modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded in order to benefit from the transfer advance loan not bearing interest for households with very modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €6,970

+ €5,045

Modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded to benefit from the loan advance transfer not bearing interest for households with modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €8,486


The funding ceiling is €50,000.

Some work-related expenditure may be included in the amount lent within the limit of the financing ceiling. These expenses are as follows:

  • Cost of supply and installation of equipment, products and works necessary for carrying out energy-saving work
  • Cost of disposal and landfill of existing works, products and equipment
  • Cost of the necessary works, inextricably linked to the proper execution or completion of the works to improve the energy performance of the dwelling or to achieve an overall energy performance
  • Implementation costs or other technical studies necessary for carrying out the work
  • Any insurance costs of the contracting authority you have incurred
  • Notarial Fees
  • Registration Fees for the mortgage.

The amount of the loan requested must be filled in on the form Borrower when you apply.

The work must be carried out by a company Recognized Guarantor of the Environment (RGE) and holder of the certifications corresponding to the work undertaken.

These companies are listed in a directory:

Search for a company with the quality "Recognized Guarantor of the Environment"

The loan is offered by credit institutions, financing businesses and third-party financing businesses that have signed an agreement with the government.

The list of establishments and businesses is available currently affected by the scheme.

Once the jobs are defined and the EGR company is found, you must file your loan application with a credit institution or financing business or a third-party financing business.

This file consists of the following documents:

  • 2 forms to fill in (forms Borrower and Company completed)
  • Description of the work to be carried out, showing in particular the estimated amount of eligible work and any associated expenditure
  • Detailed specifications of the work to be carried out
  • Energy audit
  • Proof of occupancy of the dwelling as a principal residence if available (it must be submitted no later than 6 months after the submission of invoices to the establishment or business financing the loan)
  • Last available tax notice with reference to the tax household reference income or income tax status report (if you are not taxable)
  • Document certifying the amount of the fees related to the registration of the mortgage and notarized fees.

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Borrower form

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Company Global energy performance

Your file will then be reviewed by the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business that funds the loan.

The institution or business will decide, as with any loan request, to lend you the amount requested based on your prior indebtedness and the value of the housing on which the mortgage is to be taken.

It is the institution or business that estimates the value of your home.

Please note

Only one loan may be granted per dwelling.

It is possible accumulate the loan with the zero-interest eco-loan (eco-PTZ) provided that they finance different work stations.

Please note

In the case of a joint application for a non-interest bearing advance loan and an eco-PTZ, it is recommended to provide the supporting documents separately to facilitate the preparation of the file.

It is also possible to benefit from MaPrimeRénov' for accompanying route aids. L'Anah: titleContent may decide to grant you an advance payment corresponding to 70% help if your income matches the resource categories very modest or modest.

For the first 10 years, the loan is transferred without interest, and the State pays the interest during that period.

Thus, in the case of change (sale or succession) of the dwelling during these 10 years, no interest is to be repaid.

Until the loan bears interest, your home cannot be converted into commercial or professional premises, put into leasing or used as secondary residence.

Failure to comply with those obligations shall result in the reimbursement to the State of the interest which it has assumed. Therefore, if any of these situations occur, you must report, without delay, the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business financing the loan.


In case of destruction of the dwelling before the end of the period for carrying out the work, the maintenance of the loan is conditional on its reconstruction within 4 years from the date of the disaster.

The change of the nature of work, of their upright or thecompany mandated, requires you to provide new forms Borrower and Company corresponding to the changes.

The work must be carried out in its entirety in a three-year period from the date of issue of the loan offer.

However, a request for an extension of this period may be made. This request must be made not later than 3 months before the expiry of the three-year period in any of the following cases:

  • Force majeure
  • Illness or accident resulting in temporary incapacity for work of at least 3 months
  • Contentious procedure related to the implementation of the operation
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster.


To facilitate the project, work can begin not more than 3 months before the date of issue of the loan offer.

You must provide the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business with all the elements justifying that the work has been carried out in the three years from the date of issue of the loan offer.

This period does not have to be respectedin any of the following cases:

  • Death of the borrower
  • Health accident involving temporary interruption of work of at least 3 months
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster
  • Force majeure
  • Contentious challenge to the operation.

The lending institution may decide to disburse the loan in one or several times on the basis of the detailed description and specifications of the work to be carried out.

It may also decide to pay the loan on the basis of the completed works invoices (i.e. at the end of the works) which you have sent at any time before the loan closing date.

If the institution withholds the loan payment after the work is completed, you will need to move forwardthe costs to make them happen.

Payment on invoices may lead the establishment to grant you an amount greater than the amount initially provided for in the description and the specifications, within the limits of the authorized ceilings.

Repayment of the loan is due at the time of sale of the dwelling or at the time of payment of your succession.


You must repay the loan in full :

  • if you have not had the reconstruction of your housing benefiting from the loan carried out within 4 years of the disaster
  • whether, during the term of the loan, you have converted your accommodation into a commercial or business premises, or have rented it out on a seasonal basis or are using it as a secondary residence.


Step-by-step approach

To qualify for the loan, you must demonstrate that your non-communal sanitation system needs to be rehabilitated.

To do this, you must approach your municipality's public non-collective sanitation service (SPANC) to request a certificate establishing the need to carry out work on your facility.

The contact details of the SPANC are available in town hall.

Who shall I contact

The new non-communal sanitation system shall not consume energy. It must comply with specific technical requirements.

You must comply with conditions relating to your housing and income.

Housing-related conditions

To qualify for the loan, you must be owner-occupier of a built dwelling more than 2 years ago on the date of commencement of the work on which the loan is to be made.


The accommodation cannot be in the process of acquisition at the time of application for the loan.

The work must be carried out in a dwelling in use of principal residence located in metropolitan France. If the dwelling is not yet in such use, you must commit to actually using the dwelling as your principal residence within 6 months of receipt of the invoices to the institution or business financing your loan.


Subsequent checks shall be carried out to verify that the condition of occupancy of the dwelling as the principal residence is complied with within the required period.

Income-related conditions

The loan is granted means-tested.

Your income and that of all the people who occupy the dwelling are taken into account.

The revenues retained are reference tax revenue (RFR) the year N-1 (2023 for applications made in 2024) preceding the date of issuance of the loan offer. This income is based on the Income Tax Notice or Income Tax Status Notice if you are tax-free.

If these documents are not available at the time of the loan application, the year N-2 (2022 for applications made in 2024) is selected.

To find out the scales for the resources very modest and modest, the following information should be consulted depending on whether the property is located outside Île-de-France or in Île-de-France.

Very modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded in order to benefit from the transfer advance loan not bearing interest for households with very modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €6,970

+ €5,045

Modest income
Tableau - Limits of resources not to be exceeded to benefit from the loan advance transfer not bearing interest for households with modest incomes in Île-de-France or outside Île-de-France

Composition of the hearth


Outside Île-de-France

1 person



2 people



3 people



4 people



5 people



Per additional person

+ €8,486


The funding ceiling is €10,000.

Some work-related expenditure may be included in the amount lent, within the limit of the financing ceiling. These expenses are as follows:

  • Cost of supply and installation of equipment, products and works necessary for carrying out energy-saving work
  • Cost of disposal and landfill of existing works, products and equipment
  • Cost of the necessary works, inextricably linked to the proper execution or completion of the works to improve the energy performance of the dwelling or to achieve an overall energy performance
  • Implementation costs or other technical studies necessary for carrying out the work
  • Any insurance costs of the contracting authority you have incurred
  • Notarial Fees
  • Registration Fees for the mortgage.

The amount of the loan must be filled in on the form Borrower when you apply.

The use of a company holding an EGR quality sign is optional for work on the rehabilitation of non-communal sewerage systems by non-energy consuming devices.

The loan is offered by credit institutions, financing businesses and third-party financing businesses that have signed an agreement with the government.

The list of establishments and businesses is available currently affected by the scheme.

Please note

Only one loan may be granted per dwelling.

Once the jobs are defined and the EGR company is found, you must file your loan application with a credit institution or financing business or a third-party financing business.

This file consists of the following documents:

  • 2 forms to fill in (forms Borrower and Company completed)
  • Description of the work to be carried out, showing in particular the estimated amount of eligible work and any associated expenditure
  • Detailed specifications of the work to be carried out
  • Certificate of inspection of the public non-collective sanitation service (SPANC)
  • Proof of occupancy of the dwelling as a principal residence if available (it must be submitted no later than 6 months after the submission of invoices to the establishment or business financing the loan)
  • Last available tax notice with reference to the tax household reference income or income tax status report (if you are not taxable)
  • Document certifying the amount of the fees related to the registration of the mortgage and notarized fees.

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Borrower form

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Company form (all works except works improving the overall energy performance of the dwelling)

Your file will then be reviewed by the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business that funds the loan.

The institution or business will decide, as with any loan request, to lend you the amount requested based on your previous indebtedness and the value of the property on which the mortgage is to be taken.

It is the institution or business that estimates the value of your home.

Please note

Only one loan may be granted per dwelling.

It is possible accumulate the loan with the zero-interest eco-loan (eco-PTZ) provided that they finance different work stations.

Please note

In the case of a joint application for a non-interest bearing advance loan and an eco-PTZ, it is recommended to provide the supporting documents separately to facilitate the preparation of the file.

It is also possible to benefit from MaPrimeRénov' for accompanying route aids. L'Anah: titleContent may decide to grant you an advance payment corresponding to 70% help if your income matches the resource categories very modest or modest.

For the first 10 years, the loan is transferred without interest, and the State pays the interest during that period.

Thus, in the case of change (sale or succession) of the dwelling during these 10 years, no interest is to be repaid.

Until the loan bears interest, your home cannot be converted into commercial or professional premises, put into leasing or used as secondary residence.

Failure to comply with those obligations shall result in the reimbursement to the State of the interest which it has assumed. Therefore, if any of these situations occur, you must report, without delay, the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business financing the loan.


In case of destruction of the dwelling before the end of the period for carrying out the work, the maintenance of the loan is conditional on its reconstruction within 4 years from the date of the disaster.

The change of the nature of work, of their upright or thecompany mandated, requires you to provide new forms Borrower and Company corresponding to the changes.

The work must be carried out in its entirety in a three-year period from the date of issue of the loan offer.

However, a request for an extension of this period may be made. This request must be made not later than 3 months before the expiry of the three-year period in any of the following cases:

  • Force majeure
  • Illness or accident resulting in temporary incapacity for work of at least 3 months
  • Contentious procedure related to the implementation of the operation
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster.


To facilitate the project, work can begin not more than 3 months before the date of issue of the loan offer.

You must provide the credit institution, financing business or third-party financing business with all the elements justifying that the work has been carried out in the three years from the date of issue of the loan offer.

This period does not have to be respected in any of the following cases:

  • Death of the borrower
  • Health accident involving temporary interruption of work of at least 3 months
  • Recognition of a natural or technological disaster
  • Force majeure
  • Contentious challenge to the operation.

The lending institution (or the business) may decide to pay the loan in one or several times on the basis of the detailed description and specifications of the work to be carried out.

It may also decide to pay the loan on the basis of the completed works invoices (i.e. at the end of the works) which you have sent at any time before the loan closing date.

If the institution withholds the loan payment after the work is completed, you will need to move forwardthe costs to make them happen.

Payment on invoices may lead the establishment to grant you an amount greater than the amount initially provided for in the description and the specifications, within the limits of the authorized ceilings.

Repayment of the loan is due at the time of sale of the dwelling or at the time of payment of your succession.


You must repay the loan in full :

  • if you have not had the reconstruction of your housing benefiting from the loan carried out within 4 years of the disaster
  • whether, during the term of the loan, you have converted your accommodation into a commercial or business premises, or have rented it out on a seasonal basis or are using it as a secondary residence.

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Borrower form

Non-interest bearing advance loan: Company form (all works except works improving the overall energy performance of the dwelling)

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