Adoption leave in the public service

Verified 19 November 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Are you a public official and you adopt one or more children? You are entitled to adoption leave. We present you the rules for this leave, depending on whether you are a public servant or a contractor.


You are entitled to adoption leave if one or more children are entrusted to you for adoption by one of the following authorities:

Adoption leave may be granted to either adoptive parent.

If the other adoptive parent is also an employee or a contract parent, the leave may be shared among you.

You can benefit from adoption leave whether you are a probationary or tenured public servant.

You can take adoption leave if you are in position of employment or secondment.

The length of the adoption leave varies depending on the number of adopted children, the number of children you already have dependent on, and whether the leave is divided between the two parents.

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Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

You're adopting a child

The length of the adoption leave varies depending on the number of children you already have dependent on and whether the leave is divided between the two parents.

Tableau - Duration of adoption leave

Number of children

already chargeable

Length of leave

if it is taken by only 1 parent

Length of leave

if it is divided between the two parents

0 or 1

16 weeks

16 weeks + 25 days

2 or more

18 weeks

18 weeks + 25 days

If the leave is shared between the two parents, it may not be longer than 16 or 18 weeks for each parent.

The two parents can take their adoption leave at the same time.

The leave begins, at your option, on the child's date of arrival at your home or during the 7 consecutive days preceding the child's arrival.

You can request that the adoption leave succeed the 3-day leave for the arrival of a child placed for adoption.

You adopt 2 or more children

The duration of the adoption leave shall be:

  • 22 weeks if the leave is taken by only one parent,
  • 22 weeks + 32 days if divided between the 2 parents.

If the leave is shared between the two parents, it may not be longer than 22 weeks for each parent.

The two parents can take their adoption leave at the same time.

The leave begins, at your option, on the child's date of arrival at your home or during the 7 consecutive days preceding the child's arrival.

You can request that the adoption leave succeed the 3-day leave for the arrival of a child placed for adoption.

You must submit your request for adoption leave by mail to your head of department.

You must enter the child's arrival date and your planned leave dates.

You cannot be denied this leave.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • Any document certifying that a child is entrusted to you for adoption by a departmental child welfare service (Ase), the French Agency for Adoption or any other body authorized for adoption and specifying the date of arrival
  • Declaration of your spouse adopting attesting that he does not have adoption leave for that child or that you share the adoption leave with you.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must first submit your application.


If you have to travel overseas or abroad for the adoption of your child, you can benefit from a availability up to 6 weeks.

During your adoption leave, you continue to receive your entire index treatment.

You continue to collect in full the residence allowance and the new index enhancement (NBI) if you are receiving these compensation supplements.

If you already touch the family treatment supplement (FTS), it also continues to be paid in full to you during your leave.

The SFT for the new child is paid to you from 1er day of the month following the month of arrival.

You continue to receive your full premiums and allowances.

Adoption leave shall be considered as a period of activity for advancement in step and grade and retirement.

Adoption leave does not affect your entitlement to other leave (annual leave, sick leave, etc.).

You retain your vested rights before the start of your leave, which you were unable to exercise because of your leave. This includes the right to annual assessment and annual interview and the right to training.

If you work part-time, you are automatically reinstated full-time during your adoption leave.

At the end of your leave, you are reassigned to your position.

If this is not possible, you are assigned to an equivalent job, closest to your last place of work.

You can apply to be posted to a job closer to home, if the transfer priorities granted to certain officials so allow.


If you are a probationary public servant, the adoption leave extends, under certain conditions, your internship period without changing your tenure date.


You are entitled to adoption leave if one or more children are entrusted to you for adoption by one of the following authorities:

Adoption leave may be granted to either adoptive parent.

If the other adoptive parent is also a contract or civil servant, the leave may be shared among you.

You can benefit from adoption leave whether you are in CSDCSD : Fixed-term contract or DTADTA : Contract of employment of indefinite duration.

You can take adoption leave if you are working (i.e. if you are not on unpaid leave: parental leave, mobility leave, etc.)

The length of the adoption leave varies depending on the number of adopted children, the number of children you already have dependent on, and whether the leave is divided between the two parents.

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Vous avez choisi

Choisissez votre cas

You're adopting a child

The length of the adoption leave varies depending on the number of children you already have dependent on and whether the leave is divided between the two parents.

Tableau - Duration of adoption leave

Number of children

already chargeable

Length of leave

if it is taken by only 1 parent

Length of leave

if it is divided between the two parents

0 or 1

16 weeks

16 weeks + 25 days

2 or more

18 weeks

18 weeks + 25 days

If the leave is shared between the two parents, it may not be longer than 16 or 18 weeks for each parent.

The two parents can take their adoption leave at the same time.

The leave begins, at your option, on the child's date of arrival at your home or during the 7 consecutive days preceding the child's arrival.

You can request that the adoption leave succeed the 3-day leave for the arrival of a child placed for adoption.

You adopt 2 or more children

The duration of the adoption leave shall be:

  • 22 weeks if the leave is taken by only one parent,
  • 22 weeks + 32 days if divided between the 2 parents.

If the leave is shared between the two parents, it may not be longer than 22 weeks for each parent.

The two parents can take their adoption leave at the same time.

The leave begins, at your option, on the child's date of arrival at your home or during the 7 consecutive days preceding the child's arrival.

You can request that the adoption leave succeed the 3-day leave for the arrival of a child placed for adoption.

You must submit your request for adoption leave by mail to your head of department.

You must enter the child's arrival date and your planned leave dates.

You cannot be denied this leave.

Attach the following documents to your application:

  • Any document certifying that a child is entrusted to you for adoption by a departmental child welfare service (Ase), the French Agency for Adoption or any other body authorized for adoption and specifying the date of arrival
  • Declaration of your spouse adopting attesting that he does not have adoption leave for that child or that you share the adoption leave with you.

There is no text setting out the time limit within which you must first submit your application.


If you have to travel overseas or abroad to adopt your child, you can take up to 6 weeks of unpaid leave.

During your adoption leave, you continue to receive your full salary.

Adoption leave is considered to be a period of activity.

It is taken into account when calculating your length of service when a length of service condition is required to qualify for a right (for example, to apply for part-time).

It does not reduce your entitlement to other leave (annual leave, sick leave, etc.).

If you work part-time, you are automatically reinstated full-time for the duration of your adoption leave.

At the end of your leave, you are reassigned to your position.

If this is not possible, you are given priority to be re-employed on a similar job with equivalent pay.