Secondment at the request of the official
Verified 06 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are permanent official and have a mobility project? Detachment can allow you to change job all at keeping a link with your home administration. Posting shall provide access to a job under the responsibility of other body or framework of employment in the same public service or in a other public service. It can also provide access to jobs in a private company, an international organization, etc.
A probationary official may not be seconded.
Posts accessible by secondment shall be listed by a specific text for each civil service (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).
Detachment is pronounced at your request.
We mainly present the rules applicable in the event of secondment to the civil service. For other cases of secondment, we present the main rules. For further information, please consult your Human Resources Department.
Secondment may be pronounced of its own motion by your employer administration when it transfers the activity to which you contribute to a private body (company, association) or to a Epic: titleContent.
What jobs are available through secondment to the public service?
Secondment may be carried out in the public service of the State or in another public service (territorial or hospital).
All bodies and posts are accessible by secondment, except bodies with jurisdictional powers.
The bodies with judicial powers are the magistrates of administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal, the magistrates of the regional chambers of accounts and the Court of Auditors and the members of the Council of State.
The secondment shall be made between the corps or framework of posts of same hierarchical category (A, B or C) and comparable level.
The level of the original corps and that of the detachment corps or framework of posts shall be compared on the basis of the conditions of recruitment or the level of the tasks provided for in the specific statutes.
The conditions of recruitment group together:
- The level of qualification required for access to the corps or to the job framework
- The method of recruitment into the body or framework of jobs (competition, period of internship, school of application, etc.)
- The pool and conditions for recruitment by internal promotion.
The assignments are compared according to the type of functions, activities or responsibilities to which they give access (management, management, expertise, execution, etc.).
Access to the functions of a body or framework of posts the exercise of which is subject to the holding of a specific title or diploma is possible provided that he holds that title or diploma.
How do I get a secondment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your administration of membership and your administration welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home administration duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to reply within 2 months shall constitute acceptance of your posting request.
Your home administration may require that you respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, it may require that you do not leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months and may not be renewed. At the end of a short-term secondment, you must be reinstated in your previous job.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years. At the end of a 5-year period of secondment, your host administration should offer you to integrate permanently your host body or framework of jobs (unless your job is terminated).
If you agree to be permanently integrated into your host body or employment, you will be removed from your original body.
If you refuse this integration, you can again request the renewal of your secondment for a maximum of 5 years.
There is no limit to the number of renewals.
You can reconsider your refusal to integrate your host body or job framework and ask for your integration at any time.
The application for renewal of a long-term secondment must be submitted to your home administration at least 3 months before the end of the current secondment period.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
Grade and step
You're detached on a equivalent grade at your original grade.
In this welcoming grade equivalent to your home grade, you are graded on a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your home grade.
If this grade does not have a step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
If your host body or work environment does not have an equivalent grade at your home grade, you are posted to the grade whose gross index for the last step is closest to the gross index for the last step of your home grade.
In this welcoming grade, you are classified at a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your original grade. If there is no step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
Seniority in step
You keep your seniority in step, within the limit of average seniority required for advancement to a higher level, in the following cases :
- The increase in your salary following your secondment is less than or equal to that which would have resulted from a step advancement in your original grade
- Or the salary increase following your secondment is less than or equal to that resulting from your advancement to the last step if you were at the last step in your original grade.
If this is more favorable to you, account shall be taken in your body or host post of the grade and step you have reached in your home body or are eligible for following your success in a competition or professional examination or your entry on a promotion table of grade of your choice.
Situation in the body or context of jobs of origin
During your secondment, you have a double quarry, i.e. you continue to benefit from increments in your home body and you also compete for increments in your host body or job environment.
Renewal of secondment
At each renewal of your secondment, your secondment is pronounced taking into account your situation in your original body, as at your initial secondment.
How is the professional assessment performed?
In the event of a short-term secondment, the line manager to whom you report in your host department will pass on an assessment of your activity to your home administration at the end of your secondment.
This assessment shall be communicated to you.
If you are on long-term secondment, you will benefit from a professional interview with your direct supervisor in your host administration.
The minutes of the interview are forwarded to your home administration.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to the civilian and military superannuation fund.
You contribute on the basis of the index treatment that you perceive in your host employment corps or framework.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Integrated into your detachment body or framework (if you have been detached for at least 5 years, your host administration offers to integrate your detachment body or framework)
- Or renewed in your detachment
- Or reintegrated into your original body.
Deadline for applying for renewal or reintegration
You must ask your home administration to renew your secondment or reinstate you at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host administration informs you, as well as your home administration, at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, of its decision on whether or not to renew your secondment.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host administration, for a reason other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, you are reinstated immediately and, if necessary, in excess in your home body, and assigned to a job corresponding to your rank.
If you are reinstated in excess, you are assigned to 1re vacancy in your grade.
You have priority to be assigned to the position you held before your secondment.
If you refuse the proposed position, you can only be appointed to another position if a position is vacant.
In the event of non-compliance with the time limits by the staff member or the administration
If you do not apply for renewal of your secondment or reinstatement at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment, you are compulsorily reinstated at 1re a vacancy in your home body assigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If your host administration does not inform you of its decision whether or not to renew your secondment at least 2 months before the end of the current secondment period, it will continue to send you pay until you return to 1re vacancy in your original body.
You have priority to be assigned to the position you held before your secondment.
If you refuse the proposed position, you can only be appointed to another position if a position is vacant.
In the event of early termination of secondment
If your host administration terminates your secondment before the scheduled end date, for a cause other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, and if you cannot be immediately reinstated in your home body because of a lack of vacant employment, you continue to be paid by your host administration until your reinstatement, at 1re vacancy, in your home administration.
You can request the end of your secondment before the scheduled end date. If your home administration cannot reinstate you immediately, you are laid off until you return to one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled to the return-to-work allowance.
Your home administration may request that your secondment end before the scheduled end date and reintegrate.
Consideration of career in the body or in the context of host jobs
When you are reinstated in your home country, account shall be taken, as at the time of your secondment, of the grade and step you have reached in your home country if they are more favorable to you.
Consideration is also given to the grade and step you may be eligible for, following success in a competition or professional examination or your entry on a promotion board of your choice, if they are more favorable to you.
What jobs are available by secondment?
Secondment is possible to the following organizations or for the following reasons:
- Secondment to participate in a cultural, scientific and technical cooperation mission to a State foreigner
- Secondment under contract (to non-permanent state employment)
- Secondment to a public company or a public interest group
- Secondment to a company or to a private body of general interest or association carrying out missions of general interest
- Secondment to a company linked to administration by a public contract if that contract forms part of a transfer of activities
- Secondment to provide education abroad
- Secondment to carry out a public-interest mission abroad or to an international intergovernmental organization
- Secondment to carry out a mission of public interest involving international cooperation or to a body of general interest of international character
- Secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group to carry out research of national interest
- Secondment for the completion of an internship or a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or for a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Detachment for the exercise of a trade union mandate
- Secondment to a Member of the National Assembly, a Senator or a representative of France in the European Parliament
- Detachment to undertake a commitment in a military formation of the French army, or to exercise an activity in the operational reserve
- Secondment to the administration of a Member State of the European Economic Area
- Secondment to a senior position for which the appointment is left to the government's decision
How do I get the detachment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your administration of membership and your organization welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home administration duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to reply within 2 months shall constitute acceptance of your posting request.
Your home administration may require that you respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, your home administration may require you not to leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
In case of secondment to a private organization, your home administration may request the opinion of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) if they have serious doubts about the compatibility of your new business with the functions you have performed in the last 3 years.
You are seconded by operation of law in the following cases (i.e. your home administration cannot refuse your secondment):
- Secondment for the completion of an internship or a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or for a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Detachment for the exercise of a trade union mandate
- Secondment to exercise the functions of a member of the government, a term of office of a member of the National Assembly, the Senate, the European Parliament or a local term of office
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months and may not be renewed. However, this period is extended to 1 year in the case of posting to overseas communities, New Caledonia or abroad. At the end of a short-term secondment, you must be reinstated in your previous job.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years. There is no limit to the number of renewals. However, in the case of secondment to carry out a public-interest mission of international cooperation, the long-term secondment may not exceed 2 years renewable once 2 years.
In the case of secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group to carry out research of national interest, the secondment may be renewed only in exceptional cases and for a single period of five years.
The application for renewal of a long-term secondment must be submitted to your home administration at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to benefit from incremental advances in your original body.
How is the professional evaluation of the agent done?
You are evaluated by your home administration on the basis of a report drawn up by your direct supervisor in your host organization.
This report shall be drawn up after an individual interview.
It is sent to you beforehand and you can comment on it.
In the following cases of secondment, account shall be taken, in assessing your professional value, of the report on the professional interview drawn up in the year preceding your secondment:
- Secondment to hold an elected office
- Secondment to Members of Parliament
- Secondment to complete a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or to complete a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post.
In the event of secondment for to exercise a trade union mandate, you are not evaluated and retain your promotion rights.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to your pension plan, which is the civilian and military superannuation fund.
You contribute on the basis of the index salary corresponding to your grade and step in your home body.
However, if you are seconded to to hold an elected office, you may be a member of the pension scheme to which this posting function is subject.
And if you're detached in a administration or an organization located in the territory of aEforeigner State or with a international body, you do not have to be a member of the Civil and Military Retirement Pensions Fund during your secondment, unless otherwise agreed internationally.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Renewed in your detachment
- Or reintegrated into your original body.
Deadline for applying for renewal or reintegration
You must ask your home administration to renew your secondment or reinstate you at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host organization shall inform you and your home administration, at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, of its decision on whether or not to renew your secondment.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host organization, for a reason other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, you are reinstated immediately and, if necessary, in excess in your home body, and assigned to a job corresponding to your rank.
If you are reinstated in excess, you are assigned to 1re vacancy in your grade.
You have priority to be assigned to the position you held before your secondment.
If you refuse the proposed position, you can only be appointed to another position if a position is vacant.
In the event of non-compliance with the time limits by the administration or the staff member
If you do not apply for renewal of your secondment or reinstatement at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment, you are compulsorily reinstated at 1re a vacancy in your home body assigned to a post corresponding to your grade.
If your host organization does not inform you of its decision to renew or not renew your secondment at least 2 months before the end of the current secondment period, it shall continue to send you pay until you return to 1re vacancy in your original body.
You have priority to be assigned to the position you held before your secondment.
If you refuse the proposed position, you can only be appointed to another position if a position is vacant.
In the event of early termination of secondment
If your secondment organization terminates your secondment before the scheduled termination date, for reasons other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, and if you cannot be reinstated in your home organization due to a lack of vacant employment, you continue to be paid by your secondment organization until your reinstatement.
In case of secondment to the administration of a Member State of the European Economic Area or to a Member of ParliamentIf your secondment is terminated before the scheduled end date, for reasons other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, you shall be reinstated in your original corps, if necessary in excess.
If you ask for your secondment to be terminated before the scheduled termination date, you are reinstated in 1re job vacancy in your home body.
You shall also be reinstated immediately and, if necessary, in your original body if your secondment is terminated, for a cause other than a mistake committed in the performance of your duties, in the following cases:
- Detachment to participate in a cooperation mission
- Secondment to serve in an overseas community or in New Caledonia
- Secondment to teach or perform a public-interest task abroad or with an international intergovernmental organization or a body of general interest of an international character
- Secondment to carry out a public interest mission of international cooperation.
In case of secondment to a company linked to administration by a public contract in the context of a transfer of activities, your secondment shall be tacitly renewed for the same period as the initial period within the time limit of the public contract, unless you, your home administration or the host company object within the period of 3 months before the termination of the secondment in progress. In that case, your secondment is terminated.
Your secondment is also terminated at the end of the procurement.
In these 2 cases, you are reintegrated into your original body on a job corresponding to your rank.
The company may also terminate your secondment before the scheduled termination date for any reason other than misconduct in the performance of your duties. In this case, if you cannot be reinstated immediately to your home body because of a lack of job vacancy, the company will continue to pay you until you reinstate in 1re vacancy, in your home administration.
You can also request the end of your secondment before the scheduled end date. If your home administration cannot reinstate you immediately, you will be laid off until you return to one of the first 3 vacancies in your grade.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled to the return-to-work allowance.
Your home administration may ask for your secondment to end before the scheduled end date and return you.
In case of secondment to a private company, a private body or a public interest group to carry out research of national interestHowever, your secondment may be terminated by the Minister responsible for research and the Minister to whom you report in your home department.
What jobs are available through secondment to the public service?
Secondment may be carried out within the territorial civil service or in another civil service (State, hospital).
All bodies and posts are accessible by secondment, except bodies with jurisdictional powers.
The bodies with judicial powers are the magistrates of administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal, the magistrates of the regional chambers of accounts and the Court of Auditors and the members of the Council of State.
Posting shall be between an official or a staff member same hierarchical category (A, B or C) and comparable level.
The level of the original post office framework and that of the seconded post office or framework shall be compared in accordance with the conditions of recruitment or the level of the tasks provided for in the specific statutes.
The conditions of recruitment group together:
- The level of qualification required for access to the job or body
- The method of recruitment for jobs or the corps (competition, period of internship, school of application, etc.)
- The pool and conditions for recruitment by internal promotion.
The assignments are compared according to the type of functions, activities or responsibilities to which they give access (management, management, expertise, execution, etc.).
Access to the functions of a body or framework of posts the exercise of which is subject to the holding of a specific title or diploma is possible provided that he holds that title or diploma.
How do I get a secondment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your community of membership and your administration welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home community duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to reply within 2 months shall constitute acceptance of your posting request.
Your home community may require you to respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, it may require that you do not leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months and may not be renewed. At the end of a short-term secondment, you must be reinstated in your previous job.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years. At the end of a 5-year period secondment, your host administration should offer you to integrate permanently your host body or framework of jobs (unless your job is terminated).
If you agree to be permanently integrated into your host employment body or framework, you will be removed from your original employment framework.
If you refuse this integration, you can request the renewal of your secondment for a maximum of 5 years.
There is no limit to the number of renewals.
You can reconsider your refusal to integrate your host body or job framework and ask for your integration at any time.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
Grade and step
You're detached on a equivalent grade at your original grade.
In this welcoming grade equivalent to your home grade, you are graded on a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your home grade.
If this grade does not have a step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
If your host body or work environment does not have an equivalent grade at your home grade, you are posted to the grade whose gross index for the last step is closest to the gross index for the last step of your home grade.
In this welcoming grade, you are classified at a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your original grade. If there is no step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
Seniority in step
You keep your seniority in step, within the limit of average seniority, or possibly the maximum length of service required for advancement to the next higher step in your home grade in the following cases :
- The increase in your salary following your secondment is less than or equal to that which would have resulted from a step advancement in your original grade
- Or the salary increase following your secondment is less than or equal to that resulting from your advancement to the last step if you were at the last step in your original grade
If this is more favorable to you, account shall be taken, in your body or host post, of the grade and step you have reached in your original post or which you are eligible for following your success in a competition or professional examination or your entry on a grade promotion board of your choice.
Situation in the body or context of jobs of origin
During your secondment, you have a double quarry, i.e. you continue to benefit from increments in your original job framework and you also compete for increments in your body or host job framework.
Renewal of secondment
At each renewal of your secondment, your secondment is made taking into account your situation in your home-based jobs, as during your initial secondment.
How is the professional assessment performed?
In case of secondment of short-lived, the line manager to whom you report in your host service sends an assessment of your activity to your home community at the end of your secondment.
This assessment shall be communicated to you.
If you are on secondment from long life, you will benefit from a professional interview with your direct supervisor in your host administration.
The interview report is sent to your home community.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to the CNRACL: titleContent.
You contribute on the basis of the index treatment that you perceive in your body or framework of host jobs.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Integrated into your detachment body or framework (If you have been detached for at least 5 years, your host administration offers to integrate your detachment body or framework)
- Or renewed in your detachment
- Or reinstated in your original job setting.
Deadline for applying for renewal or reintegration
You must apply to your home community for a renewal of your secondment or reintegration before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host administration will inform you and your home community before the end of the current period of secondment of its decision to renew or not renew your secondment.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host administration, you are reinstated to your job and reassigned to 1re vacancy or job creation corresponding to your rank in your home community.
If you refuse the proposed job, you are placed on standby. You are then reinstated on a job of your rank when a job becomes vacant or is created.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
Consideration of career in the body or in the context of host jobs
When you are reinstated in your original post office, account shall be taken of the grade and step you have reached in your corps or post office if they are more favorable to you.
You are reinstated in your original grade equivalency and step jobs with a gross index equal to your gross index in your posting grade.
If your reinstatement grade does not have a step with an equal gross score at your gross secondment index, you are ranked at a step with the index immediately above your gross index in your secondment grade.
If your reintegration job framework does not have an equivalent grade at your level of secondment, you are reinstated on a grade within your re-entry job framework, the gross index for the last step of which is closest to the gross index for the last step of your grade of secondment.
In this reintegration grade, you are classified at a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your secondment grade. If your re-entry grade does not have a step with a gross index equal to your gross secondment index, you are classified at a step with the index immediately above your gross index in your secondment grade.
You maintain seniority in the step, up to the maximum length of service required for advancement to the next higher step in your grade of secondment in the following cases:
- The increase in your salary following your reintegration is less than or equal to that which would have resulted from a step advancement in your grade of secondment
- Or the increase in your salary following your re-entry is less than or equal to that resulting from your advancement to the last step if you were at the last step in your posting grade
In the event of early termination of secondment
You, your host administration and your home community can request that your secondment be terminated before the scheduled end date.
Except in the case of misconduct in the performance of your duties, your host administration must request the early termination of your secondment from your home community at least 3 months before the desired end date.
If your home community cannot immediately reintegrate you due to a lack of job vacancies, you continue to be paid by your host administration until you reintegrate.
If you request an early termination of your secondment and your home community cannot immediately reintegrate you due to a lack of vacant employment, you will be placed on standby until your reintegration.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
In the event of failure to reintegrate
At the end of a long-term secondment, if your home community does not have a vacancy corresponding to your rank, you are kept in excess for 1 year in your home community.
During this one-year period, your community will provide you with a priority for any job created or vacant that matches your rank.
She is looking into the possibility of detaching you or integrating you directly into an equivalent job in another job framework.
It examines the possibilities of activity on a job corresponding to your grade or on an equivalent job in another public service (state, hospital).
Your community, the CNFPT: titleContent and the management center is looking at reclassifying.
At the end of the maintenance period one year, if you have not been reassigned to a position of your rank, you are supported by the management center or, if you belong to one of the following job managers, by the NCTF:
- Administrators
- Chief Engineers
- Heritage Conservators
- Library custodians
- Professional Fire Fighters Design and Leadership Job Framework
You are under the authority of the NCTF or the management center.
Within 3 months of the start of your takeover, the management center or the NCTF, and you, jointly develop a personalized project for return to work.
During the take-over period, you are kept informed of the jobs created or declared vacant by the management center or the NCTF.
The management center or the CNFPT may entrust you with assignments, including as part of a secondment, and offers you any vacancy corresponding to your grade.
You must report every 6 months on your active job search, in particular by communicating your applications and the interview certificates for recruitment.
You perceive, the 1re year of care, your entire salary and residence allowance, if you receive this additional remuneration.
This remuneration is then reduced by 10% for 10 years.
During the assignments entrusted to you, you receive your full salary and you can benefit from the compensation plan of your rank.
If you do not find a job during the 10 years of care, you are dismissed or retired if you are entitled to a full-rate pension.
If you refuse 3 job offers, you are also dismissed or retired.
What jobs are available by secondment?
Secondment is possible to the following organizations or for the following reasons:
- Secondment to a public company or a public interest group
- Secondment to a private company carrying out tasks of general interest
- Secondment to a private organization or association whose activities promote or complement the activities of a public community
- Secondment to participate in a cultural, scientific and technical cooperation mission to a State foreigner
- Secondment to provide education abroad
- Secondment to carry out a public-interest mission abroad or to an international intergovernmental organization
- Secondment to carry out a mission of public interest involving international cooperation or to bodies of general interest of international character
- Detachment to fulfill a local mandate
- Secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group to carry out research of national interest
- Secondment for the completion of an internship or a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or for a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Detachment for the exercise of a trade union mandate
- Secondment to a training provider for public officials
- Secondment to a Member of the National Assembly, a Senator or a representative of France in the European Parliament
- Detachment to undertake a commitment in a military formation of the French army, or to exercise an activity in the operational reserve
- Secondment to the Ombudsman
- Secondment to the National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms (Cnil)
- Secondment to the Audiovisual and Digital Communications Regulatory Authority
- Secondment to reclassification for physical incapacity
- Secondment in connection with the reclassification of a professional firefighter for operational reasons
- Secondment to the administration of a Member State of the European Economic Area or to the administration of a public authority or a public establishment belonging to one of those States
- Secondment to a functional job (i.e. executive)
How do I get a secondment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your community of membership and your organization welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home community duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to respond within 2 months is deemed acceptance of your request.
Your home community may require that you respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, it may require that you do not leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
In the case of a secondment to a private organization, your home community may request theopinion of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) if they have serious doubts about the compatibility of your new business with the functions you have performed in the last 3 years.
You are seconded by operation of law in the following cases (i.e. your home administration cannot refuse your secondment):
- Secondment for the completion of an internship or a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or for a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Detachment for the exercise of a trade union mandate
- Detachment to exercise a local mandate.
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months and may not be renewed.
However, this period is extended to 1 year in the case of posting to overseas territories or abroad.
At the end of a short-term secondment, you must be reinstated in your previous job.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years.
There is no limit to the number of renewals.
However, in the event of secondment for to carry out a public-interest task of international cooperation, long-term secondment may not exceed 2 years renewable once 2 years.
In case of secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group in order to carry out research of national interest, the secondment may be renewed only exceptionally and for a single period of five years.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to benefit from incremental advances in your original body.
How is the professional assessment performed?
You are assessed by your home community based on a report from your direct supervisor in your host organization.
This report shall be drawn up after an individual interview.
It is sent to you beforehand and you can comment on it.
However, you are not not evaluated in the following cases secondment:
- Exercise of an elected office
- Secondment to Members of Parliament
And in case of secondment to complete a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or in preparation for a competition giving access to such a post, account shall be taken, for the assessment of your professional value, of the report on the professional interview drawn up the year preceding your secondment.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to your pension plan, i.e. the CNRACL: titleContent.
You contribute on the basis of the index treatment matching your grade and step within your home job framework.
However, if you are seconded to to hold an elected office, you may be a member of the pension scheme to which this posting function is subject.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Renewed in your detachment
- Or reinstated in your original job framework
Deadline to apply?
You must apply to your home community for a renewal of your secondment or reintegration before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host organization will inform you and your home community before the end of the current secondment period of its decision whether to renew your secondment.
In case of secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group to carry out research of national interest, your secondment may be terminated by the minister responsible for research.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host administration or if your secondment for research is terminated, you are reinstated to your job and reassigned to 1re vacancy or job creation corresponding to your rank in your home community.
If you refuse the proposed job, you are placed on standby. You are then reinstated on a job of your rank when a job becomes vacant or is created.
During your statutory availability, you are considered to be unintentionally deprived of employment and entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
In the event of early termination of secondment
You, your host organization and your home community can request that your secondment be terminated before the scheduled end date.
Except in the case of misconduct in the performance of your duties, your host organization must request the early termination of your secondment from your home community aat least 3 months before the desired end date.
If your home community cannot immediately reintegrate you due to a lack of job vacancies, you continue to be paid by your host organization until you reintegrate.
If you request an early termination of your secondment and your home community cannot immediately reintegrate you due to a lack of vacant employment, you will be placed on standby until your reintegration.
During your statutory availability, you are considered to be unintentionally deprived of employment and entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
In the event of failure to reintegrate
At the end of a long-term secondment, if your home community does not have a vacancy corresponding to your rank, you are kept in excess for 1 year in your home community.
During this one-year period, your community will provide you with a priority for any job created or vacant that matches your rank.
She is looking into the possibility of detaching you or integrating you directly into an equivalent job in another job framework.
It examines the possibilities of activity on a job corresponding to your grade or on an equivalent job in another public service (state, hospital).
Your community, the CNFPT: titleContent and the management center is looking at reclassifying.
At the end of the maintenance period one year, if you have not been reassigned to a position of your rank, you are supported by the management center or, if you belong to one of the following job managers, by the NCTF:
- Administrators
- Chief Engineers
- Heritage Conservators
- Library custodians
- Professional Fire Fighters Design and Leadership Job Framework
You are under the authority of the NCTF or the management center.
Within 3 months of the start of your takeover, the management center or the NCTF, and you, jointly develop a personalized return-to-work project.
During the take-over period, you are kept informed of the jobs created or declared vacant by the management center or the NCTF.
The management center or the CNFPT may entrust you with assignments, including as part of a secondment, and offers you any vacancy corresponding to your grade.
You must report every 6 months on your active job search, in particular by communicating your applications and the interview certificates for recruitment.
You perceive, the 1re year of care, your entire salary and residence allowance, if you receive this additional remuneration.
This remuneration is then reduced by 10% for 10 years.
During the assignments entrusted to you, you receive your full salary and you can benefit from the compensation plan of your rank.
If you do not find a job during the 10 years of care, you are dismissed or retired if you are entitled to a full-rate pension.
If you refuse 3 job offers, you are also dismissed or retired.
What jobs are available through secondment to the public service?
Secondment may be carried out in the hospital public service or in another public service (State or territorial).
All bodies and posts are accessible by secondment, except bodies with jurisdictional powers.
The bodies with judicial powers are the magistrates of administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal, the magistrates of the regional chambers of accounts and the Court of Auditors and the members of the Council of State.
The secondment shall be made between the corps or framework of posts of same hierarchical category (A, B or C) and comparable level.
The level of the original corps and that of the detachment corps or framework of posts shall be compared on the basis of the conditions of recruitment or the level of the tasks provided for in the specific statutes.
The conditions of recruitment group together:
- The level of qualification required for access to the corps or to the job framework
- The method of recruitment into the body or framework of jobs (competition, period of internship, school of application, etc.)
- The pool and conditions for recruitment by internal promotion
The assignments are compared according to the type of functions, activities or responsibilities to which they give access (management, management, expertise, execution, etc.).
Access to the functions of a body or framework of posts the exercise of which is subject to the holding of a specific title or diploma is possible provided that he holds that title or diploma.
How do I get a secondment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your institution of membership and your administration welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home institution duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to respond within 2 months is deemed acceptance of your request.
Your home institution may require that you respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, he may require you not to leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months, or be renewed. During a short-term secondment, you are not replaced in your job and you are reinstated in that job at the end of your secondment.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years.
At the end of a 5-year period secondment, your host administration should offer you to integrate permanently your host body or framework of jobs (unless your job is terminated).
If you agree to be permanently integrated into your host body or employment, you will be removed from your original body.
If you refuse this integration, you can request the renewal of your secondment for a maximum of 5 years.
There is no limit to the number of renewals.
You can reconsider your refusal to integrate your host body or job framework and ask for your integration at any time.
The application for renewal of a long-term secondment must be made to your home institution at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
Grade and step
You're detached on a equivalent grade at your original grade.
In this welcoming grade equivalent to your home grade, you are graded on a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your home grade.
If this grade does not have a step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
If your host body or work environment does not have an equivalent grade at your home grade, you are posted to the grade whose gross index for the last step is closest to the gross index for the last step of your home grade.
In this welcoming grade, you are classified at a step with a gross index equal to your gross index in your original grade. If there is no step with a gross index equal to your original gross index, you are graded to a step with the index immediately above your original gross index.
Seniority in step
You keep your seniority in step, within the limit of average seniority required for advancement to the next level in your home grade in the following cases :
- The increase in your salary following your secondment is less than or equal to that which would have resulted from a step advancement in your original grade
- Or the salary increase following your secondment is less than or equal to that resulting from your advancement to the last step if you were at the last step in your original grade
If this is more favorable to you, account shall be taken in your body or host post of the grade and step you have reached in your home body or are eligible for following your success in a competition or professional examination or your entry on a promotion table of grade of your choice.
Situation in the body or context of jobs of origin
During your secondment, you have a double quarry, i.e. you continue to benefit from increments in your home body and you also compete for increments in your host body or job environment.
Renewal of secondment
At each renewal of your secondment, your secondment is pronounced taking into account your situation in your original body, as at your initial secondment.
How is the professional assessment performed?
In case of secondment of short-lived, your host authority shall, at the end of your secondment, pass on an assessment of your activity to your home institution.
This assessment shall be communicated to you.
If you are on secondment from long life, you will benefit from a professional interview with your direct supervisor in your host administration.
The interview report is sent to your home institution.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to the CNRACL: titleContent.
You contribute on the basis of the index treatment that you perceive in your body or in the framework of host jobs.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Integrated into your detachment body or framework (If you have been detached for at least 5 years, your host administration offers to integrate your detachment body or framework)
- Or renewed in your detachment
- Or reintegrated into your original body.
Deadline for applying for renewal or reintegration
You must apply to your home institution for a renewal of your secondment or reintegration at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host administration will inform you and your home institution, at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, of its decision on whether or not to renew your secondment.
If your host administration does not inform you of its decision to renew or not renew your secondment at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, it will continue to pay you until you return to the 1re vacancy in your home institution, if your home institution cannot reinstate you immediately.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host administration, for a reason other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, you are reinstated in your original job or in another job of your rank within your institution.
This is also the case if you do not request renewal of your secondment or reintegration at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
If you refuse the proposed job, you are placed on standby. You can only be appointed to a position of your rank or equivalent when a position is vacant in your home institution.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
In the event of early termination of secondment
Your host administration may request to terminate to your secondment before the scheduled date.
It must apply at least 3 months before the desired end date.
If your home institution is unable to reintegrate you immediately into your home institution because of a lack of vacant employment, you continue to be paid by your host administration until you reintegrate, at 1re vacancy, and at the latest until the date on which your secondment was due to end.
You can ask for the end of your secondment before the scheduled end date. You must apply at least 3 months before the desired reintegration date. If your home institution cannot reinstate you immediately, you are laid off until a job corresponding to your grade becomes vacant.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
Your home institution may request termination of your secondment before the scheduled end date. They must inform you and your host administration at least 3 months before the desired date of reintegration.
This minimum period of three months shall not apply where the early termination of the secondment occurs as a result of misconduct in the performance of your duties.
In the event of failure to reintegrate
At the end of the scheduled period of long-term secondment, if your home institution cannot reintegrate you due to a lack of job vacancy, you are placed on standby. Your head of institution will immediately notify the DDCS: titleContent.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
The DDCS offers you, within one year, 3 vacancies, corresponding to your grade.
These jobs must be located within the following perimeter:
- The department where the headquarters of your home institution is located if you are a category C civil servant
- The region in which your home institution is located if you are a Category A or B civil servant. However, if you are a management person, engineer, care manager or psychologist, job offers are made in all hospitals
Consideration of career in the body or in the context of host jobs
When you are reinstated in your original corps, account shall be taken of the grade and step you have attained in your corps or in the framework of secondment posts if they are more favorable to you.
Consideration is also given to the grade and step you may be eligible for, following success in a competition or professional examination or your entry on a promotion board of your choice, if they are more favorable to you.
What jobs are available by secondment?
Secondment is possible to the following organizations or for the following reasons:
- Secondment to participate in a cultural, scientific and technical cooperation mission to a State foreigner
- Secondment to a public company
- Secondment to a company or a private body carrying out a mission of general interest
- Posting to a health cooperation group or a social or medical-social cooperation group
- Secondment to a company linked to your establishment by a public contract if this contract is part of a transfer of activities
- Secondment to provide education abroad
- Secondment to carry out a public-interest mission abroad or to an international intergovernmental organization
- Secondment to carry out a mission of public interest involving international cooperation or to bodies of general interest of international character
- Secondment to hold an elected office
- Secondment to a private company, private body or public interest group to carry out research of national interest
- Secondment to a public-interest group, an economic-interest group, a health cooperation group or an inter-hospital medical federation
- Secondment to a regional health agency
- Secondment to complete a traineeship or a period of education prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or to complete a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Secondment to exercise a trade union mandate;
- Detachment to undertake a commitment in a military formation of the French army, or to exercise an activity in the operational reserve
- Secondment to the Defender of Rights
- Secondment to the National Commission on Informatics and Freedoms
- Secondment to the Audiovisual and Digital Communications Regulatory Authority
- Secondment to a Member of the National Assembly, a Senator or a representative of France in the European Parliament
- Secondment to the administration of a Member State of the European Economic Area
How do I get a secondment?
When you have a promise to hire, you must ask for your secondment in writing at a time to your institution of membership and your organization welcome.
It is recommended to make the request by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivered letter against receipt.
Your request for secondment must specify the start date and the period of secondment desired.
Your home institution duty answer at your request within 2 months upon receipt of your request.
Failure to respond within 2 months is deemed acceptance of your request.
Your home institution may require that you respect a notice period up to 3 months. That is, he may require you not to leave your post before a maximum period of 3 months from the date of receipt of your request for secondment.
In case of secondment to a private organization, your home institution may request theopinion of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) if they have serious doubts about the compatibility of your new business with the functions you have performed in the last 3 years.
You are seconded by operation of law in the following cases (i.e. your home administration cannot refuse your secondment):
- Secondment for the completion of an internship or a period of schooling prior to establishment in a permanent post in the public service or for a cycle of preparation for a competition giving access to such a post
- Detachment for the exercise of a trade union mandate
- Secondment to perform the duties of a member of the Government, a term of office as a member of the National Assembly, the Senate or the European Parliament.
How long is the secondment?
Detachment may be short or long duration.
The secondment of short-lived may not exceed 6 months and may not be renewed.
However, this period is extended to 1 year in the case of posting to overseas communities, New Caledonia or abroad.
During a short-term secondment, you are not replaced in your job and you are reinstated in that job at the end of your secondment.
The secondment of long life may not exceed 5 years.
There is no limit to the number of renewals.
However, secondment to a private company, a private body or a public interest group to carry out research of national interest may only intervene in exceptional cases and for a single maximum period of five years.
The application for renewal of a long-term secondment must be submitted to your home administration at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
What is the official’s administrative situation during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to benefit from incremental advances in your original body.
How is the professional assessment performed?
You are assessed by your home institution on the basis of a report drawn up by the authority to which you report in your host organization.
In the event of secondment for to hold an elected office or a trade union officeNo, you're not rated.
What are the pension rights during secondment?
During your secondment, you continue to contribute to the CNRACL: titleContent.
You contribute on the basis of the index treatment matching your rank and step in your home body.
What are the working conditions for the secondment?
You are subject to the provisions governing your secondment employment.
How is the end of the long-term secondment?
At the end of your long-term secondment, you can apply to be:
- Renewed in your detachment
- Or reintegrated into your original body.
Deadline for applying for renewal or reintegration
You must apply to your home institution for a renewal of your secondment or reintegration at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
Your host organization shall inform you and your home institution, at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, of its decision on whether or not to renew your secondment.
If your host organization does not inform you of its decision to renew or not renew your secondment at least 2 months before the end of the current period of secondment, it will continue to pay you until your reintegration at 1re vacancy in your home institution, if your home institution cannot reinstate you immediately.
In case of non-renewed secondment
If your secondment is not renewed by your host organization, for a reason other than misconduct in the performance of your duties, you are reinstated in your original job or in another job of your rank within your institution.
This is also the case if you do not apply for a renewal of your secondment or reinstatement at least 3 months before the end of the current period of secondment.
If you refuse the proposed job, you are placed on standby. You can only be appointed to a position of your rank or equivalent when a position is vacant in your home institution.
In the event of early termination of secondment
Your host organization may request to terminate to your secondment before the scheduled date.
They must request it at least 3 months before the desired end date.
If your home institution cannot reintegrate you immediately into your home institution because of a lack of vacant employment, you continue to be paid by your host institution until your reintegration in 1re vacancy, and at the latest until the date on which your secondment was due to end.
You can ask for the end of your secondment before the scheduled end date. You must apply at least 3 months before the desired reintegration date.
If your home institution cannot reinstate you immediately, you are laid off until a job corresponding to your grade becomes vacant.
At the same time, your statutory availability is considered to have been involuntarily deprived of employment and you are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
Your home institution may request termination of your secondment before the scheduled end date. They must inform you and your host organization at least 3 months before the desired date of reintegration.
This minimum period of three months shall not apply where the early termination of the secondment occurs as a result of misconduct in the performance of your duties.
If you are seconded to a private company, private organization or public interest group to carry out research of national interest, your secondment may be terminated by the Minister responsible for research.
In the event of failure to reintegrate
At the end of the scheduled period of long-term secondment, if your home institution cannot reintegrate you due to a lack of job vacancy, you are placed on standby. Your head of institution will immediately notify the DDCS: titleContent.
Meanwhile, your office availability, you are regarded as unintentionally deprived of employment and are entitled toreturn-to-work allowance.
The DDCS offers you, within one year, 3 vacancies, corresponding to your grade.
These jobs must be located within the following perimeter:
- The department where the headquarters of your home institution is located if you are a category C civil servant
- The region in which your home institution is located if you are a Category A or B civil servant. However, if you are a management person, engineer, care manager or psychologist, job offers are made in all hospitals.
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Ministry of Public Service