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Parental leave in the public service
Verified 25 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Are you a civil servant or a contract worker and are planning to take parental leave to raise your child? Here's what you need to know about this holiday.
What applies to you ?
State Civil Service (EPF)
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is a leave during which you stop working altogether to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
Parental leave may also be granted if you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task. This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or official caring for the child or the 2 simultaneously.
You can take parental leave whether you are a public servant holder or trainee.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
Requests for renewal must be presented at least 1 month before the end the current period of parental leave.
In the absence of an application for renewal within that period, the leave shall be automatically terminated.
It is advisable to apply for initial leave and renewal by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted by renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
It may be renewed up to the following maximum periods:
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother shall be entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for parental leave must be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the period eligible (before the child’s 3 years of age, 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuously. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on an official's career?
The period of parental leave is treated as effective services in your body.
Periods of parental leave since 8 August 2019 shall be taken into account for theadvancement in step and grade within the limit of 5 years over the entire career.
Since August 8, 2019, if you benefit, during your career parental leave and availability for child-rearing, these periods shall be taken into account for the advancement in step and grade within the limit of 5 years over the entire career.
Please note
Periods of parental leave are not taken into account for the internal promotion.
You retain your vested rights before the start of your leave, which you were unable to exercise because of your leave. This includes the right to annual assessment and annual interview, the right to annual leave and the right to training.
If you are probationary official, the period of parental leave shall be taken into account, when you become a permanent employee, for half of its duration, in the calculation of the services used for your classification and advancement.
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Continuous training to maintain or strengthen your skills in order to adapt to the foreseeable evolution of the professions or to develop your qualifications or acquire new qualifications
- Skills Check to enable you to analyze your skills, abilities and motivations to define a professional project
- Validation of prior learning (VAE)
You remain on parental leave during the training.
Time spent in training is not considered to be actual duty time and does not entitle you to any remuneration or compensation.
If you have not received a competitive examination in the last 3 years, your application for training is automatically accepted if credits allow.
A request for a skills assessment must be made no later than 6 months before the end of the last period of parental leave.
Parental leave periods since 1er January 2004 shall be taken into account for retirement up to 3 years per child.
Control of administration
Your employer administration may make necessary investigations to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the official reinstated at the end of parental leave?
At the end of your parental leave, you are automatically reinstated, if necessary in excess, in your original body.
If you're on secondment, you are reinstated in your secondment administration for a period at least equal to the remainder of your secondment.
You're reassigned to your job. If this is not possible, you are posted to a job closest to your last place of work.
You can apply to be assigned to a job closest to your home, after possible application of the priorities of change.
If you have asked to shorten your parental leave, you are reinstated under the same conditions.
At least 4 weeks before your reintegration, you will be interviewed by the Human Resources Manager to review the conditions of your reintegration.
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted to allow you to temporarily stop working to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
To benefit from it, you must justify of at least 1 year’s seniority the date of birth of your child or the child’s arrival at your home.
Parental leave may also be granted to you as soon as you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task.
This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or contract caring for the child, or at 2 simultaneously.
You can benefit from parental leave whether you are in DTA: titleContent or CSD: titleContent.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
Requests for renewal must be presented at least 1 month before the end the current period of parental leave.
In the absence of an application for renewal within that period, the leave shall be automatically terminated.
It is advisable to apply for initial leave and renewal by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted in renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
In case of birth, it may be renewed up to 3e child's birthday.
In case adoption of a child under 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for a period of three years from the date of arrival at the child’s home.
In case adoption of a child over 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for 1 year from the date of arrival at the child's home.
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother is entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for leave parental needs to be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the qualifying period (before the child’s 3 years, the 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuous manner. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on the administrative situation of the contractor?
Periods of parental leave since 27 April 2022 shall be taken into account in, the 5-year limit, for the calculation of the length of service or the actual period of service required in the following situations:
- Review or evolution of your remuneration
- Leave entitlements and training
- Access to internal competitions
- Classification of step in the event of admission to a contest
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Continuing education
- Skills assessment
- Validation of prior learning (VAE)
You are entitled to an increase in your pension insurance period equal to the duration of your parental leave. That is, you are entitled to additional quarters of pension insurance free of charge (without any contribution in return).
Periods you have spent on parental leave are considered from date to date. A quarter is posted at the end of each 90-day period. The number of quarters is rounded up.
Control of administration
Your employer administration may make investigations necessary to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the contract worker reinstated at the end of parental leave?
At the end of your parental leave, you are re-employed on your previous job.
If this is not possible, you are re-employed in a equivalent employment, as close as possible to your last place of work, with at least the same remuneration.
Territorial (FPT)
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is a leave during which you stop working altogether to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
Parental leave may also be granted if you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task. This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or official caring for the child or the 2 simultaneously.
You can take parental leave whether you are a public servant holder or trainee.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
Requests for renewal must be presented at least 1 month before the end the current period of parental leave.
In the absence of an application for renewal within that period, the leave shall be automatically terminated.
It is advisable to apply for initial leave and renewal by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted by renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
It may be renewed up to the following maximum periods:
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother shall be entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for parental leave must be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the period eligible (before the child’s 3 years of age, 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuously. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on an official's career?
The period of parental leave is treated as an effective service in your employment context.
Periods of parental leave since 8 August 2019 shall be taken into account for theadvancement in step and grade within the limit of 5 years over the entire career.
Since August 8, 2019, if you benefit, during your career parental leave and availability for child-rearing, these periods shall be taken into account for the advancement in step and grade within the limit of five years over the whole career,
Please note
Periods of parental leave are not taken into account for the internal promotion.
You retain your vested rights before the start of your leave, which you were unable to exercise because of your leave. This includes the right to annual assessment and annual interview, the right to annual leave and the right to training.
If you are a probationary officer, the period of parental leave is taken into account, when you become a permanent employee, for half of its duration, in the calculation of the services used for your classification and advancement.
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Career development training
- Preparation for competitions and professional examinations in the public service
- Personal training taken at your initiative
- Training to implement a professional development project, in the context of the use of the personal training account
Parental leave periods since 1er january 2004 are taken into account for retirement up to 3 years per child.
Control of administration
Your employer administration may make necessary investigations to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the official reinstated at the end of parental leave?
At the end of your parental leave, you are automatically reinstatedif necessary, in your home community, or if you are on secondment, in your host jurisdiction.
If you are on secondment, you shall be reinstated in your administration of secondment for a period at least equal to the remainder of your secondment.
You are reassigned to your former job or to a job closest to your last place of work or home if it has changed to keep your family together.
If you have asked to shorten your parental leave, you are reinstated under the same conditions.
At least 4 weeks before your reintegration, you will be interviewed by the Human Resources Manager to review the conditions of your reintegration.
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted to allow you to temporarily stop working to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
To benefit from it, you must justify of at least 1 year’s seniority the date of birth of your child or the child’s arrival at your home.
Parental leave may also be granted to you as soon as you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task.
This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or contract caring for the child, or at 2 simultaneously.
You can benefit from parental leave whether you are in DTA: titleContent or CSD: titleContent.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
Requests for renewal must be presented at least 1 month before the end the current period of parental leave.
In the absence of an application for renewal within that period, the leave shall be automatically terminated.
It is advisable to apply for initial leave and renewal by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted in renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
In case of birth, it may be renewed up to 3e child's birthday.
In case adoption of a child under 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for a period of three years from the date of arrival at the child’s home.
In case adoption of a child over 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for 1 year from the date of arrival at the child's home.
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother is entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for leave parental needs to be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the qualifying period (before the child’s 3 years, the 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuous manner. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on the administrative situation of the contractor?
Periods of parental leave since 15 August 2022 shall be taken into account, up to 5 years, for the calculation of the length of service or the actual period of service required in the following situations:
- Review or evolution of your remuneration
- Leave entitlements and training
- Access to internal competitions
- Classification of step in the event of admission to a contest
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Career development training
- Preparation for competitions and professional examinations in the public service
- Personal training taken at your initiative
- Training to implement a professional development project, in the context of the use of the personal training account
You are entitled to an increase in your pension insurance period equal to the duration of your parental leave. That is, you are entitled to additional quarters of pension insurance free of charge (without any contribution in return).
Periods you have spent on parental leave are considered from date to date. A quarter is posted at the end of each 90-day period. The number of quarters is rounded up.
Control of administration
Your employer administration may make necessary investigations to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the contract worker reinstated at the end of parental leave?
You must present your request for re-use 2 months before the desired date.
You are reinstated, if necessary in excess, in your former job or in a job closest to your last place of work or home, if that job has changed to keep your family together.
Hospital (FPH)
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is a leave during which you stop working altogether to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
Parental leave may also be granted if you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task. This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or official caring for the child or the 2 simultaneously.
You can take parental leave whether you are a public servant holder or trainee.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
Requests for renewal must be presented at least 1 month before the end the current period of parental leave.
In the absence of an application for renewal within that period, the leave shall be automatically terminated.
It is advisable to apply for initial leave and renewal by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted by renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
It may be renewed up to the following maximum periods:
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother shall be entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for parental leave must be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the period eligible (before the child’s 3 years of age, 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuously. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on an official's career?
The period of parental leave is treated as effective services in your body.
Periods of parental leave since 8 August 2019 shall be taken into account for theadvancement in step and grade within the limit of 5 years over the entire career.
Since August 8, 2019, if you benefit, during your career parental leave and availability for child-rearing, these periods shall be taken into account for the advancement in step and grade within the limit of 5 years over the entire career.
Please note
Periods of parental leave are not taken into account for the internal promotion.
You retain your vested rights before the start of your leave, which you were unable to exercise because of your leave. This includes the right to annual assessment and annual interview, the right to annual leave and the right to training.
If you are a probationary official, the period of parental leave is taken into account, when you are established, for half of its duration, in the calculation of the services used for your classification and advancement.
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Continuous training to maintain or strengthen your skills in order to adapt to the foreseeable evolution of the professions or to develop your qualifications or acquire new qualifications
- Skills Check to enable you to analyze your skills, abilities and motivations to define a professional project
- Validation of prior learning (VAE)
You remain on parental leave during the training.
Time spent in training is not considered to be actual duty time and does not entitle you to any remuneration or compensation.
If you have not received a competitive examination in the last 3 years, your application for training is automatically accepted if credits allow.
Parental leave periods since 1er January 2004 are taken into account for retirement. up to 3 years per child.
Control of administration
Your employer administration may make necessary investigations to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the official reinstated at the end of parental leave?
At the end of your parental leave, you are automatically reinstated, if necessary in excess, in your home institution or, if you are on secondment, in your host administration.
If you are on secondment, you shall be reinstated in your secondment administration for a period at least equal to the remainder of your secondment.
You're reassigned to your old job. If this is not possible, you are assigned to a job of equivalent level.
If you have asked to shorten your parental leave, you are reinstated under the same conditions.
At least 4 weeks before your reintegration, you will be interviewed by the Human Resources Manager to review the conditions of your reintegration.
What is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted to allow you to temporarily stop working to raise your child.
Please note
After a birth or adoption, you can also ask work part-time.
Who can benefit from parental leave?
Parental leave can be granted after the birth or theadoption of a child under the age of 16.
To benefit from it, you must justify of at least 1 year’s seniority the date of birth of your child or the child’s arrival at your home.
Parental leave may also be granted to you as soon as you care for a child under 16 pursuant to a decision entrusting you with this task.
This is the case for an adopted child, but also for a child for whom you are the guardian (in the case of death of the parents or loss of parental rights, etc.)
Parental leave may be granted to either parent or contract caring for the child, or at 2 simultaneously.
You can benefit from parental leave whether you are in DTA: titleContent or CSD: titleContent.
How to apply for parental leave?
The application for parental leave must be presented at least 2 months before the start of the leave.
It is advisable to make your request for leave by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or hand-delivered against discharge.
Parental leave shall be tacitly renewed.
You cannot be denied parental leave.
How long is parental leave?
Parental leave is granted in renewable periods of 2 to 6 months.
In case of birth, it may be renewed up to 3e child's birthday.
In case adoption of a child under 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for a period of three years from the date of arrival at the child’s home.
In case adoption of a child over 3 years of age, parental leave may be renewed for 1 year from the date of arrival at the child's home.
If a new birth or adoption occurs during parental leave, the mother is entitled to maternity or adoption leave. And the other parent is entitled to 3 days of birth or adoption leave and paternity leave.
In the two cases, the employer's administration automatically terminates parental leave on the date from which the mother or other parent wishes to benefit from her maternity, adoption of birth or paternity leave.
The parent is reinstated to take advantage of this leave. And at the end of maternity, birth adoption or paternity leave, the parent is entitled to new parental leave because of that new child.
The new request for leave parental needs to be formulated At least 2 months before the presumed date of birth or arrival of the child at your home.
Parental leave can begin at any time during the qualifying period (before the child’s 3 years, the 3 years after the adoption of a child under 3 years of age, etc.). For example, you can take parental leave immediately after your maternity leave or return to work and then take parental leave before your child turns 3.
However, you must take your parental leave from continuous manner. You can't split it.
If you have been on parental leave, you cannot be on parental leave again for the same child if you have since resumed your professional activity.
You can ask to end your parental leave before the scheduled end date.
Is parental leave paid?
Parental leave is unpaid.
However, you can perceive the Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE) if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.
The duration of the PreParE payment varies depending on the number of children you have and your family situation. It does not therefore necessarily coincide with the duration of parental leave (which may be longer).
Example :
For a couple with 1 dependent child, the benefit is paid for 6 months to each parent up to the limit of 1er child's birthday when parental leave can be granted up to 3e child's birthday.
What are the effects of parental leave on the administrative situation of the contractor?
Periods of parental leave since 18 May 2022 shall be taken into account, up to 5 years, for the calculation of the length of service or the actual period of service required in the following situations:
- Review or evolution of your remuneration
- Leave entitlements and training
- Access to internal competitions
- Classification of step in the event of admission to a contest
During your parental leave, you can request the following training:
- Continuous training to maintain or strengthen your skills in order to adapt to the foreseeable evolution of the professions or to develop your qualifications or acquire new qualifications
- Skills Check to enable you to analyze your skills, abilities and motivations to define a professional project
- Validation of prior learning (VAE)
You remain on parental leave during the training.
Time spent in training is not considered to be actual duty time and does not entitle you to any remuneration or compensation.
If you have not received a competitive examination in the last 3 years, your application for training is automatically accepted if credits allow.
You are entitled to an increase in your pension insurance period equal to the duration of your parental leave.
That is, you are entitled to additional quarters of pension insurance free of charge (without any contribution in return).
Periods you have spent on parental leave are considered from date to date. A quarter is posted at the end of each 90-day period. The number of quarters is rounded up.
Control of administration
Your employer administration can carry out the necessary investigations to ensure that you are actually spending your leave to raise your child.
If not, the Commission may terminate your leave of absence after inviting you to submit your comments.
How is the contract worker reinstated at the end of parental leave?
You must request re-employment at least 1 month before the end of your parental leave.
At the end of your parental leave, you are re-employed on your previous job.
If this is not possible, you are dismissed and have priority for re-employment in your institution to perform similar duties with equivalent remuneration.
Parental Leave
Establishment of pension rights
Articles 14, 33, 35
Articles 18, 30, 31
Document template