Right to the image of the child: what are the parents' obligations?

Verified 16 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

It's up to the parents to protect in common the right to the image of their minor child, while respecting the right to privacy.

For example, parents should monitor the distribution of photos or videos on the internet and in particular on social networks.

Parents associate the child with the exercise of his right to the image, according to his age and degree of maturity.

If one parent does not respect the child's right to image, the other parent can enter the Jaf: titleContent on which the child's habitual residence depends. The judge can prohibit parent publish or distribute the child’s image without the other parent’s consent.

The parent who disseminates an image of the minor child may be sentenced to damages if he has caused harm to his child.

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