Index-based treatment in the public service
Verified 01 November 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
If you are a public official, your remuneration includes an index salary (also called basic salary) calculated on the basis of an increased index.
We present the regulations whether you are a public servant or a contract worker.
Your remuneration consists in particular of an index treatment (also called basic salary).
Your index treatment depends on your grade and step that you hold in that rank.
Each grade comprises a number of steps fixed by decree.
Each step corresponds to a gross index (IB).
Each gross index corresponds to an index increased (IM) according to a scale defined by decree.
Gross indices range from 100 to 1,027. The increased indices range from 208 to 835.
It is the index plus (MI) that is used to calculate your index salary.
Your index treatment is increased by 25% if you are a government or hospital official working in one of the following overseas territories:
- Guadeloupe
- Guiana
- Martinique
- Reunion
- Saint Barthelemy
- Saint Martin's Day
- St. Pierre and Miquelon.
Your index treatment is increased by 40% if you are a State or hospital official working in Mayotte.
Certain senior management grades (so-called A+) comprise steps whose index treatment is higher than that of the increased index 835. Each of these steps corresponds to a group and possibly a chevron. Each chevron in each group corresponds to one annual gross salary amount fixed by regulation. These treatments are called off-scale.
Gross index treatment is calculated based on the value of the annual gross index salary corresponding to the index plus 100.
This value is fixed by decree.
Since 1er in july 2023, the value of the annual gross index treatment of the index plus 100 is set at €5,907.34.
Your raw index treatment annual shall be calculated as follows:
Your index plus x Annual value of gross index treatment corresponding to the MI 100 / 100
Your raw index treatment monthly equals:
Your index plus x Annual value of gross index treatment corresponding to the MI 100 / 1 200
The amount of the annual salary shall be rounded to the nearest euro cent.
The amount of the monthly salary is determined by ignoring the thousandths of euro.
Example :
Treatment annual gross corresponding to the index plus 472 is equal to 472× €5,907.34 / 100 = €27,882.64
Treatment monthly Gross is equal to 472 x €5,907.34 / 1200 = €2,323.55
If you are employed full-time, your gross index salary may not be less than the gross index salary corresponding to the index plus 366, either €21,620.86 per year, 1,801.73 per month.
If you are employed on a non-full-time or incomplete job, the minimum wage is reduced in proportion to your working hours.
Example :
If you are working for a job with a fixed working time of 70% of the legal working time (i.e. 24 hours 30 instead of 35 hours), your index treatment may not be less than 70% the amount of index salary plus 366, or €15,134.60 per year, €1,261.21 per month.
In addition, if you are employed on a full-time basis, your gross index salary cannot be less than the amount of SmicSmic : Minimum cross-industry growth wage crude, or €1,801.80.
If this is the case, you will receive a differential allowance to ensure a monthly gross base salary at least equal to the gross minimum wage.
The gross remuneration taken into account, which must be at least equal to the minimum wage, consists of your gross index salary and, if you receive it, your benefits in kind.
If you are employed on a non-full-time or incomplete job, the differential is reduced in proportion to your working hours.
If you work part-time, the differential allowance is reduced in the same proportion as your index salary.
The differential allowance shall also be reduced in the same proportion as the index salary during periods of absence during which the index salary is reduced (in the case of sick leave paid on half-salary, for example).
Differential allowance is not subject to pension contributions, unlike index salary.
Please note
If you get a new index enhancement (NBI), the index points you receive are not added to your increased index to determine whether or not you are entitled to the minimum salary corresponding to the increased index 366.
The index salary top-up is a compensation top-up that was introduced in September 2020.
The additional salary is paid to State officials, territorial and hospitals working in the health, social, medico-social or socio-educational sector.
The monthly amount of the index salary supplement is fixed at 49 index points plus, i.e. €241.22 raw.
Additional index therapy is paid monthly.
It is reduced to the same extent as index treatment (in case of part-time or absence leading to a reduction of index treatment, for example in case of sick leave with half treatment).
The additional index salary is not taken into account for the calculation of the residence allowance and the family salary supplement.
If you work in more than one establishment, the additional index treatment is calculated by each establishment in proportion to your working time in the establishment concerned.
The gross amount of the additional index treatment is revalued under the same conditions as the index treatment according to the value of the index point.
Additional index treatment is subject to the same contributions than index treatment.
The additional index salary is eligible for a pension supplement.
This pension supplement is granted to retirement pensions paid since 1er September 2020.
To benefit from it, you must have received the additional index treatment at least 1 time in the last 6 months before your retirement.
The pension supplement is calculated in the same way as the pension:
Index treatment supplement x 75% x (number of quarters and windable rebates / number of quarters required to have a full rate pension)
The pension supplement shall be increased under the same conditions as the retirement pension.
Your remuneration consists in particular of an index treatment (also called basic salary).
Your index salary is determined by your employer administration.
In determining your index salary, your administration will consider your duties, the qualifications required to perform them, your qualifications and your experience.
Index treatment is calculated based on an increased index determined by your administration. The increased indices range from 208 to 835.
Gross index treatment is calculated based on the value of the annual gross index salary corresponding to the index plus 100.
This value is fixed by decree.
Since 1er in july 2023, the value of the annual gross index treatment of the index plus 100 is set at €5,907.34.
Your raw index treatment annual shall be calculated as follows:
Your index plus x Annual value of gross index treatment corresponding to the MI 100 / 100
Your raw index treatment monthly equals:
Your index plus x Annual value of gross index treatment corresponding to the MI 100 / 1 200
The amount of the annual salary shall be rounded to the nearest euro cent.
The amount of the monthly salary is determined by ignoring the thousandths of euro.
Example :
Treatment annual gross corresponding to the index plus 472 is equal to 472× €5,907.34 / 100 = €27,882.64
Treatment monthly Gross is equal to 472 x €5,907.34 / 1200 = €2,323.55
If you are employed full-time, your gross index salary may not be less than the gross index salary corresponding to the index plus 366, either €21,620.86 per year, 1,801.73 per month.
If you are employed on a non-full-time or incomplete job, the minimum wage is reduced in proportion to your working hours.
Example :
If you are working for a job with a fixed working time of 70% of the legal working time (i.e. 24 hours 30 instead of 35 hours), your index treatment may not be less than 70% the amount of index salary plus 366, or €15,134.60 per year, €1,261.21 per month.
In addition, if you are employed on a full-time basis, your gross index salary cannot be less than the amount of SmicSmic : Minimum cross-industry growth wage crude, or €1,801.80.
If this is the case, you will receive a differential allowance to ensure a monthly gross base salary at least equal to the gross minimum wage.
The gross remuneration taken into account, which must be at least equal to the minimum wage, consists of your gross index salary and, if you receive it, your benefits in kind.
If you are employed on a non-full-time or incomplete job, the differential is reduced in proportion to your working hours.
If you work part-time, the differential allowance is reduced in the same proportion as your index salary.
The differential allowance shall also be reduced in the same proportion as the index salary during periods of absence during which the index salary is reduced (in the case of sick leave paid on half-salary, for example).
Differential allowance is not subject to pension contributions, unlike index salary.
The conditions for revaluing your remuneration vary according to the public service in which you practice (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
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If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration is reassessed at least every 3 years, especially in view of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on an ongoing basis with the same administration, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you have been recruited for one of the following reasons
- Lack of a corps of public servants to perform the functions you hold
- Recruitment justified by the nature of your duties or the needs of the service
- Your job does not require statutory training leading to tenure in a civil service corps
- You are employed on an incomplete job with a maximum working time of 24 hours 30
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration shall be re-evaluated at least every 3 years in the light of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on an ongoing basis with the same community, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you were recruited for one of the following reasons:
- Lack of a cadre of civil servants capable of performing the functions for which you were recruited
- Recruitment justified by the needs of the services or the nature of your duties and by the impossibility of recruiting an official
- Work in a municipality with less than 1 000 inhabitants or in a group of municipalities with less than 15 000 inhabitants
- To work in a new municipality resulting from the merger of municipalities with less than 1 000 inhabitants for a period of 3 years following the creation of the new municipality, possibly extended to 1er renewal of municipal council
- Work in a non-full-time job with a working time of less than one half-time
- To hold a job in a municipality with less than 2 000 inhabitants or in a group of municipalities with less than 10 000 inhabitants, the creation or removal of which depends on the decision of an authority which is binding on the territorial authority (for example, the employment of a specialized territorial agent of nursery schools - Atsem - the creation or removal of which depends on the decisions of the National Education to open or close classes)
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration shall be re-evaluated at least every 3 years in the light of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on a continuous basis with the same institution, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you were recruited for one of the following reasons
- Recruitment justified by the nature of the duties or the needs of the service (in particular by the absence of staff capable of performing the duties you occupy or because they are functions newly taken over by the administration or requiring highly specialized technical knowledge)
- Work less than half-time non-full-time jobs
- Temporary replacement of an official or a member of the contract staff on part-time, annual leave, sick leave, maternity or adoption leave, parental leave, parental leave, family solidarity or reserve leave.
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
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If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration is reassessed at least every 3 years, especially in view of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on an ongoing basis with the same administration, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you have been recruited for one of the following reasons
- Lack of a corps of public servants to perform the functions you hold
- Recruitment justified by the nature of your duties or the needs of the service
- Your job does not require statutory training leading to tenure in a civil service corps
- You are employed on an incomplete job with a maximum working time of 24 hours 30
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration shall be re-evaluated at least every 3 years in the light of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on an ongoing basis with the same community, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you were recruited for one of the following reasons:
- Lack of a cadre of civil servants capable of performing the functions for which you were recruited
- Recruitment justified by the needs of the services or the nature of your duties and by the impossibility of recruiting an official
- Work in a municipality with less than 1 000 inhabitants or in a group of municipalities with less than 15 000 inhabitants
- To work in a new municipality resulting from the merger of municipalities with less than 1 000 inhabitants for a period of 3 years following the creation of the new municipality, possibly extended to 1er renewal of municipal council
- Work in a non-full-time job with a working time of less than one half-time
- To hold a job in a municipality with less than 2 000 inhabitants or in a group of municipalities with less than 10 000 inhabitants, the creation or removal of which depends on the decision of an authority which is binding on the territorial authority (for example, the employment of a specialized territorial agent of nursery schools - Atsem - the creation or removal of which depends on the decisions of the National Education to open or close classes)
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration, your remuneration shall be re-evaluated at least every 3 years in the light of the results of your professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
If you are employed in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract on a continuous basis with the same institution, your remuneration is also reassessed at least every 3 years if you were recruited for one of the following reasons
- Recruitment justified by the nature of the duties or the needs of the service (in particular by the absence of staff capable of performing the duties you occupy or because they are functions newly taken over by the administration or requiring highly specialized technical knowledge)
- Work less than half-time non-full-time jobs
- Temporary replacement of an official or a member of the contract staff on part-time, annual leave, sick leave, maternity or adoption leave, parental leave, parental leave, family solidarity or reserve leave.
The reassessment takes into account the results of your annual professional interviews or the evolution of your duties.
The index salary top-up is a compensation top-up that was introduced in September 2020.
The additional index treatment is paid to staff working in the health, social, medico-social or socio-educational sector.
The monthly amount of the index salary supplement is fixed at 49 index points plus, i.e. €241.22 raw.
Additional index therapy is paid monthly.
It is reduced to the same extent as index treatment (in case of part-time or absence leading to a reduction of index treatment, for example in case of sick leave with half treatment).
The additional index salary is not taken into account for the calculation of the residence allowance and the family salary supplement.
If you work in more than one establishment, the additional index treatment is calculated by each establishment in proportion to your working time in the establishment concerned.
The gross amount of the additional index treatment is revalued under the same conditions as the index treatment according to the value of the index point.
Additional index treatment is subject to the same contributions than index treatment.
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry responsible for local government