Orphan's pension on the death of an employee
Verified 07 March 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your two parents have passed away and they were employed in the private sector and were therefore covered by the Social Security Pension Insurance ? You can perceive, under certain conditions, an orphan's pension for each deceased parent.
To receive an orphan's pension, your two parents must have died.
You can collect an orphan's pension from the Social Security Pension Insurance for each deceased parent if your two parents were covered by Pension Insurance.
You must be under 22 years of age or under 26 years of age, if your annual activity income does not exceed a maximum amount.
This ceiling is 12 times 55% of the Smic : Smic : Minimum cross-industry growth wage calculated at 1er January based on 169 hours.
If you are under the age of 26, the orphan's pension can be granted if your working income does not exceed €13,250.95 per year (€1,104.25 per month).
The income from work taken into account is your income for the 12 months preceding the date from which the orphan's pension is granted to you.
Orphan's pension is granted unconditional age if you meet the following conditions
- At age 21, you have a permanent disability at least equal to 80% or at least equal to 50% if the CDAPH : CDAPH : Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has recognized, in view of your disability, a substantial and lasting restriction on access to employment (ESRD)
- And your business income doesn't exceed €13,250.95 per year (€1,104.25 per month).
The application for an orphan’s pension shall be made on the official public website Pension Info.
This simulator allows you to check if you are entitled to an orphan’s pension:
At the end of the process, if you are entitled to an orphan’s pension, you can apply online by clicking on Request my reversion.
By clicking the button My Credentials, you get a list of documents to attach to your application.
If you don't have a scanner, you can use the application My Retirement Account to scan your credentials.
The orphan's pension is equal to 54% of retirement pension that your deceased parent had or could have had.
When the deceased parent was still in active employment, the retirement pension used as the basis for calculating the orphan’s pension is the pension that would have been granted to your parent had he or she applied for retirement on the date on which the orphan’s pension was awarded.
It is therefore calculated in particular on the basis of the deceased’s retirement insurance period at the date of award of the orphan’s pension.
The orphan's pension may not be less than €107.61 raw per month.
This minimum amount shall be revalued each year to 1er January of each year by consumer price index, excluding tobacco.
Where there are several orphan children, the sum of orphan's pensions paid for the same parent may not exceed the amount of the retirement pension which the deceased was or would have been entitled to.
The orphan's pension is divided equally between the different children.
If a new child beneficiary applies for an orphan's pension, the amount of orphan's pensions already granted to other beneficiaries shall be reviewed.
The orphan’s pension shall be granted:
- At the earliest, the 1er day of the month following the death of your 2e if you apply within one year of the death
- At 1er the day of the month following the date of receipt of your pension application if you apply for it after that one-year period.
You must declare to the Carsat : Carsat : Pension Insurance and Occupational Health Fund who pays you the pension any change in your relationship of parentage and, from the age of 21, any change in your income from employment.
If you are disabled and have a permanent disability, you must report any changes to that disability.
Please note
Where the child is a non-emancipated minor, such declarations shall be made by his or her guardians.
The orphan's pension ends if your working income exceeds the maximum amount (€13,250.95 per year).
The pension ends the month after the limit is exceeded.
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